fotografia de Iside Gjergji

Iside Gjergji


2008 - PhD, Policy papers as instrument of governance for immigration movements in Italy: a sociological analysis. , University of Salento (Italy)

2001 - Degree in Law, The religious freedom in the new Albanian Constitution, University of Bari (Italy)


2018 - Stanford University Lecturer Course: The Refugee and Migration Governance in the EU

2016 to 2017 - 2016-2017: Adjunct professor Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (Italy) Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage M.A.: “Work, Social Citizenship and Interculturality” Holder of the course “Displaced, Refugees and Asylum Seekers”. Duration: 30 hours University credits: 6 Main Duties: lecturing and leading tutorials, course and class designing, exam papers designing, marking, assessment, mentoring and monitoring students’ final thesis, exam board, data management

2015 to 2016 - Lecturer, Holder of the course: "Displaced, Refugees and Asylum Seekers" Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

2014-03-04 to 2014-03-11 - Guest Lecturer: MA in "Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice" (Máster Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Justicia Internacional), Human Rights Institute of the University of Valencia. Lecture on: "Migration, Infra-law issues and Democracy in Europe". Valencia (Spain)

2012-09-24 to 2012-09-29 - Guest Lecturer: Ecole Internationale: “Mineurs d’ici et d’ailleurs”, organized by Ecole de Gouvernance et d’Economie de Rabat; CESEM (Centre de Recherche des Hautes Etudes Social); CISS (Cooperazione Italiana Sud Sud) Lecture on “Law and Infra-Law of foreign minors en Europe” Lecture on “Bureaucracy of migration: problems and prospects”. Rabat (Morocco)

2011-7 to 2011-7 - Guest Lecturer: Lecture on “Global Economy, Economic Downturns, Poverty and Income Inequalities”, International Summer School “Global Health and Migration: Interdisciplinary Tools To Tackle Health Inequalities”, University of Bologna (Italy)with the cooperation of the following universities:University of Venice ‘Ca’ Foscari’ (Italy)/ London Metropolitan University (United Kingdom)/University of Valencia (Spain)/ Ege Üniversitesi (Izmir, Turkey)/ Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)/ Charité Universitätsmedizin (Berlin, Germany.

2010 to 2011 - Lecturer: holder of the course "Sociology of Migrations and Cultures", University of Venice "Ca' Foscari"

2009 to 2010 - Lecturer: holder of the course “Elements of Social Legislation”supplementary to the course in Sociology of Law, University of Salento (Italy)

2005 to 2014 - Lecturer: MA course “Immigration and Transformation of Society”, University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari” (Venice – Italy)

Academic and professional activities

2013 - Research Associate, Social Research Laboratory, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

2011 - Senior Researcher, CES, University of Coimbra (Portugal)

2007 - Permanent Member of the Academic Board (Planning of the educational and scientific activities), MA course “Immigration and Transformation of Society”, University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari” (Venice – Italy)

2005 - Lecturer, MA course “Immigration and Transformation of Society", Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

Other Activities

2010 to 2011 - Conduct a scientific research on the legal and social status of foreign minors in Italy, France and Spain.

2010 to 2011 - Legal Advisor on Criminal and Immigration Law, Province of Lecce, Project "Libera"

2009 to 2010 - Consultant/Senior Expert, Evaluation and monitoring of the activities under the project “COOPERA – Cooperation Pprocesses for the Integration of Asylum Seekers” cod. IT-S2-MDL 103 –EQUAL European Community Programme II – Axis 5.1 ”, and writing of guide-lines to the protection of asylum in Italy.

2008 to 2009 - Consultant/ Legal Assistant, Consulting, training and support on Immigration Law, Labor Law and Social Legislation, Province of Lecce (Italy)

2007 to 2008 - Tutoring assistance and expertise in the teaching, MA course “International Cooperation, Human Rights and Peace-keeping in the Mediterranean, the Balkans and the Middle East”, Master PIT 7.3. University of Salento (Italy)

2005 to 2011 - Lawyer

2001 to 2004 - Assistant Researcher, Osservatorio Provinciale sull’Immigrazione – OPI (Lecce-Italy)

10-06-13 - Editorial board Member of "Society and social transformation" Book Series, Ca' Foscari University Press, Venice.

Field of specialisation

Bureaucracy and Law Issues Related to Migration

International Migratory Movements

Social and Labour Movements

Social Dynamics and Policies

Sociological Research Methods

Current research interests

In addition to migration studies, my research portfolio is extremely varied. I have studied social movements in the Mediterranean, as well as social theory, social policy, labour, racism, torture etc.

Awards and/or other prizes

2021 - Italian National abilitation for Associate Professor in Sociology of Cultural Processes and Communication, awarded by Italian Ministry of Education

2013 - Honorary Research Fellow in Sociology , awarded by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

2005 - Honorary Research Fellow in Judicial and Forensic System, awarded by Faculty of Law - University of Salento (Italy)

2005 - Honorary research Fellow in Social Policy, awarded by Faculty of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences - University of Salento (Italy)

2005 - Honorary Research Fellow in Sociology of Law , awarded by Faculty of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences - University of Salento (Italy)

2004 - Honorary Research Fellow in Public Law, awarded by Faculty of Education Sciences - University of Salento (Italy)


Gjergji, Iside (2023), Il volto acustico della voce. Pubblico, serialità e genere in Herta Herzog. Milano: Meltemi.

Gjergji, Iside (orgs.) (2022), Sull'esperienza surrogata. Un'analisi dell'ascolto degli sketch giornalieri. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Gjergji, Iside (orgs.) (2019), La divisione del lavoro sociale di Durkheim. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Gjergji, Iside (orgs.) (2019), La sociologia francese contemporanea. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Gjergji, Iside (2019), Sociologia della tortura: immagine e pratica del supplizio postmoderno. Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing.

Gjergji, Iside (2018), "Uccidete Sartre!". Anticolonialismo e antirazzismo di un revenant. Ombre Corte.

Gjergji, Iside (orgs.) (2016), The Governance of Migration. Sociology of the Global Order's Underworld. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Gjergji, Iside (orgs.) (2015), La nuova emigrazione italiana. Cause, mete, figure sociali. Venice: Ca' Foscari University Press.

Gjergji, Iside (2013), Circolari amministrative e immigrazione. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Gjergji, Iside (orgs.) (2007), L’evoluzione normativa delle politiche sociali. Lecce: Manni.

Book chapters

Gjergji, Iside (2026), Albania (forthcoming), in Marcello Musto, Babak Amini (org.), Routledge Handbook of Marx's Capital: A Global History of Translation, Dissemination and Reception . London: Routledge.

Gjergji, Iside (2023), La vita della mente nell'era del lifelong digital learning, in Salvatore Prinzi (org.), Il fenomeno vita. Tra proprio e improprio, potenza e impotenza, singolare e comune. Napoli: Federico II University Press - fedOA Press.

Gjergji, Iside (2023), Torture and Racism. A Brief Insight into an Age-Old and Intimate Relationship , in Fabio Perocco (org.), Migration and Torture in Today's World. Venezia: Ca' Foscari Venice University Press, 51-70.

Gjergji, Iside (2022), Mettere al mondo il nuovo. Il contributo di Herta Herzog alla teoria sociale e alla ricerca empirica, in Iside Gjergji (org.), Sull'esperienza surrogata. Un'analisi dell'ascolto degli sketch giornalieri. Lecce: Kurumuny, 9-52.

Gjergji, Iside (2021), Istruzione 4.0: l'impatto della digitalizzazione sul lavoro dei docenti scolastici in Italia, in Ricardo Antunes, Pietro Basso, Fabio Perocco (org.), Il lavoro digitale. Maggiore autonomia o nuovo asservimento del lavoro?. Varazza (SV): PM Edizioni, 207-244.

Gjergji, Iside (2019), Il conflitto scientifico come forma del conflitto sociale, in Fabrizio Denunzio, Iside Gjergji (org.), La sociologia francese contemporanea. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Gjergji, Iside (2019), Ritorno alla teoria della ricerca empirica. Merton e gli indici di Durkheim, in Fabrizio Denunzio, Iside Gjergji (org.), La divisione del lavoro sociale di Durkheim. Lecce: Kurumuny, 9-39.

Gjergji, Iside (2019), Tortura e razzismo. Teoria sociale, analisi storica, evidenze empiriche, in Fabio Perocco (org.), Tortura e immigrazione/Torture and Migration. Venezia: Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing, 41-61.

Gjergji, Iside (2017), Lasciate ogni speranza o voi che entrate! L'educazione alla precarietà attraverso stage, tirocini e apprendistato (forthcoming), in Rossana Cillo (org.), Le frontiere della precarietà. Venezia: Ca' Foscari University Press.

Gjergji, Iside (2016), 'La cittadinanza degli stranieri: una trama scaturita dal "laboratori segreti" della pubblica amministrazione', in D. Andreozzi, S. Tonolo (org.), La cittadinanza mobile. Ipotesi e comparazioni. Trieste : Trieste University Press, 25-38.

Gjergji, Iside (2016), La precarietà nelle circolari ministeriali: un’analisi dal basso delle disposizioni normative, in Salmieri L., Verrocchio A. (org.), Di condizione precaria. Sguardi trasversali tra genere, lavoro e non lavoro. Trieste: Triste University Press, 181-192.

Gjergji, Iside (2015), 'Cause, mete e figure sociali della nuova emigrazione italiana', in Iside Gjergji (org.), La nuova emigrazione italiana. Cause, mete e figure sociali. Venice: Ca' Foscari University Press, 7-25.

Gjergji, Iside (2014), Immigrazione e infra-diritto. Quale cittadinanza nel sistema di governo per circolari?, in CostantiniD., Perocco F., Zagato L. (org.), Trasformazioni e crisi della cittadinanza sociale (ISBN: 978-88-97735-92-2).

Gjergji, Iside (2014), La condition juridique des mineurs étrangers en Europe , in Michel Perladi (org.), Le mineurs migrants non accompagnés. Un défi pour les pays européens. Paris: Karthala, 13-65.

Gjergji, Iside (2012), L'ipersfruttamento dei lavoratori stranieri nella 'green economy' pugliese: risultati di un case study , in Lauso Zagato, Sara De Vido (org.), Il divieto di tortura e altri comportamenti inumani o degradanti nelle migrazioni. Padova: CEDAM: Padova, 323-336.

Gjergji, Iside (2010), La socializzazione dell'arbitrio. Alcune note sulla gestione autoritaria dei movimenti migratori in Italia, in Pietro Basso (org.), Razzismo di stato. Stati Uniti, Europa, Italia. Franco Angeli, Milano, 439-467.

Gjergji, Iside (2008), "Il Mediterraneo, luogo d'incontro delle differenze?" , in Francesco Bilancia, Francesco Di Sciullo, Francesco Rimoli (org.), Paura dell'Altro. Identità occidentale e cittadinanza. Carocci, Rome, 165-175.

Gjergji, Iside (2007), "L'evoluzione normativa delle politiche sociali regionali" , in Iside Gjergji, Giovanni Pellegrino (org.), L'evoluzione normativa delle politiche sociali. Manni, Lecce, 193-258.

Gjergji, Iside (2007), "Stranieri e diritti sociali: tra inclusione ed esclusione" , in Iside Gjergji, Giovanni Pellegrino (org.), L'evoluzione legislativa delle politiche sociali. Manni, Lecce, 259-335.

Gjergji, Iside (2004), L'ospitalità dei campi, in Rossana De Luca, Maria Rosaria Panareo (org.), Centri di Permanenza Temporanea: né qui né altrove. Manni, Lecce, 81-93.

Book reviews

Gjergji, Iside (2020) critical review to Fabio Perocco (2019), Torture and Migration, Venezia: Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing, 430, in Torture, 59-61.

Gjergji, Iside (2013) critical review to Nancy Fraser (2013), Fortunes of Feminism: From State Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, London-New York: Verso, 244, in About Gender. International Journal on Gender Studies.

Gjergji, Iside (2013) critical review to Fabio Perocco (2012), Trasformazioni globali e nuove disuguaglianze. Il caso Italiano., Franco Angeli, Milano, 244-249, in Mondi Migranti.

Papers in scientific journals

Gjergji, Iside (2022), "La rete delle parole di pietra: intervistati, autobiografi e narratori. Il nucleo poetico della letteratura e del giornalismo d’inchiesta italiano delle origini", Sociologia e ricerca sociale, 128, 3, 57-73.

Gjergji, Iside (2021), "Work-Based Learning Policies and Numbers. The Italian Case in a Broad Context", Scuola Democratica, 1, 25-42.

Gjergji, Iside (2021), "La condizione dell’emigrante italiano nei Quaderni del carcere di Antonio Gramsci", Sociologia, 3, 110-119.

Gjergji, Iside (2020), "Immigrazione e infra-diritto: dal governo per circolari alla tweeting-governance", Etica & Politica| Ethics & Politics, XXII, 3, 323-339.

Gjergji, Iside (2020), "O método Toyota na gestão das migrações internacionais: o caso italiano", Lutas Sociais, 23, 42, 23-39.

Gjergji, Iside (2020), "Políticas do trabalho, precariedade e estágio. O caso italiano.", Lutas Sociais, 24, 44, 16-31.

Gjergji, Iside (2020), "La critica del nascente capitalismo inglese nelle note etnologiche di Karl Marx", Sociologia e ricerca sociale, 3, 43-48.

Gjergji, Iside (2019), "Sulla governance della morte nella migrazione", ComunicazionePuntoDoc, 21, 61-76..

Denunzio, Fabrizio; Gjergji, Iside (2019), "L'indice segreto. origine e sviluppo del rapporto di Merton con Durkheim", Sociologia e ricerca sociale, 119, (forthcoming).

Gjergji, Iside (2017), "L'asilo dei minori. Accoglienza, trattamento e condizione sociale dei minori richiedenti asilo in Italia", DEP-Deportate, Esuli, Profughe (Ca' Foscari University Press), 34, 80-98.

Gjergji, Iside (2015), "Open ‘Hearing’ in a Closed Sea: Migration Policies and Postcolonial Strategies of Resistance in the Mediterranean", Interventions. International Journal of Postcolonial Studies,, 2-18.

Gjergji, Iside (2015), " Is the “Mediterranean” a Real Alternative for Europe? How the Mediterranean Borders Bespeaks Europe's Growing Inequality and Exclusion", Outis. Journal of (post)European Philosophy, 5, 1, 171-186.

Gjergji, Iside (2015), "Lost in the Mediterranean: Theories, Discourses, Borders and Migration Policies in the ‘Mare Nostrum’", RCCS Annual Review, 7, 151-162.

Gjergji, Iside (2014), "I lavoratori egiziani: un soggetto attivo e centrale nel processo rivoluzionario in corso", La Sinistra Rivista, N. 3, 32-50.

Gjergji, Iside (2014), "O Egito em tempo de revoluçao. As lutas dos trabalhadores antes e depois das revoltas de 2011", Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais, 103, 81-110.

Gjergji, Iside (2014), "Perdidos no Mediterraneo: Teorias, discursos, fronteiras e politicas migratorias no Mare Nostrum", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 105, 113-124.

Gjergji, Iside (2013), "L’infra-droits des étrangers: le gouvernement par circulaires et la gestion administrative des mouvements migratoires en Italie. ", Migration Société, Vol. 25, N. 147-148, 53-68 .

Gjergji, Iside (2013), "The Role of Egyptian Workers in the 2011 Uprising: A View from Below", Revista Sul-Americana de Ciência Política, Vol. 2, August, 2013, 19-37.

Gjergji, Iside (2011), "Il trattenimento dello straniero in attesa di espulsione: una ‘terra di nessuno’ tra ordine giuridico e fatto politico ",, 1, 1, 705-765.

Gjergji, Iside (2011), "L’Italia dichiara lo stato di emergenza umanitaria…nel territorio del Nord Africa” ",, "Emergenza Costituzionale".

Gjergji, Iside (2008), "L'infra-diritto degli stranieri: brevi note sulle circolari ministeriali in tema di immigrazione", C.I.R.S.D.I.G Centro Interuniversitario per le ricerche sulla Sociologia del Diritto, dell’informazione e delle Istituzioni Giuridiche, Working Paper n. 37, 103-109.

Gjergji, Iside (2006), ""Espulsione, trattenimento, disciplinamento. CPT e forza-lavoro clandestina" ", DEP- Deportate, Esuli, Profughe, 5/6, 97-119.

Gjergji, Iside (2005), ""Prime note sul decreto-legge n. 144 del 27 luglio 2005, recante: 'Misure urgenti per contrastare il terrorismo internazionale" ",, 3.

Gjergji, Iside (2003), ""Alcune note sulla libertà di religione nella nuova Costituzione albanese" ", Critica Sociologica, 145, 75-90.

Presentations in scientific events

Gjergji, Iside (2016), I minori richiedenti asilo in Italia: un quadro generale, paper presented at La condizione dei minori richiedenti asilo: Italia e Germania, Venice, 18 to 18 by November.

Gjergji, Iside (2015), Migration and the tasks for social policies –- experiences from Italy, paper presented at Inclusion and Exclusion – Approaches and Perspectives from Social Work and Early Childhood Education, Koblenz (Germany), 11 to 11 by May.

Gjergji, Iside (2014), La precarietà nelle circolari ministeriali: un'analisi dal basso delle disposizioni normative, paper presented at Di condizione precaria: sguardi trasversali tra lavoro e non lavoro, Trieste (Italy), 01 to 02 by October.

Gjergji, Iside (2014), Le circolari amministrative come fonte di diritto pubblico, paper presented at Diritto costituzionale comparato, University of Trieste (Italy), 14 to 14 by May.

Gjergji, Iside (2013), ‘Slaves of Salento. The overexploitation of migrants in Apulia’s ‘green economy’ and their strategies of resistance’, paper presented at 'Undocumented Migrants, Ethnic Enclaves and Networks: Opportunities, traps or class-based constructs', London, London Metropolitan University, 06 to 06 by December.

Gjergji, Iside (2013), ‘The Proletarian Roots of the Ongoing Egyptian Uprisings’, paper presented at Historical Materialism, AustralAsia Conference, Sydney, 25 to 26 by July.

Gjergji, Iside (2012), –‘The Italian Government’s Response to the New Migratory Pressures from North Africa’, paper presented at 'Immigrants in Europe: Between the Eurozone Crisis and the Arab Spring', London, University of Westminster and London School of Economics, 08 to 08 by November.

Gjergji, Iside (2012), ‘Puglia, porta di schiavitù. Dalle rivolte del Maghreb alle rivolte del Salento’, paper presented at 'Immigrazione e diritti umani: storia e prospettive', Treviso, Ca' Foscari University, 21 to 21 by May.

Gjergji, Iside (2009), 'Popular and Institutional Racism in Italy', paper presented at ‘Italy: The Unstable Balance Between Principles of Equality and Institutional Racism’, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 15 to 15 by December.

Gjergji, Iside (2009), 'Health and Infra-Law of Foreigners: Real Connections and False Perceptions', paper presented at ‘Crossing and Bridges for Cross-Cultural Health’, Trapan, Italian Society of Immigration Medicine, 24 to 24 by February.

Gjergji, Iside (2008), ‘The Infra-Law of Foreigners', paper presented at Annual Conference of Italian Association of Sociology, Capraia, Italian Association of Sociology, 04 to 04 by September.

Gjergji, Iside (2006), 'Migrant Women and Feminist Movements', paper presented at 'Continuity and Innovation in Political Participation of Women’, Pavia, University of Pavia, Interdepartmental Center for Gender Studies, Italian Association of Sociology, , 18 to 18 by November.

Gjergji, Iside (2006), 'Immigration and Social Rights: Between Inclusion and Exclusion', paper presented at ‘Citizenship and Governance: the Role of Social Work’, Lucca, University of Pisa, 12 to 12 by May.

Gjergji, Iside (2006), 'Political and Social Rights in Italy from Migrants' Point of View', paper presented at ‘Political Participation and Voting Right to Immigrants’, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 05 to 05 by May.

Gjergji, Iside (2004), Migrants' rights in the Italian Detention Centres, paper presented at ‘Immigration and Security Policy’, University of Ferrara, , 15 to 15 by April.

Working papers

Gjergji, Iside (2014), "Internships, work placements, volunteering: stages on the road to decent work or to insecurity?", Baseline National Report.


Herta Herzog (2022), On Borrowed Experience. An Analysis of Listening to Daytime Sketches, Sull'esperienza surrogata. Un'analisi dell'ascolto degli sketch giornalieri. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Robert K. Merton (2019), Durkheim's Division of Labor in Society, La divisione del lavoro sociale di Durkheim. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Abdelmalek Sayad (2019), Préfation, Morti senza spazio e senza tempo. Verona: ombre corte.

Robert K. Merton (2019), Recent French Sociology, La sociologia francese contemporanea. Lecce: Kurumuny.

Jean-Paul Sartre (2018), "D'une Chine à l'autre", "Da una Cina all'altra". : Ombre Corte.

Jean-Paul Sartre (2018), "Vous etes formidables", Voi siete formidabili. : Ombre Corte.

Jean-Paul Sartre (2018), Le colonialisme est un système, Il colonialismo è un sistema. : Ombre Corte.

Jean-Paul Sartre (2018), Une victoire, Una vittoria. : Ombre Corte.

Other Publications

Gjergji, Iside (2012), "Refugiados", Diciónario da Crise e das Alternativas , 182-183.

Gjergji, Iside (2012), "Lecture critique de l’approche globale de la question de la mobilité et des migrations", Maroc Cosmopolite , 1, 18-20.

Gjergji, Iside (2011), "Les esclaves de Salento (tr. "Slaves of Salento")", .

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of La Nuova Emigrazione Italiana, Venice, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy), 07 to 07 by March by 2014.

Organization of Direitos Umanos num Mar Fechado, Casa das Caldeiras, Coimbra, 18 to 18 by April by 2013.

Organization of International Conference "Cities are us", Coimbra, 28 to 30 by June by 2012.

Advanced training courses

Gjergji, Iside (2019), mentor in Corso di perfezionamento in Teoria Critica, Firenze, Colonialismo e anticolonialismo.

Research Projects

2018-11-01 - 2020-12-31 - "REUERHC, REINFORCE EU ECONOMIES, REINFORCING HUMAN CAPITAL", coordinated by Ivana Padoan, sponsored by European Commission.

Other Activities

2010-2013 - Blog writer for a national Italian newspaper as a specialist in social and legal issues