
Labour and Employment: issues for social policy

March 26, 2018, 14h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


The meeting is promoted by ESPAnet Portugal and aims to: a) introduce the ESPAnet and its mode of operation; b) to tune some organisational and operational aspects; and, c) open a specific topic for discussion - Labour and Employment: issues for social policy -, introduced by two or three short presentations, representative of the research that is done in the area of Social Policy.

ESPAnet Portugal intends to be a national network of researchers in Social Policy in Portugal, created under the auspices of ESPAnet (European Network for the Analysis of Social Policy), but with an independent operation and full autonomous decision-making capacity.

The creation of the network is a way of filling some of the knowledge gaps of researchers in this area of knowledge and of carrying out joint work in teams of national scope and that can be projected internationally.