Antoni Aguiló


Antoni Aguiló is graduated in Philosophy at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Philosophy of Law, of Morality and Politics and PhD in Social Sciences and Humanities. Has been researcher at the Philosophy Department of the University of Balearic Islands (Spain). Currently, he integrates research thematic line on Democracy, Justice and Human Rights, where he has taught in several PhD programs. He was also co-coordinator of the thematic area democratizing democracy in the ERC project "ALICE - Strange Mirrors, Unsuspected Lessons: Leading Europe to a new way of sharing the world experiences". His main research topics are the study of the processes of globalization and political and philosophical dimension of this complex issue, the critical theory of democracy, power, participation and citizenship in the context of neoliberal globalization and counter-hegemonic globalization and also the analysis of interculturality as an instrument of social emancipation. He also places his academic and personal interest in another subject, specifically in the field of sexuality and affective and sexual diversity.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Aguiló, Antoni; Lopes, Alexandra (2023), "Injustiças epistêmicas: relatos e práticas de resistência epistemológica e política das mulheres afrodescendentes da área metropolitana de Lisboa", RELACult -Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, 9, 2, 1-24

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Article in Scientific journal

Aguiló, Antoni (2023), "Consideraciones críticas en torno a la ley trans* en España: ciudadanía íntima, género y colonialidad", Simbiótica Revista Eletrônica, 10, 2, 169-192

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Article in Scientific journal

Aguiló, Antoni; Lluís Vidaña (2023), "Nomofòbia: una crítica social des de l'art a la psicopolítica i l'addicció tecnològica", Anuari de la Joventut de les Iles Balears 2022, 205-223

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