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36 month project (01/01/2007-01/12/2009), funded by Ford Foundation 

Team: Tatiana Moura, Carla Afonso, Bárbara Soares (CESeC) and Marco Aurélio Martins

Partner institutions: CES and CESeC

Establishment and maintenance of a network of psychological and legal support, aimed at relatives of victims of armed violence in Rio de Janeiro. Organisation of a training course for Popular Legal Promoters, aimed at 30 relatives of victims of armed violence, with the objectives of providing them with basic information and knowledge on legal affairs and human rights, and thus broadening the access to justice.
Resumo do projecto, apresentado no EDEN Intensive Program, HumanitarianNet, Coimbra, 10 de Julho de 2008 


Course for Popular Legal Educators

NEP/CES and CESeC organised the  I course for Popular Legal Educators aimed at relatives of victims of armed violence, Rio de Janeiro, July-October 2007.

NEP/CES and CESeC organised the II course for Popular Legal Educators aimed at relatives of victims of armed violence, Rio de Janeiro, , Rio de Janeiro, July-September 2008.


Soares, Barbara, Moura, Tatiana, Afonso, Carla (orgs.) (2009), Auto de Resistência: Relatos de familiares de vítimas da violência armada, Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras.

Santos, Rita; Moura, Tatiana (2009), "Transformar o luto em luta: sobreviventes da violência armada no Rio de Janeiro", Revista da Faculdade de Direito da FMP, 3, 207-236.

Moura, Tatiana; Santos, Rita (2008), "Transformar o luto em luta: Sobreviventes da violência armada", Oficina do Ces, 307.


Bárbara Soares (CESeC) (2009), “Posso me identificar? O discurso da violência e o papel social da vítima”, presented at the panel “Guerra e Paz: Violências, Memórias e Identidades Colectivas”, ["War and Peace: Violences, Memories and Collective Identities"], X Congresso Luso-Afro de Ciências Sociais, Minho University, Braga, 4-7 February.

Santos, Rita (2008), "Surviving violence in Rio de Janeiro. The case of the relatives of victims of armed violence", presented at the Intensive Programme "Rethinking Peace and Security: New Dimensions, Strategies and Actors", HumanitarianNet, School of Economics, University of Coimbra, 10 July.


"Luto como mãe”, directed by Luis Carlos Nascimento, 2009