Digitisation: some Portuguese structural problems<span id="edit_33279"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_33279').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=33279" ); });</script></span>

Conference | Doctoral Programme in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation

Digitisation: some Portuguese structural problems

João Cravinho

April 9, 2021, 10h00 (GMT +01:00)

Online event

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The Mind of Plants<span id="edit_33711"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_33711').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=33711" ); });</script></span>


The Mind of Plants

9 April 2021 | 07:50am [Australian Eastern Standard Time - AEST]

Online > Registration open

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Does anyone take care of what belongs to everyone? - The Tragedy of the Uncommons exposed by a virus<span id="edit_33722"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_33722').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=33722" ); });</script></span>

Lecture-Debate | Political economists - hopeful dialogues in sombre times

Does anyone take care of what belongs to everyone? - The Tragedy of the Uncommons exposed by a virus

Gustavo García López

José Castro Caldas

April 8, 2021, 18h00 (GMT +01:00)

Online event

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Methodological challenges in the pandemic<span id="edit_33318"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_33318').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=33318" ); });</script></span>


Methodological challenges in the pandemic

April 8, 2021, 14h30 (GMT +01:00)

Online event

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Social Inequalities and Health Systems. Two critical topics to be discussed in the light of the social sciences and epistemologies of the South<span id="edit_32802"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_32802').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=32802" ); });</script></span>

Seminar V | CES, Health and Epistemologies of the South

Social Inequalities and Health Systems. Two critical topics to be discussed in the light of the social sciences and epistemologies of the South

Mauro Serapioni (CES)

March 26, 2021, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event

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The Latin American debate on industrialisation and structuralist political economy<span id="edit_33277"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_33277').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=33277" ); });</script></span>

Conference | Doctoral Programme in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation

The Latin American debate on industrialisation and structuralist political economy

Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos (Instituto de Economia, UNICAMP Universidade de Campinas)

March 12, 2021, 10h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Lecture-Debate | Political economists - hopeful dialogues in sombre times

What to do with capitalism?

March 11, 2021, 18h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Conference | Doctoral Programme in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation

The new character of dependency (dependency 4.0)

Leda Paulani (Faculdade de Economia e Administração, Universidade de S. Paulo)

March 5, 2021, 14h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Conferência | Programa de Doutoramento em Governação Conhecimento e Inovação

Intellectual property, IPR perspectives, alternative incentive systems, possible trends

Manuel Mira Godinho (ISEG-Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade de Lisbo)

March 5, 2021, 10h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 12 (Closing)<span id="edit_32487"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_32487').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=32487" ); });</script></span>


Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 12 (Closing)

João Arriscado Nunes

Raquel Siqueira

Susana de Noronha

February 26, 2021, 18h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Lecture | Doctoral Programme in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation

The rentier nature of the current accumulation process

Leda Paulani (Faculdade de Economia e Administração, Universidade de S. Paulo)

February 26, 2021, 14h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 11<span id="edit_32176"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_32176').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=32176" ); });</script></span>


Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 11

January 29, 2021, 18h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Challenging the universalisation of science and its values. Epistemologies of the South and intermedicine<span id="edit_32186"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_32186').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=32186" ); });</script></span>

Seminar | CES, Health and Epistemologies of the South

Challenging the universalisation of science and its values. Epistemologies of the South and intermedicine

Maria Paula Meneses (CES)

January 28, 2021, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Beyond the pandemic: how to guarantee the right to social security?<span id="edit_32230"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_32230').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=32230" ); });</script></span>


Beyond the pandemic: how to guarantee the right to social security?

January 19, 2021, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event > Registrations are open

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Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 10<span id="edit_31869"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31869').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31869" ); });</script></span>


Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 10

December 18, 2020, 18h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 9<span id="edit_31472"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31472').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31472" ); });</script></span>


Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 9

November 27, 2020, 18h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Health and knowledge in times of intermittent pandemic<span id="edit_31411"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31411').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31411" ); });</script></span>

Seminar | CES, Health and Epistemologies of the South

Health and knowledge in times of intermittent pandemic

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES/FEUC)

November 23, 2020, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event

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Narrativas Museais: processos de descolonização, participação e visibilização de outras histórias da história a partir de algumas experiências transformadoras<span id="edit_28388"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_28388').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=28388" ); });</script></span>

Workshop | Roda de Saberes

Narrativas Museais: processos de descolonização, participação e visibilização de outras histórias da história a partir de algumas experiências transformadoras

November 23, 2020, 14h00 (GMT)


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Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 8<span id="edit_31183"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31183').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31183" ); });</script></span>


Health with Art amid the Pandemic Challenge | Session 8

October 30, 2020, 18h00 (GMT)

Online event

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«Financialisation in the European Periphery: Work and Social Reproduction in Portugal» | Eds: Ana Cordeiro Santos, Nuno Teles<span id="edit_31179"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_31179').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=31179" ); });</script></span>

Book presentation

«Financialisation in the European Periphery: Work and Social Reproduction in Portugal» | Eds: Ana Cordeiro Santos, Nuno Teles

October 29, 2020, 17h30 (GMT)

Online event

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