Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of A Autodeterminação de Timor-Leste:Resistência, Diplomacia, Solidariedade, Museu do Oriente, Lisboa - evento virtual online, 15 March to 19 February 2021 (com Graça Feijó, Rui; , Zelia Pereira; , Isabel Carvalho).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Conferencia Internacional TLSA PT 2020 - Timor-Leste: a Ilha e o Mundo, online, 07 to 11 September by 2020 (com Graça Feijó, Rui; Sousa, Lucio; Gonçalves, Marisa; Pereira, Zelia; Cunha, Teresa; Coutinho, Luisa; Moreira, Darlinda; Santos, Abel; Paulino, Vicente; Boavida, Isabel).

Organization of Revisiting Decolonization in Southeast Asia, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, 12 September 2019.

Organization of O ,ongo processo de autodeterminação de Timor-Leste: conjunturas, eventos e actores (internacionais), Lisboa, 28 November 2018.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Powerful Dead: the politics of martyrs and other dead bodies in Southeast Asia, Oxford (UK), 15 to 18 August by 2017 (com Kent, Lia Feijó, Rui).

Organization of Co-habitations and power dynamics: land, exchange, governance. Timor-Leste in context, ICS e Museu do Oriente, Lisboa, 19 to 24 January by 2015.

Organization of Congresso Internacional da EuroSEAS, ISCSP - Lisboa, 02 to 05 July by 2013.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Dynamics of Power in Timor-Leste, CES - Lisboa, 28 to 29 June by 2013 (com Feijó, Rui viegas, susana).

Organization of Timor-Leste: Colonialismo, Descolonização, Lusotopia., Biblioteca Municipal Por Timor, Lisboa, 25 February 2012.

Organization of 42nd Annual Meeting Iberian Studies Association. Panel Timor-Leste: Colonialism, Decolonization, Lusotopy, ICS. Lisboa, 04 to 07 July by 2011.

Member of the Organizing Committee of The End of the Portuguese Empire in Comparative Perpspective. Panel: Timor-Leste: Colonialism, Decolonization, Lusotopy, ICS, Lisboa, 29 June 2011 to 03 January 2014 (com Feijó, Rui Costa Pinto, Antonio).

Presentations in scientific events

Pereira, Zelia; Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "To go or not to go? The stillborn Portuguese parliamentarians visit ", paper presented at TLSA International Conference: The Santa Cruz Massacre - thirty years on, Dili (online), 09 to 10 November.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "Talking at cross-purposes: Portugal, Indonesia and the "Timor Issue" (1974-1975) ", paper presented at 11th EuroSEAS International Conference, Univerzita Palackého. Olomuc, Republica Checa (online), 07 to 10 September.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "THE ROADMAP TO SELFDETERMINATION OF PORTUGUESE TIMOR # Interactions between Portugal and the three main movements regarding the decolonisation of the territory (April 1974 to July 1975)", paper presented at 11th EuroSEAS International Conference, Univerzita Palackého. Olomuc, Republica Checa (online), 07 to 10 September.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "The Honourable Dead and the Fate of the Living. Politics of memory and national identity in Timor-Leste ", paper presented at Seminário pós-graduação, Univerzita Palackého. Olomuc, Republica Checa (online), 04 August.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "Against formidable odds. The installation and persistence of democracy in Timor-Leste ", paper presented at Seminário pos-graduação, Univerzita Palackého. Olomuc, Republica Checa (online), 28 July.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "Discussant do painel "Subnational variations in democracy in Mexico"", paper presented at IPSA 26th World Congress of Political Science (online), 09 to 14 July.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), ""Nationalism Old and New in Timor-Leste" ", paper presented at IPSA 26th World Congress of Political Science (online, 09 to 14 July.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "A Democracia Timorense: Instalação, conjunturas criticas, persistência", paper presented at Ciclo de conferencias e aulas abertas China, Ásia e Mundo, Instituto de Defesa Nacional / Universidade Autónoma, 27 May.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2021), "While the wind gently blows. Portuguese Timor in Context, 1945-1975", paper presented at A Autodeterminação de Timor-Leste: Resistência, Diplomacia, Solidariedade, Museu do Oriente, Lisboa - online, 15 to 19 March.

Salvação Barreto, Madalena; Graça Feijó, Rui (2020), "The Katuas look back. The events of 1974-1975 as seen through the lense of CAVR testimonies", paper presented at Conferencia Internacional TLSA PT 2020: Timor-Leste: a Ilha e o Mundo, online, 07 to 11 September.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2020), "Relations between President of the Republic and Prime Minister: a comparative analysis of four presidential terms in Timor-Leste", paper presented at ECPR General Conference, online, 24 to 28 August.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2019), "O Nascimeneto do novo estado de Timor-Leste", paper presented at CLEPUL, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 27 November.

Graça Feijó, Rui (2019), "A Crise da Transição de Timor-Leste e a Diplomacia da Crise", paper presented at Instituto de Defesa Nacional, Instituto de Defesa Nacional, 23 October.

Feijó, Rui (2019), "Os Poderes do Presidente da República", paper presented at 7th International Conference of TLSA: Understanding Timor-Leste, Universidade Nacional de Timor-Leste, Dili, 26 to 28 June.

Feijó, Rui (2019), "Nos alvores da descolonização: o caso dos 23 prisioneiros portugueses em Timor-Leste (1975-1976)", paper presented at 7th International Conference of TLSA: Understanding Timor-Leste, 26 to 28 June.

Feijó, Rui (2019), "Against formidable odds: the decision to build simultaneously a state and a democracy in Timor-Leste", paper presented at 7th International Conference of TLSA: Understanding Timor-Leste, 26 to 28 June.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "A Construção do Governo Local: colisão de paradigmas, hibridismo e coabitação ", paper presented at I Conferencia Internacional da TLSA-BR, Brasilia, 04 to 12 July.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Timorese semipresidentialism in a new phase: the workings of cohabitation", paper presented at Graduate seminar, Melbourne, 26 June.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "What does the experience of last year tell us about future developments for the Timorese democracy?", paper presented at III Timor-Leste Update, Canberra, 21 to 22 June.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Apresentação de Herminio Martins", paper presented at As Mudanças de Regime em Portugal no século XX, Lisboa, 08 June.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Genocidium in Paradisum? Atrocidades de massa em Timor-Leste depois de 1975", paper presented at Jornadas Internacionais sobre a Shoah e outros genocídios, Lisboa, 15 to 16 May.

Feijó, Rui (2018), ""Castelo": do "semipresidencialismo de assembleia" ao "co-governo"?", paper presented at IX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Braga, 18 to 20 April.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Prisioneiros do Fim do Império. Os prisioneiros de guerra no Timor Português (1975-1976)", paper presented at Conferência Internacional sobre Prisioneiros de Guerra em Portugal no século XX, Lisboa, 16 to 18 April.

Feijó, Rui (2018), "Against formidable odds: the installation and persistence of democracy in Timor-Leste", paper presented at Workshop on authoritarian regimes survival strategies in an age of democratic expansion, Oxford (UK), 05 to 06 March.

Feijó, Rui (2017), "Non partisan president's and Independent presidencies in Timor-Leste", paper presented at European Consortium for Political Science Annual Conference, Oslo (Noruega), 06 to 09 September.

Feijó, Rui (2017), "Jorge Luis Borges in Timor-Leste: two case studies in the (re) construction of heroes narratives", paper presented at 9th EuroSEAS Conference, Oxford (UK), 15 to 18 August.

Feijó, Rui (2017), "Revisiting Max Weber in the countryside of Timor-Leste: the construction of local governance after independence", paper presented at American Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, 16 to 18 March.

Feijó, Rui (2017), "Martyrs, ancestors and national heroes", paper presented at Pre-conference Workshop on Timor-Leste, Toronto (Canada), 15 to 15 March.

Feijó, Rui (2016), "Government and Political equilibrium in Timor-Leste: will they survive the 2017 elections?", paper presented at Department Seminar, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, 22 to 22 November.

Feijó, Rui (2016), "Memória e Consciencia Nacional: que lugar para um Arquivo Nacional?", paper presented at Do documento escrito à História e à Antropologia, Arquivo Nacional de Timor-Leste, 11 to 11 November.

Feijó, Rui; Matos Viegas, Susana (2016), "Co-coordenador da mesa", paper presented at Mesa redonda: Martires, Heróis, Antepassados, Arquivo e Museu da Resistencia Timorense, Dili, Timor-Leste, 09 to 09 November.

Feijó, Rui; Matos Viegas, Susana (2016), "Património edificvado e memória social. REconhecimento e homenagem aos mortos em Timor-Leste", paper presented at VI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia, 01 June 04 February.

Feijó, Rui; Matos Viegas, Susana (2016), "Scales for the Future: Temporalities of Hope and Prosperity among the Fataluku", paper presented at Visions of the Future in Timor-Leste, University of Kent at Canterbury, 14 to 19 April.

Feijó, Rui (2016), "A Construção da DEmocracia em Timor-Leste: o lugar do poder local", paper presented at VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Lisboa, 10 to 12 March.

Feijó, Rui (2015), "Perilous Semi-presidentialism? Assessing the origins and the performance of the Timorese government system", paper presented at Presidents and (Semi)presidentialism in Contemporary Democracies, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, 26 to 28 November.

Feijó, Rui (2015), "Political Entente and Political Institutions: how well do they fit?", paper presented at Timor-Leste Update, Australian National University, Canberra, 19 to 21 November.

Feijó, Rui (2015), ""A Long and Winding Road: a history of the idea of a 'Government of National Unity' in Timor-Leste and its current applications"", paper presented at Research Seminar, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 12 to 12 November.

Feijó, Rui (2015), "Semi-presidentialism and the consolidation of democracy in Timor-Leste", paper presented at 8th EuroSEAS International Conference, Viena, Austria, 12 to 16 August.

Feijó, Rui (2015), "Territorialities of the Fallen Heroes", paper presented at Co-habitation and power dynamics: land, exchange, governance. Timor-Leste in context, ICS e Museu doOriente, Lisboa, 19 to 24 January.

Feijó, Rui (2015), "Acaleu Sorotu. A methodological enquiry into Fataluku exchange registers", paper presented at Co-habitations and power dynamics: land, exchange, governance. Timor-Leste in context, ICS e Museu do Oriente, Lisboa, 19 to 24 January.

Feijó, Rui (2015), "At home we wear cawat, outside we wear a tie. Co-habitations and political legitimacies in grassroots democracy", paper presented at Co-habitations and power dynamics: land, exchange, governance. Timor-Leste in context, ICS e Museu do Oriente, Lisboa, 19 to 24 January.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Democracia: linhagens e configurações de um conceito impuro", paper presented at Aula ao Curso de Doutoramento em Democracia no Século XXI (CES), CES, Universidade de Coimbra, 18 December.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Os poderes locais em Timort-Leste no período colonial", paper presented at Congresso Internacional Os poderes locais na África Lusófona, FCSH/UNL Lisboa, 05 to 07 November.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Timor-Leste road to Democracy: a critical appraisal", paper presented at Southeast Asia Seminar, St Antony's College, University of Oxford, 15 October.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Semi-presidentialism and its alternatives: a critical view from Timor-Leste", paper presented at Timor-Leste Studies Association Dili Chapter Meeting, 29 August.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "A investigação em Ciência Política sobre Timor-Leste", paper presented at Aula ao curso de pos-graduação na UNTL, UNTL., Dili, 28 August.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "O 'Segundo Milagre Maubere'? - Reflexões sobre o processo politico de descentralização e seu enquadramento histórico", paper presented at I Conferência Internacional "A Produção de Conhecimento Cientifico em Timor-Leste, UNTL. Dili,, 13 to 15 August.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Mártires e antepassados. Notas de uma pesquisa em curso", paper presented at I Conferência Internacional "A Produção de Conhecimento Cientifico em Timor-Leste, UNTL, Dili, 13 to 15 August.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Grave sites and Recovery in Timor-Leste", paper presented at International IUAES2014 inter-congress: the future with/of anthropologies, Chiba City-Tokyo, (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences) , Tokyo, 14 to 18 May.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "What Sort of Democracy - Different conceptions of democracy in the Portuguese Revolution of 25 April, 1974", paper presented at April 25, 1974: its goals and objectives 40 years later, University of California, Berkeley, 24 to 27 April.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Democratic Transition in Timor-Leste: lessons to Southeast Asia", paper presented at Southeast Asia Programme 4th annual Symposium, Keeble College, University of Oxford, 22 to 23 March.

Feijó, Rui (2014), "Paths to Infinity: funerary posts, grave sites and places of the dead in Timor-Leste", paper presented at International Conference Death on the move, FCSH/UNL, Lisboa, 13 to 14 March.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "After 2012: challenges to the consolidation of Democracy", paper presented at Seminar, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 05 December.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "Considerations on the challenges to democratic consideration", paper presented at Timor-Leste Update, Austrailian National University, Canberra, Australia, 28 November 29 December.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "A Construção do Moderno estado Democratico em Timor-Leste", paper presented at Timor-Leste: uma viagem no tempo, Museu do Oriente, Lisboa, 09 November.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "Depois de 2012: desafios à consolidação da Democracia em Timor-Leste", paper presented at Timor-Leste e Região -uma visão transdisciplinar, Universidade de Aveiro, 19 to 20 July.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "Constitutionalism Old and New in the UN Kingdom of East Timor", paper presented at /th Euroseas Conference - Panel on Constitutionalism in Southeast Asia, ISCSP-Lisboa, 02 to 05 July.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "Elections and Democracy in a Young Nation", paper presented at 7th EuroSEAS Conference - panel on Democracy in Southeats Asia, ISCSP-Lisboa, 02 to 05 July.

Feijó, Rui; Viegas, Susana (2013), "Entanglements: buffalo heads and tomns in Lautem", paper presented at Crossing Histories and Ethnographies. Anthropology and the colonial archive in East Timor, ICS-Lisboa, 01 to 02 July.

Feijó, Rui; Viegas, Susana (2013), "The presence of the dead among the living. Fataluku funerary posts and monuments to fallen heroes", paper presented at Dynamics of Power in Timor-Leste, CES-Lisboa, 28 to 29 June.

Feijó, Rui; Viegas, Susana (2013), "Acaleu Sorotu: paths of analysis of written records of exchange networks", paper presented at Dynamics of Power in Timor-Leste, CES-Lisboa, 28 to 29 June.

Feijó, Rui (2013), "O sistema politico timorense", paper presented at Timor-Leste: 10 anos de estudos em Portugal, Biblioteca Municipal Por TImor, 17 to 18 May.