INTIMATE - Citizenship, Care and Choice: The Micropolitics of Intimacy in Southern Europe
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15-01-2019. Colóquio em Metodologia Queer / Queerizando Metodologias, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Luciana Moreira, "Conhecimentos situados: a aproximação ao terreno em entrevistas a pessoas em relações lésbicas";


02-06/11/2018. Achieving Excellence in Transgender Healthcare Across the Lifespan: From Evidence to Clinical Practice" - WPATH Conference, Hilton Hotel, Buenos Aires, Ana Lúcia Santos, “”Prove you are not a boy!" Gender regulations in sex-segregated sport"; 


25/27-10-2018. IV Congresso Ibérico de Terapia Familiar "Amor em tempos de crise. Desafios ao casal, à família e à sociedade", Universidade de Coimbra, Luciana Moreira, "Gestionando nuevas intimidades en España: identidad de género, sexualidades y modelos relacionales en el ámbito familiar";


17.10.2018, Final International INTIMATE Conference "Queering Friendship”, Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações, Lisboa, Portugal, INTIMATE Panel – Trans, Friendship and Care”. VIDEO


16.10.2018, Final International INTIMATE Conference "Queering Friendship”, Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações, Lisboa, Portugal, INTIMATE Panel – Living with Friends”. VIDEO

7/10-11-2018. Colóquio de homenagem a Boaventura de Sousa Santos nos 40 anos do Centro de Estudos sociais "A imaginação do futuro. Saberes, experiências, alternativas", Faculdade de Economia e Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra, Mafalda Esteves, “Orgulho e preconceito: uma realidade da bissexualidade em Portugal”.


7/10-11-2018. Colóquio de homenagem a Boaventura de Sousa Santos nos 40 anos do Centro de Estudos sociais "A imaginação do futuro. Saberes, experiências, alternativas", Faculdade de Economia e Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra, Luciana Moreira, “O cosmopolitismo subalterno e os movimentos contemporâneos pela reivindicação à diferença sexogenérica".


4.10.2018, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco, Ciudad de México, Beatrice Gusmano e Tatiana Motterle, "Relaciones sexoafectivas, parentalidad y amistad en tiempos precarios: cotidianidad y ciudadania LGBT en Europa del sur".


1-3.10.2018, III Encuentro sobre Sexualidad, Cuerpo y Género. Vulnerabilidad e interdependencia, Puebla (México), Tatiana Motterle, "Nichos de resistencia. Redes de cuidados entre personas trans* en Italia".


1-3.10.2018, III Encuentro sobre Sexualidad, Cuerpo y Género. Vulnerabilidad e interdependencia, Puebla (México), Beatrice Gusmano, "Subvertir la heteronorma a través de la amistad. Convivencias y redes de cuidado en la precariedad".

26-28.09.2018, IV Congreso Internacional de Estudio de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica: Derechos, Placeres y Vivencias, FES Iztacala, Tlalnepantla (México), Pablo Pérez Navarro, “Biopolíticas Reproductivas e Infraestructura Heterosexual del Parentesco”.


26-28.09.2018, IV Congreso Internacional de Estudio de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica: Derechos, Placeres y Vivencias, FES Iztacala, Tlalnepantla (México), Luciana Moreira, “Globalización contra-hegemónica: nuevos modelos de parentalidad desafiando Normatividades”.

10-12.07.2018, X Congresso Português de Sociologia "Na era da 'pós-verdade'? Esfera Pública, Cidadania e Qualidade da Democracia no Portugal contemporâneo, Universidade da Covilhã (Portugal), Ana Cristina Santos, "Heróis no Armário: homens trans e pessoas não binárias prestadores de cuidados". 


5-6.07.2018, BPS Psychology of Sexualities 20th Anniversary Conference 1998-2018, London (UK), Mafalda Esteves, “Bisexual activism in Portugal: Public participation or not?”.


27-28.06.2018, FUTURE SEX 2018, University of Surrey (UK), Mafalda Esteves, ““Pride and prejudice: a reality of bisexuality in Portugal”.

26.04.2018, The Political in the Personal: Families and Sexualities in Times of Social Change in Europe, University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Tatiana Motterle, “A step forward? The recent Italian law on same-sex civil unions and its consequences on LGB people daily lives".


30.10.2017, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis), Pablo Pérez Navarro, “Assembleia e coabitação: a produção do espaço queer".


27.10.2017, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis), Pablo Pérez Navarro,"Linguagem, corpos, subjectivação: Genealogias da performatividade na obra de Judith Butler".


19.10.2017, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Natal), Pablo Pérez Navarro, "Ativismos queer no espaço da confluência: Problemas de fronteira".


15.09.2017, IV European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Espai Francesca Bonnemaison (Barcelona), Mafalda Esteves, “De la invisibilización a la transgresión: diálogos con la bisexualidad".


13.09.2017, IV European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Espai Francesca Bonnemaison (Barcelona), Luciana Moreira, “International lesbian couples living in Spain: legal rights, intimate citizenship and new family formations”.

07.09.2017, XIV Congreso de Antropología "Antropologías en transformación: sentidos, compromisos y utopías”, Universitat de Valencia, Tatiana Motterle, ““Fratelli di pancia/Hermanos de barriga”. Histórias de padres gais por gestación subrogada en Roma”.









30.08.2017, 13th Conference of the Sociological Association, PANTEION University of Social and Political Science and HAROKOPIO University (Athens), Ana Cristina Santos, "Unsexing reproduction: narratives of lesbian and bisexual parents in Portugal".


31.08.2017, 13th Conference of the Sociological Association, PANTEION University of Social and Political Science and HAROKOPIO University (Athens), Beatrice Gusmano, “Beaking through the heteronormative framework of parenting. Lesbian mothers accessing ARTs in Italy”.


13.07.2017, Breaking boundaries: Sexuality, gender, reproduction, health and rights, Conference organized by IASSCS, Bangkok, Thailand, Ana Lúcia Santos, “Men Don’t Have It All - Discourses on Surrogacy in Portugal”.


13.07.2017, Breaking boundaries: Sexuality, gender, reproduction, health and rights, Conference organized by IASSCS, Bangkok, Thailand, Ana Cristina Santos, “What’s Sexuality Got to Do with It? Queer Motherhood in Times of Compulsory Reproduction”.


13.07.2017, Breaking boundaries: Sexuality, gender, reproduction, health and rights, Conference organized by IASSCS, Bangkok, Thailand, Beatrice Gusmano, ““I Used to Think That the ‘Pure’ Lesbian Couldn’t Have Children”. Breaking the Boundaries of Heteronormative Reproductive Health in Italy.

13.07.2017, Breaking boundaries: Sexuality, gender, reproduction, health and rights, Conference organized by IASSCS, Bangkok, Thailand, Tatiana Motterle, “Homoparenting and Reproductive Rights in Italy. The Case of Gay Fathers through Surrogacy. Breaking the Boundaries of Heteronormative Reproductive Health in Italy".




04.05.2017, “Legami possibilii. Recherche e strumenti di intervento com le famiglie LGBT* , Conference coorganized with Tatiana Motterle within the Family lives Project, University degli Studi di Verona, Italy, Beatrice Gusmano and Tatiana Motterle: “Genitorialità senza diritti: resultati del progetto Intimate in Italia”., 2nd INTIMATE International Conference “Queering Parenting”, Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo and CES Sofia, INTIMATE Panel: Results of the Study on Medically Assisted Reproduction in Portugal, Spain and Italy.


Paper 1, Brave intersectionality. Non-heterosexual Mothers Accessing ARTs in Italy, Beatrice Gusmano.

Paper 2, Repronormativity and its Others: Reproductive Dissidence of Lesbian and Bisexual Mothers in Lisbon, Ana Cristina Santos.

Paper 3, Universal Rights and Local Values: Lesbian and Bisexual Mothers Negotiating Futurity, Luciana Moreira., 2nd INTIMATE International conference “Queering Parenting”, Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo, INTIMATE Panel: Results of the Study on Surrogacy in Portugal, Spain and Italy.


Paper 1, Surrogacy Wars: Notes for a Radical Theory of Reproductive Practices, Pablo Pérez Navarro.

Paper 2, Italian gay fathers through surrogacy: biology, normativities and extended international families, Tatiana Motterle

Paper 3, Surrogacy in Portugal: troubling ideologies of parenthood, Ana Lúcia Santos


05.12.2016. Men in Movement, II Resilient, resistant and changing masculinities in uncertain times. Rome (Italy) , Tatiana Motterle, "“Ci si sente famiglia, ecco”: Experiences of Italian gay fathers through surrogacy".


09.11.2016. III Congreso Internacional sobre Estudios de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica: Nuevas Cartografías de la Sexualidad, University of Granada (Spain), Ana Lúcia Santos, "Homem não entra – representações da gestação de substituição em Portugal".

09.11.2016. III Congreso Internacional sobre Estudios de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica: Nuevas Cartografías de la Sexualidad, University of Granada (Spain), Luciana Moreira Silva, "Te lo ponen difícil!. Maternidades queer en el marco social y político de las normatividades".


21.10.2016, 2nd International Colloquium of MA and PhD students and in Feminist Studies: "We must all be feminists". Feminism takes up space, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, Luciana Moreira Silva, "Género e sexualidades na Africa do Sul: Zanele Muholi e as possibilidades de/do ser".


21.10.2016, 2nd International Colloquium of MA and PhD students and in Feminist Studies: "We must all be feminists". Feminism takes up space, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, Ana Lúcia Santos, "Desporto para todxs? Desafiando o binarismo sexual e a superioridade masculina em competições desportivas".


01.10.2016.“After Marriage”, Conference organized by The Center for LGBTQ Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA Ana Cristina Santos, “Queer Non-Monogamy Hits the Legal (Marriage) Fan: Relational Citizenship in Portugal”.


01.10.2016. “After Marriage”, Conference organized by CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, New York, USA, Tatiana Motterle, “Before Marriage: Lesbian and Bisexual Women Reclaiming Relational Visibility in Italy”.


01.10.2016. “After Marriage”, Conference organized by CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, New York, USA, Pablo Pérez Navarro, “Beyond Inclusion: Non-Monogamies Before the Law”.


01.10.2016. “After Marriage”, Conference organized by The Center for LGBTQ Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA, Luciana Moreira Silva, “Living Lesbian Relationships in Madrid: Do they Really Care About Us?”.


08.09.2016, II Congreso Internacional de Antropología Aibr IDENTIDAD: PUENTES, UMBRALES Y MUROS, Barcelona, Spain, Tatiana Motterle, “Fractured along different lines. The Italian debate on lesbian and gay parenting”.


01.09.2016, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016 – Royal Geographical Society London, United Kingdom, Beatrice Gusmano, “For whose best interest? The Italian debate on lesbian and gay parenting".


29.07.16, Third European Bisexual Conference - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Beatrice Gusmano, “Coming out twice: narratives of bisexuality and consensual non-monogamies in Italy”.


08.07.2016, IX Congresso Português de Sociologia – Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, Ana Lúcia Santos, “Fazendo conjugalidade (s): histórias de vida mulheres em relações lésbicas em Lisboa”.


08.07.2016, IX Congresso Português de Sociologia – Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, Ana Cristina Santos, “Cidadania relacional na Europa do Sul – pensar o des(re)conhecimento de biografias íntimas não-monogâmicas e queer”.


30.06.2016, XII Congreso Español de Sociología - Laboral-Ciutat de la Cultura de Gijón, Spain, Luciana Moreira, “Derechos LGBTQ en España: igualdad legal, homonormatividad y resistência”.


31.03.2016, 1st INTIMATE International Conference “Queering Partnering”, Faculty of Economics in Coimbra, Portugal, INTIMATE Panel: Results from the Study on LGBTQ Polyamory in Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Paper 1, One at a time: relationally diverse partners challenging the (monogamous) script of citizenship”, Ana Cristina Santos.

Paper 2, Beyond inclusion: relational diversity at the borders of citizenship”, Pablo Pérez Navarro.

Paper 3, The Kintsugi art of care. Unraveling consent in ethical non-monogamies, Beatrice Gusmano.


30.03.2016, 1st INTIMATE International Conference “Queering Partnering”, Faculty of Economics in Coimbra, Portugal, INTIMATE Panel: Results from the Study on Lesbian Coupledom in Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Paper 1, Doing conjugality: lesbian couples as producers of diverse intimate relationships, Ana Lúcia Santos.                                       

Paper 2, Lesbian coupledom: between precarious lives and resistance against a normative system”, Luciana Moreira.                       

Paper 3, Lesbian Couples in Rome: In/Visibility Strategies and Different Paths to Self-determination. Tatiana Motterle.                                                                         

25.09.2015, Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies, New University of Lisbon, Portugal, INTIMATE Panel: Reframing coupledom through same-sex relational citizenship in Southern Europe. 

Paper 1, Introduction, Ana Cristina Santos
Paper 2, Deconstructing monogamous love: activist discourses on consensual non- monogamy in Italy, Beatrice Gusmano
Paper 3, Filling the gap: recognition, activism and monogamy’s law in Spain, Pablo  Perez-Navarro
Paper 4, (Non)monogamies in lesbians' relationships: motivations, challenges and  choices, Luciana Moreira

Chair: Tatiana Motterle


17.09.2015, III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy, Tatiana Motterle, “Il personale è politico? Coppie lesbiche e pratiche quotidiane a Roma”.


17.09.2015, III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy, Ana Lucia Santos and Luciana Moreira Silva, “Resisting patriarchy: friendship as an unconventional and transgressive network among lesbians”.

28.08.2015, 9th ECPR General Conference Université de Montréal in Montréal, Canada, Pablo Pérez Navarro, "Competing Sexual Citizenships: LGBT activism in Puerta del Sol and Gezi Park".


26.08.2015, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Institute of Sociology in Prague, Czech Republic, Tatiana Motterle, "Lesbian couples daily practices in the Italian context".


26.08.2015, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Institute of Sociology in Prague, Czech Republic, Beatrice Gusmano, "Sexualities beyond the limitations of sociological research: the case of polyamory in Italy". 


26.08.2015, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Institute of Sociology in Prague, Czech Republic, Luciana Moreira Silva, "Lesbian activism in Spain: citizenship, sexual rights and impact on lesbian everyday life experiences".


26.08.2015, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Institute of Sociology in Prague, Czech Republic, Ana Cristina Santos, "INTIMATE – The Micropolitics of Intimacy in Southern Europe". 


10.06.2015, Queer Kinship & Relationship Conference, Zalesie Mazury Active Spa in Masuria, Poland, Ana Cristina Santos (keynote speaker), "It Takes More Than Two to Tango! Relational Citizenship and the Queer Ethics of Care and Choice". VIDEO


26.05.2015, Sexuality, Intimacy and Family Lives, Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology - University of Verona, Italy, Ana Cristina Santos, "An account of LGBT intimate citizenship in Southern Europe".


30.04.2015, Research Centre PoliTeSse (Politics and Theories of Sexuality) - Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology - University of Verona, Italy, Beatrice Gusmano and Anna Maria Piussi, introduced by Massimo Prearo, "Educating for Diversity at School: Social, Political and Institutional Conflicts in the Cultural and Pedagogic Field".


20.03.2015, V Colóquio Internacional de Doutorandos do CES - Poderes Emergentes, Continuidades e Transformações, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Luciana Moreira Silva, "Bulliyng homofóbico e transfóbico: das diretrizes à realidade nas escolas".


14.02.2015 4th International Conference on the Future of Monogamy and Nonmonogamy, University of Berkeley, California, Beatrice Gusmano,"Polyamory in Italy: what’s going on?".


12.02.2015 II Congreso Internacional Afecto, Corporeidad y Política, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Tatiana Motterle, "Intersectionality and the queerization of anti-speciesism".

27.01.2015, International Conference From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements: publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century, Universidade Católica com a co-organização do CECC/CECL, Pablo Pérez Navarro, "Spatial Gender Politics: Queers at the Square".


28.11.2014, II Congreso Internacional sobre Estudios de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica, Universidad de Cuenca, Ana Cristina Santos, "¿Felices para siempre? La diversidad sexual, el reconocimiento formal y homonormatividad en Portugal".


26.11.2014, II Congreso Internacional sobre Estudios de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica, Universidad de Cuenca, Ana Lúcia Santos, "Hey, Doctors! Leave the kids alone! Corpos intersexo frente aos limites da hegemonia sexual".


21.11.2014, Mid-term Conference: Public space and private lives in contemporary city, ESA European Sociological Association, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Pablo Pérez Navarro, "The City, the Protest Camp and the Queer Heterotopia".