Book Chapters

Barker, Gary (2018), Letting Men Care: Supporting Engaged Fatherhood to Radically Disrupt the Gender Binary, in NYU Press (org.), The Crisis of Connection: Its Roots, Consequences, and Solutions. Niobe Way, Alisha Ali, Carol Gilligan, & Pedr

Barker, Gary; Nascimento, M., Segundo, M. and Pulerwitz, J (2004), How do we know if men have changed? Promoting and measuring attitude change with young men: Lessons from Program in Latin America, in Ruxton. S. (Ed.) (org.), Gender Equality and Men: Learning from Practice. Oxford: Oxfam.

Barker, Gary (2002), Promises Kept, Promises Broken: Recent Political and Economic Trends Affecting Children and Youth in Brazil"., in Kaufman, H. & Rizzini, (org.), Globalization and Children: Exploring Potentials for Enhancing Opportunities in the Lives of Children and Youth. New York: Co-authored with Irene Rizzini.. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

Barker, Gary; 2002. Co-authored with Irene Rizzini and Neide Cassaniga. (2002), "From Street Children to All Children: Improving the Opportunities of Low Income Urban Children and Youth in Brazil", in Marta Tienda and William Julius Wilson. (org.), Youth in Cities: A Cross-National Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge Unviersity Press.