
To Save the Planet, Give up Capitalism

Hervé Kempf (jornalista e escritor)

November 19, 2010, 17h30

Lecture Room 3.1, School of Economics of the University of Coimbra


Another world is possible, essential an within our range. Capitalism, after a reign of 200 years, has entered a lethal stage, simultaneously generating a severe economic crisis and an environmental crisis without precedent. To save the planet, we must give up capitalism and rebuild a society where economy is not queen but, instead, a tool. Where cooperation prevails over competition, and where the common good is more important than profit. The future does not lie in technology but in a new set of social relationships. The conviction and swiftness which which we demand more human solidarity is what makes the difference. This is the message of Hervé Kempf, French journalist, who, on November 19th, will give a lecture at the School of Economic of the University of Coimbra, called "To Save the Planet, Give Up Capitalism", which is the tile of his recent book ("Para Salvar o Planeta Livrem-se do Capitalismo" in Portuguese; "Pour sauver la planète, sortez du capitalisme", in French).

The author explains how capitalism changed, in the decade of 1980, by managing to impose its individualism-based behavioural model, marginalizing collective logics. So, to escape that, it is imperative to disassemble the psychological conditioning in which that model is based.

Power oligarchy tries to draw the public attention to imminent disaster, making people believe that technology can do everything, including prevent it. This illusion only intends to perpetuate the current dominating system. As shown by the illustrative reports conducted by the book's author, the futures does not lie in technology but, instead, in new practices of social relationship between individuals and groups.


Biographic Note

Hervé Kempf is the author of several books focused on capitalism and the global environmental crisis; he is also, the editor of the Reporterre journal and environment editor with the daily newspaper Le Monde. He is the author of the books «Comment les riches détruisent la planète» ("How The Rich Are Destroying the Earth") and «Pour sauver la planète, sortez du capitalisme» ("To Save the Planet, Give Up Capitalism"), two works that show how inseparable are social crisis and environmental crisis. These two books are bestsellers with 57.000 and 25.000 copies sold, respectively, and translations into Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, Arab, Japanese, etc.



Labour and Trade Unionism Research Group

Doctoral Programme "Democracy in the Twenty-first Century"

Doctoral Programme "Labour Relations, Social Inequality and Trade Unionism"


Requests for interview: Stefania Barca - mobile pfone: 934229814


Note: On November 18th, Hervé Kempf  will give a lecture at the Instituto Franco-Português called "Is technology the solution to the environmental crisis?"» »  »»»»«««»»""