Community-based participatory research on health disparities: An initial exploration of possibilities and problems

Peter Taylor, University of Massachusetts (EUA)

March 18th 2010, 14:00, CES Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Coimbra

Within the Doctoral Programme "Governance, Knowledge, and Innovation", CES/FEUC


Reduction in health disparities does not necessarily require community-based participatory research among disadvantaged communities. Nor does participation in community-based participatory research come naturally to members of those communities or to concerned health researchers. What is involved in preparing to participate in reducing health disparities? What theory and evidence support a CBPR approach? Building on my 2005 book, Unruly Complexity, I am especially interested in practices that meet "the challenge of bringing into interaction not only a wider range of researchers, but a wider range of social agents, and the challenge of keeping them working through differences and tensions until plans and practices are developed in which all the participants are invested.

Biographic note

Peter Taylor is a Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He directs the Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Graduate Program, which aims to provide its mid-career or career-changing students with "knowledge, tools, experience, and support so they can become constructive, reflective agents of change in education, work, social movements, science, and creative arts." He also directs the Program in Science, Technology and Values (STV), which offers courses to undergraduates about the interactions between scientific developments and social change and promotes discussion and teaching innovation among faculty. These roles come together in the new Graduate certificate and Masters track in CCT on "Science in the Changing World."

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