1. Legacies and Belongings: Portugal after the empire?


February 17th: 9.30-10.30 h

Speaker: Hélia Correia (Portuguese writer)
Discussant: AbdoolKarim A. Vakil (King's College , London)

2. Negotiations and Frontiers: Places of the post-colonial


February 18th: 9.30-10.30 h

Speaker: Paulina Chiziane (Mozambican novelist)
Discussant: Omar Ribeiro Thomaz (UNICAMP / CEBRAP – Campinas, Brazil)


3. Network cooperation and the future of social sciences and humanities


February 18th:  17.30-18.30 h

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES/FEUC - Coimbra, Portugal)
Francisco Noa (CES Aquino de Bragança - Maputo, Mozambique)
Fernando Dantas (CES América Latina – Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Peter Ronald deSouza (Indian Institute of Advanced Study / CES Asia, in process of creation – New Delhi, India)