Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA) 2024

Concurso de bolsas European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

Candidaturas até 31 maio 2024

A) O Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra informa que acolhe candidaturas de investigadores/as interessados/as em concorrer às Marie Slodowska-Curie Actions 2024, programa Horizonte Europa da Comissão Europeia, para atribuição de financiamentos individuais: Postdoctoral Fellowships.

São candidatas/os elegíveis investigadoras/es detentoras/es de grau de Doutoramento, com experiência de investigação pós-doutoral até um máximo de 8 anos, e que cumpram os seguintes critérios de mobilidade:

  • regra de mobilidade do programa MSCA: não ter residido nem desenvolvido a sua atividade principal no país da instituição de acolhimento por mais de 12 meses nos últimos 36 meses.
  • ser nacional ou residente de longa duração (pelo menos 5 anos consecutivos) de um Estado Membro da EU ou país Associado (só para modalidade Global)

    B) Neste concurso MSCA-PF 2024, o CES apoiará até 6 candidaturas: 5 em áreas temáticas predefinidas e 1 em tópico livre. As candidaturas a apoiar serão selecionadas pelo Conselho Científico do CES.

    C) O processo de candidatura ao CES como instituição de acolhimento cumpre o seguinte calendário:
  • O prazo de apresentação de propostas de candidatura decorre entre 12 de abril e 31 de maio de 2024. Deverá ser enviada uma síntese da proposta, através de formulário eletrónico próprio, de acordo com o template MSCA (link aqui).
  • Os/as candidatos/as selecionados/as participarão num workshop online de apoio à preparação do projeto a ter lugar na primeira semana de julho.
  • Até 31 de julho de 2024, os/as candidatos/as selecionados/as enviam ao CES e supervisores/as as propostas completas.
  • Após esta data, os/as candidatos/as trabalharão em estreita articulação com o/a responsável científico indicado pelo Conselho Científico e com o Gabinete de Gestão de Projetos na melhoria e afinação da candidatura que terá de ser submetida até 11 de setembro de 2024 na respetiva plataforma da Comissão Europeia.

  • Áreas Temáticas

    Topic 1: International political economy

    International relations, with an interdisciplinary focus in international political economy: interest in studying European peripheral capitalisms in the context of supranational integration, connecting economy, polity and society in a changing and multiscalar landscape of polycrisis.

    Priority will be given to candidates with a background in International Relations.

    Topic 2: Democracy, resistance and alternatives.

    Centred on the analysis of processes of collective action, this strategic area focuses on critical approaches to the notions and praxis of democracy and citizenship, with a focus on the struggles, rebellions and social protests that confront the structures of capitalism, colonialism and cis-heteropatriarchy. This topic also analyses the challenges posed by the narrowing of democracy in its liberal version and the practices of representative democracy and the resurgence of nationalist populisms in the 21st century. 

    Keywords: collective action, participatory democracy, intersectionality, social movements, care networks, resistance.

    Topic 3: New cartographies of Europe and the Global South: representations, knowledges, violence and memories

    This topic aims to foster the analysis of the articulations between Europe and the Global South, at various scales, within the framework of an increasingly multipolar world. Proposals on the following themes will be accepted: New cartographies of Europe - Representations, violences and memories; Epistemologies of the South, decolonisation and the pluriverses of knowledge; Transnationalisms, diasporas and mobilities; and Contemporary geopolitics, global interventionism and peace processes.

    Topic 4:Risk(s), resilience(ies), vulnerability(ies) and collective action

    In his/her proposal, this researcher should present topics relating to processes of vulnerabilisation of individuals, families, and/or communities, as well as the role of public policies that promote their empowerment and resilience. An interdisciplinary approach to these themes will be favoured, with a strong emphasis on the use of participatory methodologies. This is an area that not only needs more in-depth studies but can also be articulated with other CES thematic lines.

    Priority will be given to candidates with a background in Social studies and humanities.

    Topic 5:Reshaping nature-human connections and urban-rural cultural linkages

    Urban cultures are interwoven with the urgent imperative to face contemporary challenges related to climate change and socio-territorial inequalities. One of the challenges is the relation of cities with nature, which creates an opportunity to make cities more green and more healthy for their inhabitants. Processes of rethinking and renewing connections between nature and humans are contributing to new and expanding fields of research, such as research in action and community-based research, where integrated citizens’ engagement is driving the creation of more democratic and equitable cities. A complementary challenge is the need to re-envision and renew urban-rural cultural linkages, which are contextualized by the gradual transformation of cities and their surrounding areas through dynamic and multifaceted interconnections. Research is addressing these themes to understand how urban ways of life can learn from and integrate rural cultures and knowledges while, at the same time, cultures of non-urban/rural territories can dialogue with urban-based cultures to find innovative ways to address issues of inequalities, social cohesion and change, capacity-building, and desertification. In this sense, interdisciplinary research is needed to involve and integrate perspectives and knowledges from environmental, social sciences, artistic practices, and urban planning fields.
    Priority will be given to candidates with a background in Social studies and humanities, in interdisciplinary research involving, e.g., environment, social sciences, artistic practices, and urban planning and with an experience in collaborative research, Place-sensitive research and/or research-action projects

    Topic 6: Free