


Asociación Sexualidad y Discapacidad


European Disability Forum


Manifesto by Disabled Women in Europe (1997)


Manifesto by Disabled Women in Europe (2011)


Sins Invalid - performance project on disability and sexuality.


The GIMP Project - "GIMP is about being watched. It examines the uncompromising ways we are often identified or defined by our physicality. GIMP is about beauty, not the photo-shopped, airbrushed kind, but a harsher more unexpected one." Heidi Latsky


WE - Women Enabled - Women Enabled advocates and educates for the human rights of all women and girls, with an emphasis on women and girls with disabilities, and works tirelessly to include women and girls with disabilities in international resolutions, policies and programs addressing women's human rights and development.



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Center of Excelence - Assessment of Research Units carried out by the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2005