Gender workshop

Decolonizing Biblical Texts Is Fundamental: A Postcolonial Feminist Analysis of Fundamentalist Biblical Interpretations

Isabel Felix (CES)

December 14, 2017, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


Several emancipatory social movements have affirmed that the growth and mobilisation of religious fundamentalisms is one of the great challenges for the democratic process and for the advancement of public policies for citizenship in Brazil. The discourses promoted by religious fundamentalism, both within their churches and in the Brazilian public space, have as central themes “the defence of the “natural” family model”, the traditional role of women, and the consequent opposition to the decriminalisation of abortion. One of the characteristics of Christian fundamentalist religious groups is to read and interpret biblical texts literally without question. We consider it important to emphasize that when fundamentalism demands that people obey and submit to sacred books without evaluation and questioning, it is defending a power of domination or imperial power.

In the face of this socio-cultural-religious reality, this talk aims to reflect the complexity of the fundamentalist biblical discourses promoted by the Ministério de Louvor Diante do Trono [Ministry of Praise Before the Throne] (MDP), a group of Baptist Church of Lagoinha, a church of the Brazilian evangelical-Neopentecostal field located in the city of Belo Horizonte. The main question revolves around the rhetorical performative character of the biblical texts used by this group and how this mechanism operates in their discourses and pedagogical strategies. This analysis will be based on a feminist perspective of postcolonial studies and postcolonial feminist theologies.
Keywords: Religious Fundamentalism - Postcolonial Feminist Theology - Postcolonial Studies.

Bio note

Isabel Felix - Pedagoga. Mestrado e Doutorado em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo Brasil. Professora na área de Educação e Teologia. Como professora visitante no Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo trabalhou com a disciplina Teologias Feministas: diálogos contextuais e pós-coloniais na teologia e na Ciências da Religião. Na Educação Popular coordenou um Projeto de Alfabetização de Adultos na Prefeitura de Franco da Rocha, São Paulo e o Programa Fome Zero na Prefeitura de Campina Grande, Paraíba.

Atualmente é investigadora de pós-doutoramento no Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, onde integra o Núcleo de Estudo sobre Democracia Cidadania e Direito e desenvolve um projeto de pesquisa intitulado: “Sede submissos uns aos outros no temor de Cristo” – Uma análise retórico-crítica dos códigos domésticos de Colossenses e Efésios e de suas interpretações pentecostais contemporânea.” Com financiamento da CAPES. Interessada, especialmente em Metodologia e Hermenêutica, Religião e Direitos Humanos e na relação entre Estudos Culturais, Estudos Feministas e uma hermenêutica antropológica de textos sagrados e outros textos.

Recommended Readings: 
Fiorenza, Elisabeth, “Empire and the Rhetoric of Subordination”. In: The Power of the Word.

Toldy, Teresa (2015), “Passar as fronteiras”. Por uma teologia feminista pós-colonial em contexto português”. In: Sandra Duarte de Souza & Naira Pinheiro dos Santos (orgs.), Estudos Feministas e Religião: tendências e debates (Vol. 2).

[Recommended readings are available in open-access. If you experience difficulty accessing them, you can request them by email:]

[Within the Gender Workshop Series VIII that takes place between October 2017 and June 2018]