Doctoral Programme "Democracy in the Twenty-first Century"
fotografia de Jonas Van Vossole

Jonas Van Vossole

Jonas Van Vossole is a doctor in Political Science, and is part of the ECOSOC research group at Centro de Estudos Sociais at Coimbra University, Portugal. He detains a master degree in Political Science and a master in Complementary Economics, both from the University of Ghent. These are complemented with a post-graduate degree in advanced studies of democracy in the XXI century at the University of Coimbra. Jonas main research interest concern the study of democracy, social movements, social protests and critical political science, political economy and political ecology. His PhD research focusses on the influence of the euro crisis on democratic legitimacy in Southern Europe, and Portugal in particular. This research focusses on the role of social conflict and hegemony in the conceptualizations of democracy in the political and academic debates. He is a member of the ECPR standing group of South European Politics and of Democratic Innovations.

His post-doctoral research project - Nature and Labour - aims to understand and propose Trade Union democracy as an alternative to the Democratic and Ecological crisis of Capitalism. It combines a continuation and further development of the critical approach in democratic theory adopted in my PhD research with perspectives of labour environmentalism. The approach will be inspired by reincorporating Rosa Luxemburgs’ approach of imperialism as a perspective on the relation between Capital and Nature and her approach of the Mass strike regarding Trade Unions and prefigurative politics. Empirically the research will be based on selected industrial conflicts which involve ecological aspects and interviews with trade union leaders and activists. We expect to find a democratic discourse based on day-to-day struggles of the working class, which - apart from inspiring climate activism and potentializing wider alliances with environmental social movements - can also be seen as a form of prefigurative politics. The research thus aims to demonstrate a potential of Trade Unions to play the role of a historical subject for a just transition towards a sustainable post-capitalist society.

PhD Thesis proposal

Crisis and democratic legitimacy the divergence of narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict
Supervisor/s: José Manuel Pureza

For nearly three decades democracy seemed to be unquestioned and unquestionable. The Fukuyaman post-political and post-history framework dominated social theory and mainstream political science approached democracy solely through its formal liberal representative prescription based upon free and fair rules of competition between parties. Also, critical political theory had more or less accepted the liberal political horizon; proposing deliberative, participative and agonistic alternative models which left capitalism itself evermore unquestioned. In the middle of the Global Financial crisis, the Euro crisis, the emergence of the Occupy movements and the Arab Spring, these certainties seemed to eclipse instantly. The main objective of this research was to discover why and how democracy was going through such a legitimacy crisis. This thesis is an inquiry into the relation between crisis and democracy based on the case-study of austerity-ridden Portugal between 2011 and 2015. Based upon a historical analysis of democratic theory throughout the evolution of capitalism and a critical analysis of the concept of crisis in the construction of political knowledge, this research studies the relationship between Portugal's political economy and the development of its democracy; from the period of fascism, over the Carnation Revolution and the European integration process to its present period of crisis and austerity. Our research is based upon the idea that democracy is an ideological concept – in which ideology refers to the medium through which consciousness and meaningfulness operate – and that crises emerge the "fundamental contradictions in society"; breaking up the hegemonic consensus. As diverging, potentially legitimate interests emerge, the dissensus in society is concentrated in the conceptualization of democracy itself, producing divergent narratives and perspectives of it: a Demodiversity is the apparent expression of the crisis of the hegemonic form of democracy. Such hypothesis has been substantiated by applying a critical discourse analysis to interviews of the various sides of the social conflict under austerity conditions. Besides the 67 people that were interviewed at the anti-austerity protests; we also interviewed 8 key-players: policymakers, opposition members of parliament, social movement activists and Trade Union leaders. For at least three decades, the traditional liberal-democratic democratic discourse has based upon the technocratic depoliticization and the culturalization of political problems, while government policies are formally legitimized based on procedures, law, elections, parliamentary majorities, ratified treaties and constitutional judgements. Austerity only deepened and normalized the neoliberal dimensions of inevitability and exceptionality. Besides the dominant model, we distinguished three other competing discourses of democracy which could have formed an alternative democratic content: the Acampadas, the Trade Union model, and the alternative party model. While the union discourse focusses on a conceptualization of democracy based upon everyday working and living conditions, collective action and direct participation, the social movements were more utopic by focussing on systemic change, horizontality, and practices of prefiguration. The discourse of the parties, was more institutionalist, focussed on organization, power, and the state, focussing on social and constitutional rights, elections, history, ideology, and strategy. This thesis argues that an articulation between these models – in the form of socialism – is necessary to present a viable alternative to the hegemonic liberal-democratic form. We conclude this thesis by critically analysing possible shortcomings of the separate alternative discourses, and how, to different extent, they were rearticulated back into the hegemonic liberal-democratic model of democracy. Notably, we focus on how aspects of depolitization and aesthetics in the assembly movements and how the excessive hope in electoral change and subsequent coalition-negotiations around the Geringonça-project did not solve the structural problems behind the democratic crisis.

Keywords: Crisis. Democracy. Legitimation crisis. Indignados. Demodiversity. Semi-peripheral capitalism. Portugal. Democratic discourses. Austerity. Social movements. Political Science

Book chapters

Uchoa, Marcela; Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), Neoliberalismo e extrema-direita na Europa, in Sousa A., Oliveira A.C., Batista L., Soares, M. (org.), Trabalho e os limites do Capitalismo: novas facetas do neoliberalismo. Rio do Janeiro: Universidade Federal Fluminense, 13.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), Reinstitutionalising Democracy: The Role of the Portuguese Elections in Temporally Taming the Democratic Crisis, in Carmo, Renato and Simões, José Alberto (org.), Protest, Youth and Precariousness. New York: Berghahn books.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), Classe, in Cntro de Estudos Sociais (org.), Dicionário Alice. Coimbra.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), Revolução, in Centro de Estudos Sociais (org.), Dicionário Alice. Coimbra.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2018), 4. “Crisis” as a social-scientific and critical perspective on the question of democracy in Portugal 2011-2014, in Patricia Oliveira (org.), Plunging into Turmoil: Social Sciences and Crises Processes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), Post-political elements in the Portuguese anti-austerity discourses, in Pereira, Joana Dias, Samara, Maria Alice, Godinho, Paula (org.), Espaços, redes e sociabilidades Cultura e política no movimento associativo contemporâneo. Lisboa: FCSH - IHC ebooks, 288-300.

Van Vossole, Jonas; Castro, Bela Irina (2015), Narrativas divergentes sobre a democracia no conflito social português – o caso da privatização da água, in Gisela Maria Bester, Alexandra Aragão e Gloriete Marques Alves Hilário (org.), “DIREITO E AMBIENTE PARA UMA DEMOCRACIA SUSTENTÁVEL: DIÁLOGOS MULTIDISCIPLINARES ENTRE BRASIL E PORTUGAL” . Curitiba: Instituto Memoria.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Post-political articulations of democracy: a critical review of the anti-austerity protest discourses, in Nos Aldas, Eloísa; Arevalo Salinas, Alex Ivan; Farne, Alessandra; (org.), Comunicambio: Comunicación y Sociedad Civil para el Cambio Social. Madrid: Fragua.

Papers in scientific journals

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), "Framing PIGS: patterns of racism and neocolonialism in the Euro crisis", Patterns of Prejudice, 50, 1, 1-20.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), "Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict: A dialect materialist approach", Cabo dos Trabalhos, 10, 1-17.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), "Long Waves of Political Contestation ", Kondratieff waves:Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratief, 2, 1, 276-296.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), "A crise de legitimidade da governança climática global. Combinação de uma perspetiva marxista e polanyiana", Revista Critica das Ciencias Sociais, 100.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), "Global Climate Governance: a legitimation crisis", Review, a Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, XXXV, 1, 1-27.

Presentations in scientific events

Van Vossole, Jonas (2024), Marx and Degrowth, paper presented at ECOSOC Political Ecology Reading Group, Coimbra, 22 to 22 January.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2023), Marx and Schmitt on the Frontier Between the Democratic Republic and the Colonial Jungle , paper presented at XX Historical Materialism Annual London Conference, SOAS, London University, 12 to 12 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2023), The frontier between the democratic republic and the colonial jungle in the contexto of Capital, paper presented at X Congreso de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía: Democracia, emancipación y sufrimiento social. Propuestas filosóficas para un futuro incierto, Universidad de Granada, 27 to 27 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2023), Marx e Schmitt na fronteira entre a república democrática e a selva colonial, paper presented at Congress internacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia, Universidade de Evora, 15 to 15 September.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2023), Primitive Accumulation as a perspective on the Nature, Labour, Race and Gender, paper presented at Ecologies of Labour Workshop/symposium, Nottingham Trent University, 16 to 16 June.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2023), Dialética, Crise e Crítica – um debate incomum, paper presented at Dia aberto - Faculdade de Letras UC, Coimbra, 19 to 19 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2023), Trade Union Democracy as a Political Alternative , paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia - APS, Coimbra, 06 to 06 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2022), Marx's Primitive Accumulation and Subsequent Imperialism Theories As a Perspective on the Human, Nature, Race and Gender, paper presented at Historical Materialism Annual London Conference, SOAS, London University, 12 to 12 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2022), Natureza, género e raça a partir da abordagem do imperialismo em Rosa Luxemburgo, paper presented at Seminario ECOSOC: O que é a natureza? Contributos desde Marx até ao marxismo clássico e contemporâneo, Coimbra, 06 to 06 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2021), Democracia Representativa ou Participativa: a questão de legitimidade no contexto atual, paper presented at Seminario internacional "Democracia, Mercado e Educação", Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - Brasil, 04 to 04 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas; Barca, Stefania (2021), "The return of nature: Socialism and ecology" - a critical reading, paper presented at ECOSOC reading group, Centros de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 25 to 25 February.

Van Vossole, Jonas; Uchoa, Marcela; Soares, Monica (2021), «Ecofascismo: Lecciones sobre la experiencia alemana» - a critical reading, paper presented at ECOSOC reading group, Centros de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 11 to 11 January.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), Framing PIGS: Racism and Neocolonialism in the Eurocrisis, paper presented at Europe of the Center and the Peripheries», FCSH, Lisbon, 16 to 17 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), Organization of APS international Seminar on Environment and Society, 02 to 03 March.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), Framing PIGS: patterns of racism and neocolonialism in the Euro crisis, paper presented at 3º Encontro Anual de Economia Política: Espaço, Tempo e Economia Politica, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 30 January 01 February.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), This is no democracy, we want Real Democracy?: Capitalist crisis and democratic utopias in Portugal 2011-2014, paper presented at Transformar o Capitalismo com Utopias Reais: Em torno do legado de Erik Olin Wright, Coimbra, 23 to 24 January.

Leonardi, Emanuele; Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), Climate and social struggle: a critical reading of Andreas Malm’s «The Progress of this Storm. Nature and Society in a Warming World», paper presented at Grupo de leitura | Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade (2019-2020), Coimbra, 17 to 17 December.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), Organization of Seminario: Golpe de estado na Bolívia – democracia, colonialismo e imperialismo, 09 to 09 December.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), This is no Democracy, we want real democracy - Capitalist Crisis and Utopias in Portugal, paper presented at Historical Materialism Conference, Soas, London, 06 to 10 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), This is no Democracy, we want real democracy, paper presented at The Crisis and the Challenges of Democracy, CES, Coimbra, 04 to 06 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), “New” democratic alternatives born from the Crisis, paper presented at More Representation = Democracy? Colloquium, FCSH, Universidade de Lisboa, 02 to 03 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), Demodiversity: Imaginations, contradictions and re-articulations of Democracy in context of crisis in Portugal and Mexico, paper presented at The Rule of All: Democracy and democratizing movements today, The Danish Institute at Athens, 04 to 06 March.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2019), The Democratic Discourse of Austerity, paper presented at 2o Encontro Anual de Economia Politica, Universidade de Coimbra, 01 to 02 February.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2018), Demodiversidade: Imaginações, contradições e rearticulações da Democracia no contexto da crise (2011-2015) em Portugal, paper presented at CES40: A imaginação do futuro. Saberes, experiências, alternativas, CES/UC, Coimbra, 07 to 10 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2018), State of Exception or Demo-diversity: Crisis of Democracy in Austerity-ridden Portugal, paper presented at Democracy and the rule of law in erosion: when the exception becomes the rule, Toulouse, 28 to 29 September.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2018), O discurso democratico da austeridade, paper presented at XI congresso APCP, Universidade do Minho, 18 to 20 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2018), The concept of the Political in Marx’s concept of Crisis, paper presented at Karl Marx 1818-2018. Critique of Political Economy - International Conference, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, 01 to 03 March.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2018), Framing PIGS: patterns of racism and neocolonialism in the Euro-crisis, paper presented at Historical Materialism: Fifteenth Annual Conference, SOAS, London, 08 to 11 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2017), The concept of the Political in Marx's concept of Crisis, paper presented at Historical Materialism 2017 Annual London Conference, SOAS, London, 09 to 12 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2017), The concept of "Crisis” in the transition to a “Historical” and “Political” Science , paper presented at 6º Colóquio Internacional de Pós-graduação em Filosofia de Coimbra, Coimbra, 18 to 19 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2017), Electoral Reconfiguration in Portugal: Implications for Democracy, paper presented at PSA 67th Annual International Conference, Glas, 10 April 12 February.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), Contradictions and crisis in the sub-imperial south: the case of Brazil today, paper presented at Historical Materialism conference, SOAS, London, 10 to 13 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), Sub-imperial South: the Case of Brazil today, paper presented at Legacies of the Tricontinental, 1966-2016: Imperialism, Resistance, Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 22 to 24 September.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), Democracy, Hegemony and Political Economy of the Portuguese Crisis, paper presented at 7th Annual Conference in Political Economy, ISEG, Lisboa, 07 to 09 September.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), Democratic legitimacy, capitalism and socio-ecological struggles - A critical essay about Environmental democracy, paper presented at Entitle Conference: Undisciplined Environments , Stockholm, 20 to 23 March.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), Commentario sessao sobre "Trabalho, capital e aquecimento global: mercados de carbono versus emprego climático", paper presented at Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade, CES Coimbra, 10 to 10 March.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Democracia ambiental: uma analise critica sobre legitimidade, capitalismo e luta socio-ecologica, paper presented at I Jornada internacional de sustentabilidade e direito, FDUL, Lisboa, 28 to 30 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Organization of II International EDISO Symposium, 18 to 20 June.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Post-crisis hegemonic articulations of democracy: a critical review of the anti-austerity protests, paper presented at #comunicambio 2015: International Congress on Communication, Civil Society and Social Change , Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, 20 to 22 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Post-crisis hegemonic articulations of democracy: a critical review of the discourse of the anti-austerity protest movements, paper presented at Conferencia Activismo Em Tempos De Crise: Media Digitais, Movimentos Sociais E Participação Pública na sociedade portuguesa , FCSH, Lisboa, 14 to 15 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Post-political articulations of democracy: a critical review of the anti-austerity protest discourses , paper presented at Workshop: Studying Social Movements against EU Austerity, Roskilde, Denmark , 07 to 08 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Post-crisis hegemonic articulations of democracy: a critical review of the discourse of the anti-austerity protest movements, paper presented at Espaços e redes de sociabilidade e participação. Cultura e política no associativismo contemporâneo, IHC-FCSH/UNL, Lisboa, 09 to 10 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), Crisis as a social-scientific and critical perspective on the question of democracy, paper presented at IV Colloquio Internacional de doutorandos CES: Poderes Emergentes, Continuidades e Transformações , Coimbra, 20 to 21 March.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), A divergencia e rearticulação dos discursos democraticos no conflito social portugues pos-crise., paper presented at Seminário “Media digitais, movimentos sociais e participação pública na sociedade portuguesa – práticas, protagonistas & discursos”, FCSH, Lisboa, 03 December.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), Post-crisis hegemonic articulations of democracy: a critical review of the anti-austerity protests, paper presented at 1st Cyprus Association of Political Science International Conference, University of Cyprus, 21 to 22 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), Global Climate Governance: a legitimation crisis Capitalism, power and alienation - Marxist and Polanyian Perspectives, paper presented at Historical Materialism conference, London, 06 to 09 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), Crisis as a social-scientific and critical perspective on the question of democracy, paper presented at Plunging into Turmoil: Social Sciences and the Crisis‏ , Observatorio Politico, Lisboa, 16 to 17 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), A critical assessment of Hegemony and Demo-diversity in the struggle against neoliberal capitalism, paper presented at International Colloquium ALICE: Epistemologies of the South, CES, Coimbra University, 10 to 12 July.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), paper presentation: “Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict - A dialect materialist approach”, paper presented at Conference “40 years after the Portuguese transition to democracy”, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, , 08 to 10 May.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict. A dialect materialist approach, paper presented at PSA 64th Annual International Conference: Rebels & Radicals, Manchester, 15 to 16 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas; Castro, Bela Irina (2014), Narrativas divergentes sobre a democracia no conflito social Português: O materialismo dialético como abordagem, paper presented at VIII Congresso Português de Sociologia 40 anos de democracia(s): progressos, contradições e prospetivas, Universidade de Evora, 14 to 16 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), “Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict - A dialect materialist approach”, paper presented at Faculty Research Day, University of Gent, 19 to 19 December.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict - A dialect materialist approach (n. 107), paper presented at IV International Colloquium of PhD students of CES: oimbra C: Dialoguing with the Times and Places (s) World (s), CES, UC, Coimbra, 06 to 07 December.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), "Fuck the Troika! Wir wollen unser Leben zurück!" - Discourses of the Portuguese anti-austerity protests., paper presented at Coloquium organized of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung NRW, Dortmund, 11 November.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict - A dialect materialist approach, paper presented at II Congresso Internacional Karl Marx, FCSH - UNL - Lisboa, 24 to 26 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), The legitimacy crisis of Global Climate Governance Combining a Marxist and Polanyian Perspective, paper presented at II Congresso Internacional Karl Marx, FCSH - UNL - Lisboa, 24 to 26 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), Local legitimation crisis and legitimation strategies, paper presented at Planting / conflict: International Research Conference , CIES - IUL, Lisboa, 09 to 11 October.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), Framing PIGS, Racism and neo-colonialism in the context of the Euro-crisis, paper presented at The 7th ECPR General Conference, Science Po - Bourdeaux, 04 to 07 September.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), “Divergent narratives about democracy in the Portuguese Social Conflict” – (selected with ESA travel grant), paper presented at ESA 11th Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change - PhD Workshop, Torino, 26 to 31 August.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), The democratic discourse of austerity, paper presented at CEHUM International Conference: Rhetoric: between the Theory and Practice of Politics , CEHUM - Universidade do Minho, Braga, 21 to 22 June.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), Framing PIGS, paper presented at Encontro International, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – As Politicas Sociais: Debate e Perspectivas, FCSH/IHC - UNL, Lisboa, 27 to 28 April.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), “Framing PIGS to Clean their Stable”, paper presented at Seventh Annual Graduate Student Conference on the European Union: “Crisis, Continuity and Change in the European Union”, University of Pittsburgh, US, 30 to 31 March.


2015 - A vitoria contra a mini-hidrica no Mondego, from the author Jonas Van Vossole. Edited at Lisboa by Ecologia Política: teoria, investigação, ação.

Other Publications

Van Vossole, Jonas (2017), "Geringonça: Revolução Democrática ou Termidor dos movimentos anti-austeridade?", Praxis , 3.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2016), "Historische Portugese verkiezingen openen perspectieven voor links ", SPanning: Tijdschrijft van het Wetenschappelijk bureau an de SP , 1.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), "De confrontatie tussen Belem en Sao Bento: een overzicht van de Portugese coalitie-gesprekken", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), "Links komt versterkt uit Portugese verkiezingen", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), "'Het is tijd voor een minimale dienstverlening voor het grootkapitaal'", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), "Het stakingsrecht is één van de fundamenten van de democratie", Poliargus , 2014-12-01.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), "Portugal opnieuw in het oog van de Eurostorm", , 9-4-2013.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), ""Alternatieve" actiemethoden in Portugal", Poliargus , 14-3-2013.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), "IMF geeft toe dat neoliberalisme niet werkt", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), "Post-politieke oplossingen zullen Links niet van de zijlijn halen ", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), "Portugal. Politie oog in oog met... politie. Klassenstrijd binnen de ordediensten", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), "Haben wir es nicht gewusst?", , 27-09-2012.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), "Eurocrisis maakt keuze duidelijker: socialisme of barbarij", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), "Portugese “zelfmoordbegroting” veroorzaakt massaal protest", .

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), "Groeiende repressie tegen protest in Zuid-Europa", .

Organisation of scientific events

Membro da Comissão Organizadora de Ecosoc-panel Ecologia crítica: colonialismo, extrativismos e resistências, APS, Lisboa, 02 to 03 March by 2020 (com Velicu, Irina).

Organization of Golpe de estado na Bolívia – democracia, colonialismo e imperialismo, CES, Coimbra, 09 December 2019.

Organization of EDiSo II Symposium Panel: Politization, depolitization and alternatives in the discourses of the newest social movements, Coimbra, 18 to 20 June by 2015.

Advanced training courses

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), participation in Curso marxismo e periferias, USP, Universidade de São Paulo.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2020), participation in Summer school: POLITICS, ONTOLOGIES, ECOLOGIES, Pisa, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2015), participation in Syriza versus Europe? Institutional and Leadership Challenges in the EU, Coimbra, FEUC-APEU.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2013), participation in XII Curso de Historia Contemporanea: A segunda grande depressao, Lisboa, IHC / CES.

Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), participation in Zotero: Bibliografical Software, Coimbra, CES.


Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política

ECPR Standing Group on Democratic Innovations

ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics

Ghent Association of Studies on Parties and Representation

Oficina Ecologia e Sociedade do CES

Political Studies Association

Other Activities

2020 - Radio Baixa: "Pandemia: como manter a liberdade sem perder a segurança?"

2019 - Comentário das Eleições Europeias no special JN-TV (27/5/2019)

2019 - Comentário no jornal da noite sobre as greves climáticas globais.

2013 - Conferencia: "O Conflito Israelo-palestiniano", NES, FEUC

2013 - Debate: A Divida e a Crise(Artigo 74, Lisboa)

2012 - Ciclo de debates: Democracia e austeridade: Portugal em debate CES-Lisboa Debat: A visão dos media sobre a crise 27 de fevereiro de 2012

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