Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of Workshop about Acute Trauma Interventions, Coimbra, 23 September 2006 (com Sales, Luisa Dias, Aida).

Presentations in scientific events

Dias, Aida; Mooren, Trudy; Sales, Luisa ; Kleber, Rolf (2014), "The need for public health actions to mitigate consequences of child maltreatment among adults in the community: Preliminary results of an European Delphi Study", paper presented at International Symposium on Traumatic Stress Studies, 06 to 08 November.

Sousa Ribeiro, António; Sales, Luisa ; Calafate Ribeiro, Margarida; Dias, Aida (2013), "Traumatic postmemory: the children of the Colonial War", paper presented at 29th International Symposion on Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, USA, 07 to 09 November.

Sales, Luisa ; Dias, Aida; Carvalho, António; Furet, Artur ; Roque, Mário (2013), "Poster "Psychological impact and cortisol response of Portuguese military to peace mission deployment in Afghanistan"", paper presented at 29th International Symposium on Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, USA, 07 to 09 November.

Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa ; Kleber, Rolf (2012), "Relations between Childhood Trauma and Psychological Symptoms in the Portuguese Population", paper presented at Abuse & Neglect across life span, Leiden, The Netherlands, 04 to 05 October.

Dias, Aida; Kleber, Rolf (2011), "Childhood Maltreatment and Psychopathology in Adults - study of Portuguese subjects and war veteran families, followed by the application of the Delphi method", paper presented at ARQ Research Meetings, Diemen, The Netherlands, 22 to 22 September.

Sales, Luisa; Mota Cardoso, Rui ; Dias, Aida; Castro Vale, Ivone (2011), "Estudo da Vulnerabilidade ao Trauma nos Filhos de Ex-combatentes portugueses", paper presented at Os Filhos da Guerra Colonial, Lisboa, Portugal, 14 to 15 June.

Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa; Mota Cardoso, Rui (2011), "How are the Spouses and the Children of the Portuguese War Veterans, 30 years later?", paper presented at European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Viena, Austria, 02 to 05 June.

Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa ; Kleber, Rolf (2011), "Poster: Relations between Childhood Trauma and Psychological Symptoms in the Portuguese Population", paper presented at European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Viena, Austria, 02 to 05 June.

Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa (2008), "Poster entitled Mental Health Legacies of War: Literature Review in Children of Combatants", paper presented at Congresso Imaging War: Intergenerational Perspectives", Suécia, Vadstena, 03 to 07 September.

Sales, Luisa; Mendes, José Manuel; Dias, Aida (2008), "The TENTS Project and the Portuguese Reality", paper presented at Workshop The psycho-social intervention in maxi-emergency situations: Comparing European realities, Roma, Itália, 17 May.

Sales, Luisa Sales; Guardado Pereira, Fernando Guardado Pereira; Dias, Aida (2007), "Stress Pós Traumático em Excombatentes- Peritagem versus Terapia", paper presented at Symposium A Rede Nacional de Apoio - 5 anos depois, Lisboa, Academia Militar, 21 November.

Sales, Luisa; Dias, Aida; Guardado Pereira, Fernando (2007), "PTSD in Portuguese War Veterans - Therapy versus Legal Reparation", paper presented at European Congress On Traumatic Stress Studies, Croácia, Opatija, 06 to 09 June.

Sales, Luisa; Guardado Pereira, Fernando; Dias, Aida (2005), "PTSD em Ex-combatentes - comparação da Avaliação Psicológica de sujeitos candidatos a reparação Médico-legal e sujeitos que frequentam grupos terapêuticos", paper presented at Congresso Nacional de Psiquiatria, Coimbra, 23 to 25 November.

Sales, Luisa; Dias, Aida (2005), "Quem protege o Traumatologista do Trauma", paper presented at XI Encontro de Medicina Militar da CPLP, Porto, 16 to 18 November.

Dias, Aida; Sales, Luisa (2004), "O Acompanhamento Psicológico dos Meninos do projecto Afícra/2003", paper presented at Congresso Internacional de Stress Pós-Traumático, Leiria, 04 to 06 November.

Sales, Luisa; Guardado Pereira, Fernando; Dias, Aida (2004), "PTSD em ex-combatentes e Peritagem Médico-legal", paper presented at Congresso Internacional de Stress Pós-Traumático, Leiria, 04 to 06 November.

Sales, Luisa; Guardado Pereira, Fernando; Dias, Aida (2003), "PTSD e Peritagem Médico-legal", paper presented at IX Congresso de Medicina Militar da CPLP, Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 01 to 05 December.