International Conference
Eurocentrism and racism beyond the positivist order: the politics of history and education

May 23 and 24, 2011, 10h00, Aud. do Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Picoas Plaza, Rua de Viriato 13


On the 23rd and 24th May, the Centre for Social Studies will hold an International Conference to present and discuss the main findings of the project ‘Race’ and Africa in Portugal: a study on history textbooks, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The conference aims at constructing a historically-informed debate on Eurocentrism and racism, bringing together international scholars that work on a diversity of approaches and disciplines, namely History, Anthropology, Political Sociology, International Relations, Sociolinguistics. Focusing on the politics of history and education, the conference will move the debate beyond the positivistic framings that have been characteristic of contemporary understandings of national identity, racism and knowledge in (post-)colonial Europe.


23 MAY
10h00 | Opening
              Marta Araújo (CES, Portugal)
10h30 | Eurocentrism, racism and the production of knowledge
             Silvia Rodríguez Maeso (CES, Portugal) | The critique of Eurocentrism beyond rectification and compensation
            Teun van Dijk (Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Spain) | Knowledge or ideology on immigration in Spanish textbooks
12h00 | Debate

14h30 | (Racial) slavery within the politics of history and education
              Kwame Nimako (Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) | The pedagogy of Atlantic slavery: uses and abuses of the concepts of 'slave' and 'trade' in research and teaching
              Marta Araújo (CES, Portugal) | Slavery, education and the legitimation of colonialism in Portugal
16h00 | Debate

24 MAY
10h00 | Challenging Eurocentrism in the academia
               Isabel Castro Henriques (Faculty of Humanities, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal) | Les ambiguités du discours africaniste portugais au XXème siècle
               Sandew Hira (International Institute for Scientific Research, Netherlands) | Decolonising education: the Netherlands as a case study for Europe
               AbdoolKarim Vakil (King’s College London, Britain / CES, Portugal) | Vicarious Eurocentrism?: Lusophone variations
12h15 | Debate

14h30 | Documentary: “O Contracto” (The Contract) – Directed by Anabela Saint-Maurice [2009, Portugal, 50m]
15h30 | Mesa redonda: Portugal e os legados contemporâneos do colonialismo
Carla Adão (RTP África, Portugal) Clara Carvalho (Centro de Estudos Africanos – ISCTE, Portugal), Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo, Portugal) Adolfo Maria
16h30 | Debate

Nota: Evento no âmbito do projecto RAP.


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