Image inspired by the illustration of Selçuk Demirel, available at:



PUBLISH: in what language? At what research stage? In which journal? Book, chapter or journal article?

FLOURISH: How to give voice to your themes and concerns? How to ensure quality, organise your text, find co-authors, find rephrasing techniques?

(DO NOT) PERISH: How to manage your time, create routines, organise your writing time and space, stay hydrated, do not forget to breathe … well, you get it!

Scholars around the world have (sometimes inadvertently) joined the race toward visibility, recognition and sustained career in the academia. Early career researchers may feel lost and confused as they receive conflicting messages: amidst the pressure to publish as much and as good as possible, they become aware that research quality and innovation take time and effort, while publishing-related anxiety and stress can take a toll on their health.

Simultaneously, international editors have established mechanisms and procedures to ensure the scientific quality of research publications (e.g. impact factors, peer-review) and continue a few other economic gatekeeping practices as well (e.g. pay-to-view; pay-to-publish). And, to top it all, open-access journals are a big grey area with different levels of quality and reputation.

A renowned research Centre such as Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra has a great potential to keep advancing international research thanks to the current 468 PhD students, 61 junior researchers and 122 post-doc researchers at the Centre. That is why the Centre has invested efforts and resources in stimulating publications by introducing the specific internal support in translation, peer-review and editing. However, PhD students and junior researchers cannot access those services. So the burning questions and conflicting messages remain.

How can young researchers find their way in the ever-changing world of research publications? How can they think big and contribute to the scientific publishing world?

We – fellow researchers and librarians – would like to help. We will not offer ready solutions nor promise to perform writing miracles. What we can do is to share information and practical knowledge of useful techniques and practices of writing, revising, editing, and publishing … hoping that it may help them become more at ease with writing about their research and interacting with academic publishers.

Survive the stampede!


Organising committee: Olga Solovova, Nancy Duxbury, Maria José Carvalho, Rita Alcaire, Francisco Freitas, Inês Lima, Paula Sequeiros, Patrícia Silva e Joaquim Veríssimo

Sharing of research and information management techniques, academic writing, knowledge of publishing market practices, among others.

2019/2020 academic year: November 2019 - May 2020

Through presentations and hands-on sessions presented in 3 modules

Target audience:

  • Internal participants (with link to CES) - PhD students, junior, senior and post-docs researchers 
  • CES Staff
  • External participants

Number of participants:
25 - Online

Fees per module:

Portuguese and English*

Invited speakers/coaches:

  • CES researchers who have successfully published in different languages;
  • Librarians and cultural/language policy researchers;
  • Writing coaches, to share tips and some of their favourite techniques;
  • Representatives of national and international publishing houses;
  • International participants; International researchers.

NOTE: The preferred language will be Portuguese, however, it may be subject to change according to the linguistic provenance of the guests.

2. Módulo
Scientific Writing: from frustration to construction

4 de março e 20 de outubro de 2020, CES | Alta / A Distância via Zoom

Neste 2.º Módulo espera-se que, através de sessões práticas, os/as participantes reforcem as suas capacidades de escrita, revisão e edição dos textos científicos, em Português e Inglês. Este módulo estimulará os/as investigadores/as em início da carreira a sentirem-se mais à vontade na produção de textos, a compreenderem os desafios das diversas metodologias, a atentarem a novas abordagens na organização da produção científica, abrangendo a interação com editoras académicas internacionais e nacionais..


4 de março de 2020CES | Alta, sala 1
10h00-13h00/ 14h30-17h30 | Abordagens de investigação na pesquisa social . Mauro Serapioni (CES)
[sessão já realizada]

20 de outubro de 2020, Evento em formato digital via Zoom
10h00-11h00 Das comunicações científicas à comunicação de ciência social: como envolver diferentes públicosRita Alcaire (CES) 
11h30-12h30 | Editoras Fraudulentas e a desinformação, Paula Sequeiros (CES)
15h00-17h20 | Publishing in English: thinking through your strategy and preparing a book proposalRhian Atkin (Editora Peter Lang)

Inscrição: 5


[Excecionalmente, o MÓDULO 3,  do Publicar Sem Perecer. Sobreviver ao Turbilhão | 2019-2020  não se realizará. A 5.ª Edição está prevista para novembro-dezembro de 2020 ou fevereiro de 2021, dependendo da evolução da pandemia da COVID-19]



Further information & Registration
Questions or Suggestions

Share your questions or suggestions here:

The ideas collected in the virtual and physical boxes will help us to guide the practice sessions more according to your interests.