CES Summer School

Research on research (GLOCADEMICS): ‘Glocal languages’, interculturalidad(e) and ‘Intercultural Responsibility’ in transnational South/North research projects

September 17 to 21, 2017 (CANCELLED)


Research on research (GLOCADEMICS)

‘Glocal languages’, interculturalidad(e) and ‘Intercultural Responsibility’ in transnational South/North research projects

Manuela Guilherme 

A Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, and the Department of Modern Languages, University of São Paulo. She has coordinated international projects funded by the European Commission and her work has been published internationally. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Education (2000) by the University of Durham, UK, for whose dissertation she was granted the Birkmaier Award for doctoral research by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and The Modern Language Journal, Washington D. C..

Relevant Bibliography

GUILHERME, M. (2013, 2nd edition) (2000) Intercultural Competence. M. Byram and A. Hu (Eds.). Encyclopaedia of Language Teaching and Learning, London: Routledge, pp. 346 – 349.

GUILHERME, M. (2014) ‘Glocal’ Languages and North-South Epistemologies: Plurilingual and Intercultural Relationships. In Teodoro, A. & Guilherme, M. (eds.) European and Latin American Higher Education between Mirrors: Conceptual framework and policies of equity and social cohesion. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 55-72.


GUILHERME, M. & DIETZ, G. (online 2016/hardcopy 2017) (eds.) WINDS OF THE SOUTH: Intercultural university models for the 21st century. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Special issue.

GUILHERME, M. & SANTAMARIA, A. (2016) (eds.) Ventos do Sul: Modelos e epistemologias interculturais emergentes na educação superior na América Latina. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 31.


GUILHERME, M. & DIETZ, G. (2015). Difference in Diversity: Multiple perspectives on multi-, inter-, and trans-cultural conceptual complexities. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 10:1, 1-21.



Lynn Mario de Souza

A Professor oLanguage Studies at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. His expertise is in the area of Language and Educational Policy, Intercultural and Global Citizenship Education, Indigenous Education, Critical Theory and Post- Decolonial Theories. He was Visiting Professor at the universities of Western Ontario (2004, Canada), Monash (2010, Australia) Oulu (2011, Finland) and Goa (India, 2012). 


Relevant Bibliography

SOUZA, L. M. M. (2017) Multiliteracies & Transcultural Education. In O. García, N. Flores, & M. Spotti, M. (eds.). Handbook of Language and Society, ch. 13. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.


SOUZA, L. M. M. (2014) Epistemic Diversity, Lazy Reason and Ethical Translation in Post-Colonial Contexts: the case of indigenous educational policy in Brazil


SOUZA, L. M. M Strategic complicity in neoliberal educational internationalization: the case of the production of entrepreneurial subjects in Ciências sem Fronteiras

Charbel El-Hani

Charbel N. El-Hani is Professor of History, Philosophy, and Biology Teaching at the Institute of Biology, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. He coordinates the History, Philosophy, and Biology Teaching Lab at UFBA. His research interests are in science education research, philosophy of biology, biosemiotics, ecology, and animal behavior. He is the Book Review Editor of Science & Education. His research has been published in several leading journals like Science & Education, Cultural Studies of Science Education, Biology and Philosophy, PLOS One. His lab do interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, integrating academic knowledge from different fields (evolutionary biology, ecology, philosophy, history, science education research, anthropology) and also non academic knowledge, such as teachers’ and fishermen’s knowledge. Intercultural education is a key research topic in the lab, combining ethnoecological research in fishermen villages with educational research leading to educational innovations in local schools as a way of empowering local communities and contributing to biological and cultural conservation.

Relevant Bibliography

Mortimer, E. F. & EL-HANI, C. (2014) Conceptual Profiles: A theory of teaching and learning Scientific concepts. New York: Springer.

EL-HANI, C. et al (2015) Conceptual profiles: Theoretical methodological grounds and empirical studies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 167, 15 – 22 (www.sciencedirect.com )

EL-HANI & Bandeira, F. P. S. F (2008) Valuing indigenous knowledge: To call it ‘science’ will not help. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 3:751–779

Gunther Dietz

Gunther Dietz grew up in southern Chile and in northern Germany. He studied anthropology, philosophy and philology in the Universities of Göttingen and Hamburg. He holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. in anthropology from Hamburg University. He has been teaching at the Universities of Hamburg, Granada (Spain), Ghent (Belgium), Aalborg (Denmark), Veracruz (Mexico) and Deusto (Spain). Currently he is a research professor in Intercultural Studies at Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa (Mexico), where he works on multiculturalism, ethnicity, interculturality and intercultural / inter-religious education. Email: guntherdietz@gmail.com; web: www.uv.mx/personal/gdietz/

Relevant Bibliography

DIETZ, Gunther (2012) Diversity Regimes Beyond Multiculturalism? A reflexive ethnography of intercultural higher education in Veracruz, Mexico. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies (LACES), Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 173-200. University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA; (cfr. http://www.uv.mx/iie/files/2013/01/Articulo-LACES.pdf)

DIETZ, Gunther & Laura Selene Mateos Cortés (2012) The Need for Comparison in Intercultural Education. Intercultural Education, Vol. 23 N° 5, pp. 411-424. Bruselas: International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE); (cfr. http://www.uv.mx/iie/files/2013/01/Articulo-IE-comparison.pdf)

DIETZ, Gunther (2013) A Doubly Reflexive Ethnographic Methodology for the Study of Religious Diversity. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 35 no.1, pp. 20-35. Coventry: University of Warwick; (cfr. http://www.uv.mx/iie/files/2013/01/Articulo-BJRE-methodology.pdf)

Luis Cunha 

I am an environmental biologist/bioinformatician specialized in invertebrate biology, currently working as a Marie-Curie Fellow between Cardiff, UK and EMBRAPA in Brazil. I have been actively involved in several NGS-based genomic and transcriptomic projects to assemble and annotate several invertebrate genomes. I am also involved in projects related to evolutionary ecology, phylogenetics and population genetics and genomics, including functional genomics of organisms living in extreme environments. I am particularly amazed by the volcanic Pontoscolex corethrurus, which became the main subject of study during my Ph.D. research project. My current research projects focus on the study of biodiversity signatures in historical anthropogenic ecosystems, in particular the Amazonian Dark Earths. Also using animals closely associated with human activity, in particular earthworms, to infer ancient human migrations across South America.

Relevant Bibliography

Soil Animals and Pedogenesis: The Role of Earthworms in Anthropogenic Soils
L Cunha, GG Brown, DWG Stanton, E Da Silva, FA Hansel, G Jorge, ...
Soil Science 181 (3/4), 110-125

Development of genomic resources for four potential environmental bioindicator species: Isoperla grammatica, Amphinemura sulcicollis, Oniscus asellus and Baetis rhodani.
HC Macdonald, L Cunha, MW Bruford
bioRxiv, 046227

Untangling the Volcanic Earthworm Genome
L Cunha, DW Stanton, S James, K P., M R.


António Sousa Ribeiro

A full professor for German Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He is also a senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the same University and the current coordinator of the Board of Directors of this Centre. He coordinates the doctoral programmes on Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship and on Discourses: History, Culture and Society. He was a cofounder and, from 1999 to 2011, a member of the editorial board of the European network Eurozine. He has been a visiting professor at several universities.
He has written extensively on several topics in Austrian and German Studies, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Holocaust Studies and the Sociology of Culture. His most recent publication in book form are Geometrias da Memória: Configurações Pós-Coloniais, Porto, Afrontamento, 2016 (ed. with Margarida Calafate), and Einschnitte. Signaturen der Gewalt in textorientierten Medien, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2016 (ed. with Brigitte Jirku, Dagmar von Hoff e Simonetta Sanna). He is also active as a literary translator (e.g. Karl Kraus, The Last Days of Mankind).

Relevant Bibliography

RIBEIRO, A. S. (2004) The reason of borders or a border reason? Translation as a metaphor for our times

RIBEIRO, A. S. (2010) Memory, Identity, and Representation: The Limits of Theory and the Construction of Testimony, RCCS 88

João Arriscado Nunes  (CES)

António M. Magalhães

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto where he acts as Head of the Department of Education Sciences. He is also Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES) and member of its Directive Board. His field of expertise lies on education policy analysis with a focus on higher education policies and also researches on methods of policy analysis. He has coordinated and participated in research projects in these areas and has been publishing in these areas both in Portugal and abroad (link for publication list: https://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/pt/pub_geral.pub_pesquisa?pv_tipo_pesquisa=autor&pn_num_pagina=1&pv_cod_autor=234316) . 

Relevant Bibliography

MAGALHÃES, António and Veiga, Amélia (2015), “The narrative approach in higher education research”, in Malcolm Tight e Jeroen Huisman (orgs.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, Volume 1. Londres: Emerald. Pp. 311-331. (Elsevier/SCImago Journal Rankings 2013 SJR: 0.153). ISBN: 978-1-78560-287-0

Amaral, A., e MAGALHÃES, A. (2013), “Higher Education Research between Policy and Practice” in Barbara Khem e Christine Musselin (orgs.), The Development of Higher Education Research in Europe – 25 Years of CHER. Roterdão: Sense Publishers. Pp. 43-59. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-6209-401-7_5).

Stoer, Stephen R., and MAGALHÃES, António M. (2004), “Education, Knowledge and the Network Society”, Globalisation, Societies & Education, vol.2,3, 319-335. DOI: 10.1080/1476772042000252443 (Elsevier/SCImago Journal Rankings em 2010 – 2013 SJR: 0.945/Q1 Education).


Pedro Videira

Pedro Videira - is a researcher at CIPES. He has a degree in Sociology from the ISCTE/IUL (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa/Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), a post-graduation in data analysis and a Master in sociology of economic and social development from the Sorbonne. He has been developing his PhD research concerning the development of scientific interpersonal knowledge networks at the ISCTE/IUL doctoral programme in sociology. His main areas of interest are currently the internationalization of higher education and research, the sociology of science and social network analysis methods and tools.


Relevant Bibliography

Fontes, M., Videira, P., Calapez, T. (2013), “The Impact of Long-term Scientific Mobility on the Creation of Persistent Knowledge Networks “, Mobilities, VIII (3), pp. 440-465 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17450101.2012.655976

Videira, P. (2013) “A mobilidade internacional dos cientistas: Construções teóricas e respostas políticas”, in Araújo, E., Fontes, M. & Bento, S. (eds.), Para um Debate sobre Mobilidade e Fuga de Cérebros, ebook, CECS - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho. ISBN: 978-989-8600-11-0 http://revistacomsoc.pt/index.php/cecs_ebooks/article/viewFile/1582/1490