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Dr. Manuela Guilherme
Project Coordinator

Programme Objectives

This project will help the accomplishment of professional development policies in the European Union, the improvement of individuals’ competences, mostly concerning young professionals, initial training at all levels, in order to ease professional employability and re-employability. This project also aims to promote and reinforce the contribution of professional development to innovation that aims to strengthen competitiveness and entrepreneurial initiatives and, therefore, is focused on new job opportunities. It aims to stimulate motivation for life-long learning and will permit an efficient use of material and human resources. This project will also be concerned with personal fulfiment, active citizenship and social and professional inclusion by facilitating managers’ and workers’ mobility and by contributing with access to equivalent treatment at work of workers from ethnic minority groups that are disadvantaged and discriminated against for ethnic reasons and through misunderstanding at the level of intercultural communication and interaction. This project will focus, more particularly, on strategies directed towards intercultural sensitiveness and on mediation competencies while remaining associated with language learning.


Funding Institution