



Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie (2001) "Re-shaping, re-thinking, re-defining: feminist disability studies" Center for Women Policy Studies.


Thomson, Rosemarie Garland (2001) "Seeing the disabled: visual rhetorics of disability in popular photography" in Longmore, Paul K. & Umansky, Lauri (eds.) The new disability history: American perspectives. New York: New York University Press.


Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie (2004) "Integrating disability, transforming feminist theory" in Smith, B. e Hutchison, B. (Org.), Gendering disability. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 73–103.


Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie (2011) "Misfits: a feminist materialist disability concept" Hypatia, Vol 26, No. 3, 591-609.


McRuer, Robert (2002) "Compulsory able-bodiedness and queer/disabled existence." in Garland-Thomson et al (eds), Disability Studies: Enabling the Humanities, New York: MLA Publications, 88-99.


Oliver, Mike (1990) "The individual and social models of disability" Paper presented at Joint Workshop of the Living Options Group and the Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians.


Pinto, Paula Campos (2011) "At the crossroads: Human rights and the politics of disability and gender in Portugal" ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 5, 116–128.


Pinto, Paula Campos (2011) "Family, disability and social policy in Portugal: Where are we at, and where do we want to go?" Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, No 2.


Sandahl, Carrie (2003) "Queering the crip or cripping the queer? Intersections of queer and crip identities in solo autobiographical performance" GQL, 9 (1-2), 25-56.


Santos, Ana Cristina (2012) "Disclosed and willing: Towards a queer public sociology" Social Movement Studies, 11(2) (special issue Ethics of Research on Activism), 1-14.


Shildrick, Margrit (2004) "Queering performativity: disability after deleuze" Scan Journal, Vol 1, No 3 november.


Shildrick, Margrit (2007) "Dangerous discourses: anxiety, desire, and disability" Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Vol 8, Issue 3.





DPPI Publications


Oliver, Mike (1990) The Politics of Disablement. Macmillan Press. [online]




Shildrick, Margrit (2002) Embodying the Monster: Encounters with the Vulnerable Self. Sage Publications. [download pdf]



Shildrick, Margrit (2009) Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Subjectivity and Sexuality. Palgrave Macmillan.


McRuer, Robert; Mollow, Anna (eds.) (2012) Sex and Disability. Durham: Duke University Press.




Valentine, Gill (2001) Social Geographies: Society and Space. Harlow: Longman.




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Center of Excelence - Assessment of Research Units carried out by the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2005