INTIMATE - Citizenship, Care and Choice: The Micropolitics of Intimacy in Southern Europe
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30.11.2016 - 11.12.2016. Modulo 5 - Diplomado Derechos humanos, Buen vivir, I, Posacuerdos

Ana Cristina Santos will give a series of lectures on memory, territories and human rights - Gender, within "diplomado Derechos humanos, Buen vivir, Interculturalidad y Posacuerdos, 30 november - 11 dicember in Pasto (Colombia) coursed by Instituto Alexander Von Humboldt.

Summer School “Of love and shadows – Good, mean, free, tyrant, symbolic, transgender, surrogate, excellent, terrible MOTHERS ” – August/September 2016, Viterbo, Italy

Tatiana Motterle attended the 6th Political Summer School held by the organization Be Free (Rome), called “Of love and shadows – Good, mean, free, tyrant, symbolic, transgender, surrogate, excellent, terrible MOTHERS” (“D’amore e d’ombra – buone, perfide, libere, aguzzine, simboliche transgender, surrogate, ottime, pessime MADRI”), 28 August - 2 September 2016, in San Martino al Cimino (Viterbo).


Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics - August 2015, IPAK Center, Belgrad, Serbia

Ana Lúcia Santos and Luciana Moreira Silva attended the Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics, 16-23 August, in Belgrad, coursed by Lee Edelman and Lynne Huffe among other authors and artists.

Luciana Moreira Silva presented the paper "Queering Families: Friendship as a Transgressive Network in Lesbian “Communities” In Madrid", chaired by Lynne Huffer.





Formazione BNIM - Ottobre 2014


Il gruppo di ricerca INTIMATE ha partecipato a 5 giorni di formazione intensiva sul Metodo Interpretativo di Narrazioni Biografiche (BNIM: Biographic-Narrative Interpretive Method).
La formazione è stata condotta presso il CES da Tom Wengraf e Prue Chamberlayne, autore e ulizzatrice esperti/e del metodo. Tale formazione, sia teorica che pratica, ha incluso tanto sessioni inerenti la conduzione dell’intervista, quanto momenti di interpretazione, includendo la comparazione tra i casi studio e la teorizzazione degli stessi.