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Since 2008: Participation in the activist network IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms), and in the board of the IANSA’s Women Network.
Since 2008: Participation in the United Nations process on Small Arms (BMS 2005, 2006 and 2008), advocating the crossing of the small arms control agenda with the
feminist one.
Since 2008: Participation in the public auditions for the assessment of the Portuguese legal regime on Firearms and Ammunition, organised by the National Commission for Justice and Peace.
30-31st October: Organisation of the international seminar “Violence and small arms: the Portuguese case”, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
2008-2009: Participation in the research network of COST Action A25 on “European Small Arms and the Perpetuation of Violence” (2003-2009).
2008-2009: Participation in the public consultations on the National Action Plan for
the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325/2000
(September 2008; July 2009).
See OGAV and IANSA Women press release


1st April: Tatiana Moura  and Rita Santos (OGIVA), in partnership with Sarah Masters (IANSA) and Daniel Luz (Viva Rio), presented the communication "Masculinities and firearms", at the international seminar "Engaging men and boys for gender equality", organised by Instituto Promundo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2st April: Exhibition of the short-feature documentary  "Uma Mãe como Eu" ["A mother like me"] (2008), by Luís Carlos Nascimento, at Espaço Cinema Nosso, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
June-September 2009: Participation in the international campaign "Disarm Domestic Violence!", run by the IANSA. This participation involved data collection on the Portuguese reality, namely through the conduction of interviews with specialists on public security, health, social services and NGO which work on victims' support, as well as the apllication of questionnaires on small arms and domestic violence perceptions in victims centres.
9-11th September 2009: Organisation of the Summer Course “The Sex(es) of Violences”, CES, Coimbra.
12th September: Organisation of the photo exhibition "Disarming sight: Violence and Small Arms in Portugal", by Hélio Gomes.
November 2009: Tatiana Moura coordinated the intensive training course “Novísimas guerras: espirales e identidades de la violencia armada”, Programa de Estudios Abiertos, Salamanca University (Spain).
Participation in the 8th Internacional Seminar on Family Violence in Mexico DF "Desarmando la Violencia Familiar y de Género: por una Cultura de Paz", Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Mexico, organised by the Division of Combat and Prevention of Family Violence, Human Rights Office.
19 February: Organisation of the seminar “Studies on Masculinities and Gender Violence in El Salvador”, CES, Coimbra.
20th May: Seminar "Violence and small arms: the Portuguese case", CES-Lisboa, Lisboa.
24th May: Organisation of the seminar “The silences of gun violence. Women and
guns in Portugal, Mozambique and Brazil”, with the NGO Acção para a Justiça e Paz
(AJP), Casa da Esquina, Coimbra.
August 2010: Participation in the drafting of the country profile on the Portuguese National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325, coordinated by UN-INSTRAW, UN Women.