
Feminisms for whom?

October 26, 2010, 17h00

Meeting Room (1st Floor), CES-Coimbra


Teresa Toldy(Fernando Pessoa University, Porto/CES) 


Isabel Caldeira  (FLUC/CES )


Presentation of The Seminar Cycle

This seminar cycle intends to complement the agenda of the Research Group on Democracy, Multicultural citizenship and Participation and consolidate its multidisciplinary and intercultural aspect. The goal of each session will be discussing ongoing projects, directly related to this group’s main lines of research.



Each speaker must perform a brief presentation of the main argument (15 minutes); this presentation will be followed by an extensive commentary (30 minutes); finally, the discussion will be opened to all participants and the speaker will have time to answer the audience’s questions and elaborate his/her arguments (60 minutes).

The participants must read the communication in advance. People wishing to participate and read the communication must send an e-mail to