Marisa Matias


Marisa Matias is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and holds a PhD from the School of Economics, University of Coimbra. Her areas of interest are the relationships between environment and public health, science and knowledges and democracy and citizenship. Among other titles, she has written "Rumo a uma saúde sustentável: Saúde, ambiente e política", Saúde e direitos humanos, 3, 2006 (with João Arriscado Nunes), and "Don't treat us like dirt: The fight against the co-incineration of dangerous industrial waste in the outskirts of Coimbra", South European Society & Politics, 9, 2004. Currently, she is Member of the European Parliament, elected in 2009, where she is part of the Industry, Research and Energy Committte (ITRE) and Economic and Financial Affairs Committee (ECON). She is also Vice-President of the Delegation for the elations with Mashreq countries. Between 2009 and 2012 she was member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committe (ENVI).