Globalisation of the exception: hybridisation and erosion of the rule of law

António Casimiro Ferreira

German Silva

December 16, 2020, 16h00 (GMT)

Online event


The discourses of the superiority of the development of financial markets, the fight against terrorism and now the fight against the pandemic, in different times, intensities and legitimacies sought to legitimise the exception and the consequent hybridisation and erosion of the rule of law. In this context, this seminar intends to reflect on the paths and (i)legitimacies of the exception and the challenges to the "constitutional state of democratic and socially sustainable law".

German Silva – UC Colômbia
António Casimiro Ferreira – CES/FEUC

Moderator / Comments:
Wanda Capeller – ScienPo Toulouse/ CES
João Pedroso – CES/FEUC 


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