1. Who can participate?
The Summer School is open to all those interested, including academics, students and activists from the Global North and the Global South, NGO members and policymakers.
2. What are the working languages at the Summer School ?
The seminars will be taught in English. However, depending on the group work, other languages can be used (Portuguese and Spanish) to broaden the discussion.
3. Will I have access to the Summer School’s Reading materials before the commencement of the course?
Yes. You will have access to the material on-line a month prior to the beginning of Summer School.
4. When and where will the Summer School be held?
The Summer School will be held between June 30 and July 8 , 2014, at Belver Grande Hotel da Curia Golf & Spa - Anadia, the village of Curia , about 30 minutes from Coimbra and Aveiro. For detailed information see Getting There
5. Where will Summer School participants be accommodated?
Participants will be accommodated in a shared room at the Grande Hotel da Curia Golf & Spa in Anadia, about 30km from Coimbra, Portugal. For more information see Getting There and Hotel
6. Will I have access to the internet during the Summer School?
Yes. The Grande Hotel da Curia has wireless network. All participants will be informed about data access to this free network (username and password).
7. Will I be entitled to a certificate of participation?
Yes. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
8. Until when can I register and what is the deadline for payment?
Registrations open on December 1, 2013. Until April 30, 2014 those registering benefit from a reduced rate. The deadline for payment is May 30, 2014.
For more information see Application, Registration and Tuition.
9. If I choose the registration modality Colloquium + Summer School, is my participation in the conference assured without further costs?
Your registration in the conference is assured, but it only includes participation, coffee breaks and conference materials. For more information about accommodation alternatives, meals and trips check the Colloquium Site
10. Does the registration fee include accommodation?
Yes. Registration includes participation in the seminars; accommodation in double rooms;breakfasts, lunches, dinners and coffee breaks; reading materials; decolonial routes and transportation from Coimbra to Curia. Tuition does not include travel to and from Coimbra. For more information see Application, Registration and Tuition.
11. Does the registration fee include meals?
Yes. Registration includes participation in the Summer School, accommodation in shared double rooms at the hotel, lunches, dinners and coffee breaks, social program and the course materials. For more information see Application, Registration and Tuition.
12. Will I receive a confirmation when payment is completed?
Yes. You will receive a confirmation the moment you register, including details for making a payment. As soon as you complete the fee payment you will receives a transaction confirmation.
13. Can I request documentation for visa purposes and support funding?
The organizing committee will not be responsible for arranging visas nor support funds, however may assist in obtaining the necessary documentation for your trip through the preparation and submission to you of letters of acceptance and /or certificates. For issues related to these matters, please contact us: alicesummerschool@ces.uc.pt
14. Do I need insurance?
Each participant must have a personal insurance cover, including medical assistance in the case of emergency. We recommend that you also purchase a travel insurance. Please make sure you bring your insurance policy papers with you.
15. How can I access information about the cultural programme of the summer school?
Detailed information on the social programme will be available in the Summer School programme. The social programme includes film screenings, decolonial routes, gastronomical and musical experiences, and others.