Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Conference Undisciplined Environments, Stockholm, 20 to 23 March by 2016 (com Barca, Stefania Armiero, Marco).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Ecologia política. Teoria, invesstigação, ação, Liboa CES-CIUL, 25 to 25 March by 2015 (com Fernandes, Lúcia; Serra, Rita; Silva, Lays Helena; Gorostiza, Santiago; Barca, Stefania).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Re-Commonig Democracy, CES/FEUC Coimbra, 16 to 16 October by 2014 (com Velicu, Irina ; Micarelli, Giovanna; Fernandes, Lúcia ; Serra, Rita; Barca, Stefania).

Organization of Environmental justice: engagement, research, and writing, Sala da Escrita, Coimbra, 20 to 20 April by 2014.

Organization of The political economy and ecology of the commons, CES Coimbra, 03 to 03 December by 2012.

Organization of Violence and the environment. Resources, conflicts and resistance, CES Coimbra, 08 to 08 November by 2012.

Organization of international conference: RETHINKING URBAN INCLUSION: SPACES, MOBILISATIONS, INTERVENTIONS, University of Coimbra, 28 to 30 June by 2012.

Organization of Encontro internacional de história ambiental lusófona, CES Coimbra, 30 to 31 March by 2012.

Member of the Organizing Committee of As lutas pela Amazónia no início do milênio, Universidade de Coimbra, 27 to 28 March by 2012 (com Aragon Vaca, Luis ; Barca, Stefania; Hespanha, Pedro ; Allegretti, Giovanni; de Sousa Santos, Boaventura).

Member of the Organizing Committee of PUBLIC GARDENS, GARDENING, AGRICULTURE: TOWARDS MORE SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES , CES Coimbra, Portugal, 27 to 27 September by 2011 (com Barca, Stefania de Oliveira Fernandes, Lúcia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Grupo de Trabbalho GT88 - Meio ambiente, saúde, trabalho e sociedade, Salvador de Bahia, BR, 08 to 09 August by 2011 (com Barca, Stefania; de Oliveira Fernandes, Lúcia; Milanez, Bruno).

Member of the Organizing Committee of IV Dialogo: Primavere silenziose. Le lotte per la giustizia ambientale in Italia, in Storie in Movimento, Settimo simposio estivo di stortia della conflittualitá sociale , Magione, PG (Italia), 07 to 10 July by 2011 (com Barca, Stefania Armiero, Marco).

Organization of Prosperity without growth? The transition to a sustainable economy (Oficina Ecologia e Sociedade), CES Coimbra, 17 to 17 May by 2011.

Organization of Defining environmental justice (Oficina Ecologia e Sociedade), CES Coimbra, 10 to 10 February by 2011.

Organization of O metabolismo social dos conflitos (Oficina Ecologia e Sociedade), CES Coimbra, 27 to 27 January by 2011.

Organization of Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade: sessão de lançamento, CES Coimbra, 14 to 14 January by 2011.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Conferencia: Para salvar o planeta, livrem-se do capitliasmo, Hervé Kempf, FEUC, 19 to 19 November by 2010 (com Barca, Stefania CES, Giovanni Allegretti).

Organization of seminario O direito, o trabalho e as lutas pela terra no Brasil e no Mexico, CES Coimbra, 29 to 29 June by 2010.

Organization of seminario: Il rischio ambientale. Scienza, societá e partecipazione, Think Thanks Centro di Documentazione, Naples, 17 April 2009.

Organization of panel on 'Nature ans social conflict', VIII Methodological Conference, University of Turku, Finland, 16 to 16 September by 2005.

Organization of Economia e natura in prospettiva storica, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, 08 October 2004.

Organization of panel on Nature, capitalism and the moral economy, 2nd Intl. Conference of European Society for Environmental History, University of Prague, 06 to 06 September by 2003.

Presentations in scientific events

Barca, Stefania (2020), "Interview ", paper presented at HSC_Environmental Humanities: A View from Venice, online, 25 June.

Barca, Stefania (2020), ""Alimentação e transição ecológica na perspetiva feminista"", paper presented at Mundos Rurais Emerxentes: Novas Encrucilladas e Retos Futuros, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

Barca, Stefania (2019), "Forces of Reproduction. Socialist Ecofeminism and the Global Ecological Crisis", paper presented at 16th Annual Historical Materialism Conference, London, 07 to 10 November.

Barca, Stefania (2019), "Il sintomo-Antropocene", paper presented at XII Convegno Nazionale dei Sociologi dell'Ambiente, 26 to 20 September.

Barca, Stefania; Matos, Ana Raquel; Leonardi, Emanuele; Ferreira, Vera; Carvalho, António (2019), "Ontologies of the Anthropocene in Portugal - low carbon transitions, social movements and climate politics", paper presented at 14th International Conference, European Sociological Association, Manchester, 20 to 23 August.

Barca, Stefania (2019), "Remembering Manfredonia, 1976-2018'", paper presented at III Meeting of REPORT(H)A | Dynamics and Resilience in Socio-Environmental Systems, 28 to 30 March.

Barca, Stefania (2019), "Rethinking the "just" in Just Transition. Lessons from Amazonia", paper presented at 2nd Austrian Conference of International Resource Politics, Innsbruck, 28 February 02 March.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Keynote talk: Limiti biofisici e narrazioni del capitalismo: una prospettiva ecofemminista", paper presented at Ripensare il limite - 2nd workshop of POE - Politics, Ecology, Ontology network, University of Pisa, 29 to 30 November.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Repoliticizing the economy Re-politicizing the economy: working-class environmentalism and the future of mono-industrial towns Título da comunicação Re-politicizing the economy: working-class environmentalism and the future of mono-industrial towns Título da comunicação Re-politicizing the economy: working-class environmentalism and the future of mono-industrial towns Título da comunicação Re-politicizing the economy: working-class environmentalism and the future of mono-industrial towns Título da comunicação Re-politicizing the economy: working-class environmentalism and the future of mono-industrial towns Re-politicizing the economy", paper presented at Colóquio Internacional: A imaginação do futuro. Saberes, experiências, alternativas, University of Coimbra, 07 to 10 November.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Plenary round-table intervention: Concluding remarks", paper presented at 3rd International Marxist Feminist Conference, University of Lund, 04 to 06 October.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Plenary round-table intervention: Dialogues between critical social theories, science and degrowth ", paper presented at 4th International Degrowth Conference, Malmo, 21 to 24 August.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Telling the right story. A working-class ecology narrative", paper presented at Second Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN), University of Oslo, 19 June 21 December.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Roundtable intervention - Italian Studies and the Environmental Humanities", paper presented at Annual conference of the American Association for Italian Studies, Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento (Italy), 14 to 17 June.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Keynote talk: The Anthropocene. A Political narrative", paper presented at Science, politics, activism and citizenship. Joint meeting of Redes CTS and Catalan Society for the History of Science and Technics, Instituto Lopez Piñero - Valencia, 30 May 01 June.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Rethinking the "just" in Just Transition. Towards feminist ecosocialism", paper presented at CREW research seminar: Work, Climate Change, Sustainability EXPLORING JUST TRANSITION AND BEYOND, University of Warwick, UK, 25 to 25 April.

Barca, Stefania (2018), "Taking care of the Amazon. Life, death and labor in the agro-extractive reserve", paper presented at ASEH Annual Conference, University of Riverside (CA), 14 to 18 March.

Barca, Stefania (2017), "Keynote talk: Ecologies of labour. An environmental humanities approach", paper presented at 5th Annual Workshop of the Postgraduate Forum Environment, Literature Culture: Working-class Environmentalism: Reframing the Interface between Society and Nature, Venice, Universitá Ca' Foscari, 09 to 10 November.

Barca, Stefania (2017), "Round-table intervention: The Anthropocene", paper presented at Biennial Conference of the European Society for Environmental History, University of Zagreb, 30 June 03 July.

Leonardi, Emanuele ; Barca, Stefania (2017), "'Environmental Justice and degrowth in the anti-Ilva struggle in Taranto, Apulia (Italy)'", paper presented at Ecological Economics in Action: Building a Reflective and Inclusive Community, Budapest, 20 to 16 June.

Barca, Stefania (2017), "Keynote talk: The Anthropocene as meta-scientific narrative, and the alternate pasts of environmental history", paper presented at International Workshop: At the intersection of disciplines: History of Science and Environmental History, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, 08 to 09 June.

Barca, Stefania (2017), ""The monster within. Ecology and sacrifice in working-class communities"", paper presented at Earth Rights Conference, Sigtuna (Sweden), 14 to 23 April.

Barca, Stefania (2016), "Plenary intervention: "The political in environmental history"", paper presented at XIII Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS London, 10 to 13 November.

Leonardi, Emanuele; Barca, Stefania (2016), "The ecological crisis as a political issue. André Gorz between Marxism and degrowth", paper presented at 5th International Degrowth Conference, University of Budapest, 30 August 03 September.

Leonardi, Emanuele; Barca, Stefania (2016), "Working-Class Ecology, Environmental Issues and Labour Resistance at the ILVA Steel Plant in Taranto, Apulia (Italy)", paper presented at Third Forum of the International Sociological Association, University of Vienna, 10 July 14 December.

Barca, Stefania (2016), "'Beyond Green New Deal: work, ecology and social reproduction in post-growth Europe'", paper presented at Rights to Nature. Tracing alternative political ecologies to the neoliberal environmental agenda, University of Cambridge, 23 to 24 June.

Barca, Stefania (2016), "Labouring the commons: for a political ecology of the Amazon extractive reserves'", paper presented at The Political Ecology of the Commons, SOAS London, 27 to 27 January.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "Género, trabalho e natureza. A crise ecológica na teoria e na prática feminista", paper presented at Seminário: Pós-extrativismos, decrescimentos e alternativas de existências: as perspetivas das resistências ecológicas, CES Coimbra, 16 to 16 December.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "Genere, lavoro e natura. La crisi ecologica nella teoria e nella pratica femminista", paper presented at Workshop: Il dominio sulle donne e la natura. Critiche femministe all'economia e alla scienza, University Ca' Foscari, Venice, 03 to 04 December.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "Labour and climate change. Working for the ecological revolution", paper presented at International workshop: 'Industry and Green', Institute for Political Ecology, Zagreb, 18 to 18 November.

Oliveira Fernandes, Lúcia ; Bento, Sofia; Barca, Stefania (2015), "Conflitos ambientais em Portugal, 1974-2015", paper presented at Simpósio: Cruzar Fronteiras: Ligar as Margens da História Ambienta, Universidade do Porto, 05 to 07 November.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "Work in environmental history: a transnational overview", paper presented at International Workshop 'Looking back - looking forward: labour and nature through the lens of life histories and prospective sustainability scenarios', Vaxholm, Stockholm, 19 to 20 September.

Oliveira Fernandes, Lúcia; Pais e Silva, Lays Helena; Bento Coelho, Sofia; Barca, Stefania (2015), "Environmental conflicts in Portugal during the past five decades: the EJOLT Atlas conception", paper presented at XII International Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Prague, 26 to 29 August.

Leonardi, Emanuele; Barca, Stefania (2015), "Working-class communities and ecology. The case of the ILVA steel plant in Taranto, Italy", paper presented at International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, University of Leeds, 30 June 03 July.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "Greening the job. Organized labor and the occupational/environmental health link", paper presented at International workshop: 'In and Out of the Workplace. The Framing of Health Issues', CERMES3-University of Paris Descartes, 20 to 21 May.

Pais e Silva, Lays Helena; Oliveira Fernandes, Lúcia; Barca, Stefania (2015), "Minas de urânio em Portugal: contaminação e justiça", paper presented at Simpósio Internacional Conflitos ambientais e estratégias empresariais nas indústrias mineiras e metalúrgicas, século XVIII e XX, Universidade de Évora, 20 to 21 May.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "On working-class environmentalism. A historical and transnational overview", paper presented at Public debate: Syndicats et transition écologique, Université Paris Diderot, 20 to 20 May.

Barca, Stefania (2015), "Reclaiming the commons: a historical political ecology perspective", paper presented at Colloqium series: 'Gouverner l'environnement par la propriété (XIX-XX siècles)', EHESS, Paris, 02 to 02 March.

Milanez Pereira, Felipe; Barca, Stefania (2015), "Trabalhando a Amazônia: a experiência das reservas extrativistas e a disputa pelo legado de Chico Mendes", paper presented at XII CONLAB, Universidade Nova, Lisboa, 01 to 05 February.

Barca, Stefania (2014), "The monster within. working-class communities, the environmental crisis and eco-feminist political economy", paper presented at International conference: Material matters in times of crisis capitalism. TRANSNATIONAL FEMINIST AND DECOLONIAL APPROACHES, University of Giessen (DE), 14 to 17 November.

Barca, Stefania (2014), "Laboring the Amazon. The experience of the "extractive reserves" and the contested legacy of Chico Mendes", paper presented at Epistemologies of the South: South-South, South-North and North-South global learning, CES/FEUC Coimbra, 10 to 12 July.

Barca, Stefania (2014), "'Environmental Justice and the environment(alism) of the poor: notes from an engaged/academic field ", paper presented at Challenging the Status Quo Research, Writing & Activism , KTH Stockholm, 08 to 08 April.

Barca, Stefania (2013), "Labor and the environment. From the treadmill of production to the search of r ajust transition", paper presented at LUCID talk, University of Lund, Dept. of Human Geography, 28 November.

Delicado, Ana ; Santos Pereira, Tiago; Barca, Stefania (2013), "Anatomy of a controversy. Nuclear power in Portugal", paper presented at STS Perspectives on Energy, Lisbon, 04 to 04 November.

Barca, Stefania (2013), "Seeing labor through nature: the Marxist approach in Environmental History", paper presented at II International Karl Marx Congress, Lisbon, 26 to 26 October.

Barca, Stefania (2013), "Property, risk, and social movements: Trespassing the boundaries between EH and PE", paper presented at European Society for Environmental History. Biannual Conference, Munich, 23 to 23 August.

Milanez, Felipe; Barca, Stefania (2013), "session 3B: Amazonia dreams: "Development," conservation, and the people of the forest (early 20th-early 21st century)", paper presented at European Society for Environmntal History. Biannual Conference, Munich, 22 to 22 August.

Barca, Stefania (2013), "Nature, politics, and the 'disorder of water'. Theories of environmental vulnerability in the Mediterranean (18th-19th centuries)", paper presented at European Society for Environmental History. Biannual Conference, Munich, 21 to 24 August.

Barca, Stefania (2013), "Labor and the environment. A transnational overview (19th - 20th centuries)", paper presented at L'environnement des travailleurs au XXe siècle, EHESS Paris, 28 to 28 June.

Barca, Stefania (2013), "Crise ecológica, crise do emprego e lutas sociais na "idade do carbono"", paper presented at Desenvolvimento Sustentável e empregos verdes, Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa, 20 to 20 February.

Barca, Stefania (2012), "Trabalho e justiça ambiental: uma análise comparada na perspectiva da ecologia política e da história ambiental,", paper presented at Território e Ecologia Política, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro BR, 24 to 24 September.

Barca, Stefania (2012), "keynote lecture: Natureza, política e a desordem das aguas. Teorias de vulnerabilidade ambiental no Mediterráneo, sec. XVIII-XIX", paper presented at Segundo simpósio internacional história ambiental e migrações, Universidade Federal Santa Caterina, Florianópolis (BR), 17 to 19 September.

Barca, Stefania (2012), "book discussion: Enclosing Water. Nature and political economy in a Mediterranean world, 1796-1916", paper presented at Seminário permanente de história do século XIX, Universidade Nova, Lisboa, 20 to 20 June.

Pais e Silva, Lays Helena ; Barca, Stefania (2012), "Trabalho e justiça ambiental. Notas de campo desde a mina de asbesto de Cana Brava, Goiás (Br)", paper presented at Ergologia, Trabalho, Desenvolvimentos, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação - Universidade do Porto, 15 to 16 May.

Barca, Stefania (2012), "commentator on panel 4: Human response to weather: Building and praying", paper presented at Responses to climate and weather conditions throughout History, New University of Lisbon, 04 to 05 May.

Barca, Stefania (2012), "comentário ao paper de Frederico Ágoas", paper presented at ciclo Jovens Cientistas Sociais, CES Coimbra, 14 to 14 March.

Barca, Stefania (2012), "Enclosing Water. Nature and Political Economy in a Mediterranean Valley", paper presented at Political Economy and Law Seminar Series, International University College, Turin, 13 to 13 March.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Keynote lecture: Nature and Political Economy in a European periphery: the Kingdom of Naples, or the Two Sicilies (1734-1860)", paper presented at International workshop of the Nature and Nation network: State of Nature, Bucharest, Romania, 02 to 04 December.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Trabalho e justiça ambiental em perspectiva histórica comparada", paper presented at XI Congresso Luso Afro Brasileiro de Ciências Sociaias, Salvador de Bahia, BR, 08 to 08 August.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "commentator on session 533: Materials, energy and land during industrialisation: contributions from a social metabolism approach", paper presented at Encounters of Sea and Land, University of Turku, Finland, 28 June 02 July.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Keynote lecture: Rivers and vulnerability. Theories of environmental disorder in the Mediterranean basin", paper presented at 2nd ESEH summer school: Water-Culture-Politics. Perspectives in Environmental History, Venice, Italy, 20 to 25 June.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Discussant to panel 7: Environmental Justice", paper presented at International conference: Challenging Citizenship, FEUC, Coimbra, 03 to 05 June.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Relações perigosas. Trabalho, ambiente e justiça social", paper presented at 3º Seminário CES sobre os Fundamentos da Economia. Onde pára o mercado?, CES Coimbra, 27 to 28 May.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Bread and poison. Labor and environmental justice in Italian petrochemicals", paper presented at History and sustainability, Phoenix, Arixona, 13 to 17 April.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Commentadora na sessão IV: Ambiente e sociedade", paper presented at Coimbra C, FEUC, Coimbra, 01 to 03 April.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "commentadora sobre paper: Religiões, Identitaded e Cidadania (Joaquim Carvalho) ", paper presented at Seminário da terça feira, CES Coimbra, 22 to 22 March.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "Water, property and vulnerability. A historical political ecology approach", paper presented at ICTA colloquium series, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, 08 to 08 March.

Barca, Stefania (2011), "O trabalho no paradigma da sustentabilidade", paper presented at Portugal entre desassossegos e desafios, FEUC Coimbra, 17 to 18 February.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Women and ecology. An environmental history perspective", paper presented at seminário aberto, doutoramento de estudos feministas, FLUC, 18 to 18 November.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Toxic communities. the struggle for environmental jsutice in the South of Italy", paper presented at 'Precariousness in Contemporary Societies', Bilbao, 10 to 12 November.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Energy, property and the industrial revolution narrative", paper presented at ICOHTEC-TICCI Conference , Tampere, Finland, 10 to 15 August.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Work and environment in the age of oil", paper presented at International Conference 'Environmental Conflicts and Justice', Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, 03 to 03 July.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Petro-landscapes. Work and environment in the age of oil", paper presented at 79th Anglo-American Conference of Historians, 'Environments', University of London, 01 to 03 July.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Nature, politics and the disorder of water. Theories of environmental vulnerability in the Mediterranean, 1750-1865", paper presented at First International Workshop on the History of Environment and Global Climate Change, Braga, Portugal, 07 to 08 May.

Barca, Stefania (2010), "Work, bodies, militancy. Laura Conti and the 'class ecology' debate in 1970s Italy", paper presented at international conference Carcinogens, Mutagens, Reproductive Toxicants: The Politics of Limit Values and Low Doses in the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries, University of Strasbourg, France, 29 to 31 March.

Barca, Stefania (2009), "Commentary on Session 2: "Inside the state"", paper presented at International Workshop: Paths Towards Reflexive Sociology: Ethnography matters , Porto, Faculty of Arts, 10 to 11 December.

Barca, Stefania (2009), "'Labor and the environment in affluent societies. The case of Italy'", paper presented at seminario, CES Coimbra, 08 to 08 October.

Barca, Stefania (2009), "Commentary on Session 1.7: "The politics and science of climate: transcontinental perspectives"", paper presented at First World Conference of Environmental History , Copenhagen, 04 to 08 August.

Barca, Stefania (2009), "'Pane e veleno. Lavoro, ecologia e politica in Italia, 1958-1998'", paper presented at seminario, Facoltà di Scienze Sociali, Politiche e del Territorio, Università del Salento, Brindisi, 19 to 19 March.

Barca, Stefania (2008), "'Capitalism in an Italian valley. The appropriation of the Liri River, and its narrative (1806-1860)'", paper presented at American Society for Environmental History, Boise, Idaho (USA), 12 to 15 March.

Barca, Stefania (2007), "Italy 1958-1978: The rise and fall of a labor environmentalism", paper presented at Dangerous Trade: Histories of Industrial Hazard across a Globalizing World', Stony Brook University (NY), 15 to 17 December.

Barca, Stefania (2007), "Enclosing Water. Nature, Revolution and the Making of Industrial Capitalism in a European Periphery (the Liri valley, 1796-1861)", paper presented at Intl. Workshop in Environmental Politics, University of California at Berkeley, 16 November.

Barca, Stefania (2006), "Embodying environmental history. Health, labor and social struggle in Italy", paper presented at Tenneco Lecture Series, University of Houston Center for Public History , 28 April.

Barca, Stefania (2005), "Health, labor and social justice. Environmental costs of the Italian economic growth", paper presented at Agrarian Studies Colloquium, Yale University, 25 April.

Barca, Stefania (2005), "panel on Nature and Social Conflict ", paper presented at VI Nordic Environmental History Conference, University of Turku, Finland, 17 September.

Barca, Stefania (2005), "Cavalli d'acqua. Natura e ricchezza delle nazioni nell'età dell'industrializzaione", paper presented at I saperi dell'acqua. L'archeologia idraulica, Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale, 10 May.

Barca, Stefania (2005), "Acque e industrializzazione in Italia", paper presented at 3th International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History, University of Florence, Italy.

Barca, Stefania (2004), "Disappearing waters. Mineral and thermal springs in Naples, 19th - 20th cent.", paper presented at Third International Round Table on Urban Environmental History, University of Siena, Italy, 15 to 17 June.

Barca, Stefania; Armiero, Marco (2003), "Capitalism, nature and moral economy: the commons in Modern Italy (19th-20th centuries)", paper presented at 2nd International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History , University of Prague, Czech Republic, 15 to 18 September.

Barca, Stefania (2003), "Running Italian waters. Science and property rights in the age of industrialization (1860-1915)", paper presented at Views from the South. Environmental stories from the Mediterranean world 19-20 centuries, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italia, 06 to 06 September.

Barca, Stefania; Armiero, Marco (2003), "The management of nature: resources, conflicts and rules", paper presented at Mainstreaming the marginal. annual conference of the American Society for Environmental History, 26 to 30 March.

Barca, Stefania (2003), "Acque e industrializzazione in Italia", paper presented at Economia e natura in prospettiva storica, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italia.

Barca, Stefania (2001), "Il capitale naturale. Acque e industrializzazione in valle del Liri", paper presented at Nature, history and social sciences. Methodology and research.

Barca, Stefania; Armiero, Marco (2001), "Il governo della natura. Risorse, conflitti e regole in Italia meridionale", paper presented at Societá Italiana di Storia Contemporanea. Cantieri di Storia. .

Barca, Stefania (2001), "Napoli e il sistema idrico tra XIX e XX secolo", paper presented at Le città sostenibili. Storia, natura ambiente, Comune di Modena, Italy.

Barca, Stefania (2000), "Per una storia delle acque a Napoli in età contemporanea", paper presented at Napoli Sostenibile., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Barca, Stefania (1999), "Water as Energy Resource in the South of Italy (XIX cent.): the Case of the Liri Valley", paper presented at "Nature and Culture" seminar, University of Kansas, 25 September.

Barca, Stefania (1999), "Energia e sviluppo locale. Le risorse idriche tra stato e mercato ", paper presented at Ambiente e risorse nel Mezzogiorno contemporaneo, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, Italia.

Barca, Stefania (1997), "L'elettrificazione delle città pugliesi (1890-1940)", paper presented at Infrastrutture urbane, servizi pubblici e sviluppo economico in Italia fra XIX e XX secolo, Bertinoro, Italy.

Barca, Stefania (1997), "Elettrificazione e Mezzogiorno: il caso pugliese", paper presented at I dottorati per la ricerca storica, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples, Italy.