
Portuguese, Turkish and Italians in the 16th century. The critical edition of a 16th century text: problems, meanings and use of philology in the 21st century

Clelia Bettini (CIEC – Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos / FLUC – Instituto de Estudos Italianos)

November 16, 2011, 17h00

Seminar Room (2nd Floor), CES - Coimbra


This paper intends to present part of a wider research which is being developed within a Post-Doctoral Project at the CIEC – Interuniversitary Centre for Camões Studies (Coimbra). The goal is to show the stages which lead to the critical edition of a (printed) Portuguese text of the 16th century. Text setting, source research, text notes and comments, but also their interpretation, which is being done using theoretical instruments theoretically distant from philology in its strict sense, in order to prove that philological precision cannot waive many other fields of humanities, among which, for example, cultural studies, anthropology and comparative literature. This is a work in progress and it is precisely this characteristic that makes it even more interesting as an object for discussion in a seminar like the one here it will be presented.

Short biography

Clelia Bettini was born in Livorno (Italy) in 1978, but lives in Portugal since 1999. She graduated in Romanic Philology (Portuguese) in 2002 at the Italian University of Pisa and holds a Doctoral Degree in Comparative Literature by the Italian University of Siena (2007). Currently, she is a part-time lecturer of Italian at the School of Humanities of the University of Coimbra and is a Post-Doctoral Student, with a FCT Grant, at CIEC. She also works as translator of fiction, theatre and essay works.

Discussants: Sandra Guerreiro Dias and João Mascarenhas Mateus (CES)

Scientific area: Comparative literature. Portuguese Literature of the 16th century. Luso-Italian Studies.