
October 4, 2011 to June 19, 2012

Seminar Series Presentation

This seminar series hopes to enliven the research agenda of two research groups at CES: DECIDe - Núcleo de Estudos sobre Democracia, Cidadania e Direito e do NHUMEP - Núcleo de Humanidades, Migrações e Estudos para a Paz. The goal of each session is to discuss work in progress that is directly related to the main areas of interest of these research groups. Scholars from Portugal and from abroad will be invited to give papers. The seminars are open to the public.


After three years of adhering to a strict format, we have decided that it is time to open up the way in which the seminar series is conducted. Therefore, we will now have sessions with and without commentator, depending on the topic and on the availability of discussants. We shall still ask participants to read the paper before the seminar such that a lively and productive discussion can ensue. People who want to participate in the seminar and read the paper in advance should send an e-mail to
Presentations will be in english, portuguese and spanish.

Coordinators: Silvia Rodríguez Maeso & Mathias Thaler
Date: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month
Time: 17h00–19h00
Place: Room 2, CES

2011/2012 1st semester  programm

October 4th 2011, 5 pm
Daniel Weinstock  (University of Montreal/Canada): The Paradox of Liberal Multiculturalism

Novembro 15th 2011, 5 pm
Montserrat Galcerán Huguet (University Complutense of Madrid/Spain)

December 13th 2011, 5 pm
Frei Bento Domingues

January 24th 2011, 5 pm
Alessandro Ferrara (University of Rome "Tor Vergata")

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