Doctoral Programme "Democracy in the Twenty-first Century"
fotografia de Sheila Holz

Sheila Holz

Sheila Holz is the executive coordinator of the PHOENIX (The rise of citizens' voices for a Greener Europe) project, funded under the H2020 program of the European Commission, running from 2022 to 2025. PHOENIX is an iterative learning process for different actors in different countries, whose overarching objective is to increase the transformative potential of democratic innovations under the European Green Deal, addressing farm-to-fork, circular economy, energy transition, and healthy soil policy areas.

During her research career, she has been involved in projects related to citizen participation, the co-creation of nature-based solutions, issues related to agriculture and environmental risk assessment of pesticides, and fundamental rights such as housing. She has a degree in Law (2000), a Master's degree (2009) in Territorial Planning - Urbanism from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), and a PhD (2015) in "Democracy in the 21st Century" from the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), with a doctoral scholarship funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She was a visiting student at the Università Degli Studi di Firenze, Italy (2011). Her doctoral thesis analyzed the importance of the law to promote practices of citizen participation in the elaboration of urban planning instruments, in Portugal and Italy. His area of research is public participation, democratic innovations, and issues related to agriculture, such as the farm-to-fork system promoted by the European Commission. Her current research interests are democracy strengthening; democratic innovations; green transition; agroecology; the right to housing and the right to the city.

PhD Thesis proposal

Supervisor/s: Giovanni Allegretti e Fernanda Paula Marques Oliveira
Funding: FCT

Book chapters

Allegretti, Giovanni; Holz, Sheila; Rodrigues, Nuno (2021), Platform Economy in Lisbon During the Pandemic Emergency: Insights on the Circulation of Policy Ideas, in Spite of the Absence of a Specific Policy, in Osmany Porto de Oliveira (org.), Policy Diffusion: New Constraints, New Realities. São José do Rio Preto: Balão Editorial, 103-130.

Holz, Sheila (2016), O percurso da lei toscana de incentivo à participação cidadã como direito fundamental, in Jorge Miranda, Jose Bolzan Morais, Saulo Tarso Rodrigues, Nuria Belloso Martín (org.) (org.), Hermenêutica, Justiça Constitucional e Direitos Fundamentais. Curitiba, Brasil: Juruá, 781-802.

Papers in scientific journals

Sousa, José Paulo; Aldrich, Annette; Axelman, Johan; Backhaus, Thomas; Brendel, Stephan; Dorronsoro, Begoña; Duquesne, Sabine; Focks, Andreas; Holz, Sheila; Knillmann, Saskia; Pieper, Silvia; Schmied?Tobies, Maria; Silva, Emília; Topping, Chris; Wipfler, Louise; Williams, James (2022), "Building a European Partnership for next generation, systems‐based Environmental Risk Assessment (PERA). Final Roadmap Report", EFSA Supporting Publications, 19, 8, 58.

Allegretti, Giovanni; Holz, Sheila (2021), "Stricto sensu VS lato sensu? : Regulating Participatory Processes Between The Force of Law and The Force of Will", Etica pubblica : studi su legalità e partecipazione, 2, 71-91.

Allegretti, Giovanni; Holz, Sheila; Rodrigues, Nuno (2021), "At a crossroads: Uber and the ambiguities of the COVID-19 emergency in Lisbon", Work organisation, labour & globalisation, 15, 1, 85-106.

Marques Oliveira, Fernanda Paula; Holz, Sheila (2019), "Parcelamento e edificação compulsórios” como instrumento de implementação e de consolidação da função social da propriedade. O caso Português (com algumas incursões no direito brasileiro).", Revista Americana de Direito Urbanístico, 1, 157-185.

Holz, Sheila (2018), "O Caminho Legislativo da Primeira Lei Toscana para Incentivo a Práticas Participativas", Boletim de Análise Político-Institucional, 14, 47-53.

Holz, Sheila (2017), "O direito à participação no planeamento urbano em Portugal: um diálogo entre o Direito e a Sociologia", Revista CEDOUA, 39, 49-71.

Papers in conference proceedings

Holz, Sheila (2010), "Do Movimento Social à Participação Popular no Direito à Moradia para a população das Favelas: Desafio e oportunidades da trajetória brasileira - Exemplo da cidade de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil" Florianópolis: UFSC, 1580 - 1599.


Holz, Sheila (2007), "A cidadania através da participação popular no ordenamento do território: o papel da educação" Aveiro: UA

Holz, Sheila (2007), "A eficácia do usucapião coletivo como instrumento de regularização fundiária e inclusão social" Lisboa

Presentations in scientific events

Holz, Sheila (2019), Da cultura de participação na cidade do Porto (primeiros resultados), paper presented at Participação e regeneração urbana em Lisboa e no Porto - Debate aberto com as equipas de investigação dos projetos financiados pelo Programa Horizon 2020 da União Europeia ROCK (ICS-ULisboa) e URBINAT (CES-UC), ICS-Lisboa, 11 to 11 January.

Holz, Sheila (2017), O direito à participação cidadã no planejamento urbano em Portugal e a experiência de Lisboa, paper presented at ., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 17 to 17 August.

Holz, Sheila (2012), The (lack of) coordination between participatory processes: experiences in Iberian peninsula, paper presented at 22nd World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, 08 to 12 July.

Holz, Sheila (2010), Exposição oral, paper presented at Democracia e participação: as experiências no planejamento urbano de Portugal e Brasil”, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - Chapecó, SC, Brasil.

Holz, Sheila (2009), Exposição oral, paper presented at O direito à habitação no Brasil - legislação recente,, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.

Advanced training courses

Holz, Sheila (2018), participation in Proteção de Dados, Proteção de Direitos, Coimbra, UNIFOJ | Unidade de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária.