CES Summer School

Crime, Prisons and Surveillance

July 6 to 8, 2015

Room 1, CES-Coimbra


Current state concerns with controlling crime have led to a growing investment in surveillance technologies and to considerable growth in imprisonment rates. Science and technology provide support to crime investigation and to the justice system activities. Crime and terrorist threats seem to legitimize a considerable expansion and sophistication of computerized databases. Expansion of criminal sanctions and surveillance technological systems poses critical challenges to social inclusion. Technology is changing practices of social control and processes of discrimination and stigmatization of large vulnerable population groups. These phenomena have profound and complex implications on citizenship and fundamental human rights.

This Summer School is organized in four core themes: 1. Social sciences’ research in the field of crime, prisons and surveillance society. 2. Criminal databases and DNA technologies in investigating crime. 3. Social and economic costs of imprisonment. 4. Surveillance of offenders and “rehabilitation models”.

The teachers are social scientists with large and consolidated research experience in these fields. At the end of the course the students should able to: 1. To learn theoretical and methodological tools in the area of social studies of crime, prison and surveillance; 2. Critically examine issues of power and inequalities related to the nexus between science, technology and social control; 3. Discuss the configurations of citizenship and human rights related to surveillance and punishment of criminalized social groups.

The classes will involve lectures, and practical activities such as analysis of empirical real cases, one mock trial and one field visit.

Applicants: Graduate, postgraduate and PhD students, professionals in the areas of social sciences, criminology, law, social services and policing.

Duration: 20 hours.

Fees: Students: 60 euros | General public: 75 euros

( Important: 20 registrations will be the maximum accepetd)

Organization: Research group Science, Economy and Society (NECES) | Contact: ces@ces.uc.pt