DIJUS Seminar - Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Justice seminar programme

Punishment or Restoration: the (dis)encounters of justice(s) - plurality of experiences (Brazil, Mozambique, Portugal, Timor-Leste)

February 6, 2018, 14h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


14h15 – Opening Session

Table 1 – 14h30-16h00 | Punishment or Restoration: the (dis)encounters 

Daniel Achutti (University of La Salle) – Crime and punishment in Brazil: restorative justice at the crossroads of punishment e 
João Pedroso (CES/FEUC)  – Restorative Justice in Portugal: little islands in an ocean of punishment 
Raffaella Pallamolla (University of La Salle) – Building  restorative justice in Brazil: between permanences and innovations

Moderator/comments: António Casimiro Ferreira (CES/FEUC)

Table 2  – 16h15-18h00 | Punishment or Restoration: plurality of experiences  (Brazil; Portugal; Timor-Leste and Mozambique) 

Cristina Oliveira (CES) – Tensions and challenges in adult penal mediation in Portugal:  towards a (re)reading restorative justice from an analysis of surveys in Porto 
Sara Araújo (CES) – Informal and non-punitive justice(s) in  Mozambique and Timor-Leste
Criziany Félix (CES) - Brazilian restorative justice through the lens of its facilitators: Social representations on an emerging "paradigm" (2009-2010) and its institutionalization (2015-2016)

Moderator/comments: Luca Verzellonni (CES)