PARLOCAL - Networks for the communication and reinforcement of management in the management of participatory assumptions and other instruments of participatory public policies
June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011
12 months
This two-year project started in January 2010 and is coordinated by the Malaga Council. It has three main guidelines: 1) To create political connections between 36 councils and municipalities with experiences of participatory budgeting processes in Spain, Uruguay and Dominican Republic; 2) To create a learning environment, also through a training course designed to 60 local technicians and politicians (including both presential classes and local classes); 3) to execute a research project to analyse the effects and the perceptions of PB participants in the 36 municipalities involved. CES (with a multidisciplinary team) is in charge of organizing some classes and mentoring 5 students. Giovanni Allegretti, a CES researcher, is also Director of the Scientific Board in charge of the field work.
Funding Body
Diputación de Málaga (Espanha)
FEDOMU (República Dominicana)
Intendencia de Paysandú (Uruguay)
Giovanni Allegretti (coord)
participatory budget, Spain, Uruguay, Dominican Republican

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