Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of IV colóquio internacional de doutorandos/as do CES - Coimbra C: Dialogar com os tempos e os lugares do(s) mundo(s), Coimbra, Portugal, 06 to 07 December by 2013.

Presentations in scientific events

Nunes, Nathalie; Hilding-Hamann, Knud Erik (2022), "Guidelines for Citizen Engagement and the Co-Creation of Nature-Based Solutions: Living Knowledge in the URBiNAT Project", paper presented at AIPH Green City Briefings 2022/23, Online, 13 to 13 September.

Nunes, Nathalie (2021), "A apropriação dos direitos fundamentais: das revoltas urbanas em França à interculturalidade dos direitos", paper presented at XI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Online, 29 to 31 March.

Nunes, Nathalie; Caitana, Beatriz; Ferreira, Isabel (2021), "Intersectional Challenges in the Emergence of Social Innovation for Active Citizenship", paper presented at IV ISA Forum of Sociology, Online / Porto Alegre - Brasil, 23 to 28 February.