III Cycle of International Colloquia-Courses

African Literatures of Portuguese Language in a comparative perspective 

May 2014 - April 2015


This is a set of seminars on Comparative Literature with Portuguese and foreign researchers and professors, «African Literatures of Portuguese language in a comparative perspective». The event will last one year, between May 2014 and April 2015, with one or several seminars per month. Aimed at researchers and professors, undergraduate and graduate students, doctoral and post-doctoral students, editors, librarians, cultural agents, journalists, general public.


May 8, 2014, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Chinua Achebe and Pepetela representations of post-colonial elites
Fernanda Alencar Pereira (University of Brasília)

June 4, 2014, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Black and white readings: ethnics and gender in Paulina Chiziane and Nadine Gordimer
Sílvio Renato Jorge (Federal Fluminense University)

June 11, 2014, 15h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Mozambique and the Indian Ocean. Sociocultural Literature and Knowledge
Francisco Noa (Eduardo Mondlane University)

June 11, 2014, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
English sources for Angolan texts: the strange case of Andrew Battell in ‘A Sul’. ‘O Sombreiro’ de Pepetela
Phillip Rothwell (University of Oxford)

October 23, 2014, 15h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Feminine polyphonies of polygamies: Concert or Disconcert?
Catarina Martins (Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra)

November 6, 2014, 14h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Black African writers in the classical, sub-Saharan and (post) modern labyrinths
Pires Laranjeira (University of Coimbra)

November 6, 2014, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
From Luandino to Coetzee: representing forms of violence
Laura Cavalcante Padilha (Federal Fluminense University)

Februrary 26, 2015, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Knowledges and Flavours in  Hinyambaan by João Paulo Borges Coelho
Sheila Khan (University of Minho)

March 5, 2015, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Hero models in narrative fiction of Southern African literature
Fátima Mendonça (Eduardo Mondlane University)

April 9, 2015, 15h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Lusophone African Literatures and Global Literatures
Paulo de Medeiros (University of Warwick)

March 2015, 17h00 | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
Circulation of police narratives in the Atlantic shore: Pepetela, Driss Chraïbi and Achille Ngoye
Fabrice Schurmans (Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra)

April 2015 – José Luandino Vieira (Angolan author), followed by the colloquium for the  50th aniversary of the publishing of Luuanda and the release of volume Diários e Correspondência de Prisão, with the participation of  Roberto Vecchi (University of Bologna), Michel Cahen (University of Bordeaux), Phillip Rothwell (University of Oxford)

TBA | CES-Coimbra
Alda do Espírito Santo and Léopold Sédar Senghor – Poetry as an affirmation of identity
Anne Neuschäfer (University of Aachen)

TBA | CES-Coimbra, Room 2
On Transnational geographies of the imaginary” African Literatures and the Indian Ocean
Elena Brugionni (University of Minho)