Trauma Observatory Newsletter 
infoTRAUMA #19
May 2024
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 113 
«Nas margens do 25 de Abril: os futuros do passado»
Ed: RCCS Editorial Board
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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 
«Envelhecer como LGBTQ+ em Portugal»
To mark the date, the REMEMBER project publishes this guide
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«Direito e cidade em movimento. Latências, emergências e resistências na construção do direito na cidade» por Nathalie Nunes
23 de maio de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa 
«Macau e a Procura de uma Nova Identidade. A Multiculturalidade como Fundamento na (Re)Construção da Cidade» por Maria José de Freitas
16 de maio de 2024, 10h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«“Ocupar" a Democracia: Um Conceito Antigo - Uma Política Nova. Movimentos sociais e democracia no século XXI» por José Péricles Pereira de Sousa
14 de maio de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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New working papers available 
Oficina do CES | N.º 464 to 466 
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Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA) 2024 
European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
Call for applications until 31 May 2024
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Provas de Doutoramento em Democracia no Século XXI 
«At the crossroads between theory and praxis. How Kurdish Democratic Confederalism is articulating feminism, democracy, and ecology» por Eleonora Gea Piccardi
19 de abril de 2024, 15h30, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«O Ministério Público Brasileiro: Guardião do Princípio Constitucional Anticorrupção» por Amilcar Araújo Carneiro Júnior
11 de abril de 2024, 15h00, Colégio da Trindade, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
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Mulheres da UC na Ciência 
Sílvia Portugal
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Provas de Doutoramento em Estudos Feministas 
«Parentalidades dissidentes: o cuidado exercido por homens trans no Brasil e em Portugal» por Milena Cunha dos Santos Do Carmo
5 de abril de 2024, 15h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Applications for FCT PhD Research studentships 2024
Notice of intent to apply to CES by April 3, 2024
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«Re-Trabalhando as Classes no Diálogo Norte-Sul. Trabalho e desigualdades no capitalismo pós-covid»
Eds. Elísio Estanque, Agnaldo Barbosa, Fabrício Maciel | Ed. Unesp (2024)
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Provas de Doutoramento em Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«Interweaving an Emancipatory Human Rights Education in Brazil: The Learning Community of Paranoá» por Vannessa Alves Carneiro
15 de março de 2024, 15h15, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Fator Q
Annual edition of GPS-CES - Grupo de Pesquisa em Sexualidades
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Provas de Doutoramento em Democracia no Século XXI 
«For a political ecology of the subaltern. Plebs, commoners, and the re-invention of democracy in Naples, Southern Italy» por Roberto Sciarelli
29 de fevereiro de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Cescontexto | Debates n.º 34
Ed. Shirlei Torres Perez & Gonçalo Canto Moniz | February 2024
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Provas de Doutoramento em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo 
«As saias que surfam as areias: Descortinando o poder das mulheres na comunidade pesqueira da Nazaré, Portugal» por Glória Leite
8 de março de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Pós-Colonialismos e Cidadania Global 
«Desaprendizagens, Universidades Populares e Epistemologias do Sul: Um diálogo a partir da Universidade Trashumante e da Universidade Popular dos Movimentos Sociais» por Erick Morris
23 de fevereiro de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Knowledge, Experiences, and Struggles for Full Citizenship in Psychiatry and Mental Health
Editors: Tiago Pires Marques, Sílvia Portugal | Deadline for submission: May 30, 2024
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Provas de Doutoramento em Sociologia 
«Para lá dos Silenciamentos. Sofrimento mental, integralidade e (im)possibilidades de uma ecologia de cuidados» por Cláudia Nogueira
25 de janeiro de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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International Colloquium | UNPOP 
Emotions, Narratives and Identities in Politics, Populism and Democracy
Plenary and free sessions open to public | 23 - 26 JAN 2024, CES, FPCEUC & Salão Brazil
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Provas de Doutoramento em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo 
«Gewerkschaften 4.0? Recursos de poder e trabalho via plataformas digitais na Alemanha e em Portugal (2012-2022)» por Vamberto Miranda Filho
17 de janeiro de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«Regime Regulatório Transnacional das Compras Governamentais» por Leonardo Fernandes dos Anjos
19 de janeiro de 2024, 15h00, Colégio da Trindade, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo 
«A reciprocidade na geração do trabalho cooperativo para cogovernança prisional de reclusos e reclusas na APAC» por Sergio Mariani
10 de janeiro de 2024, 14h45, Sala dos Atos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa 
«A construção de um império: território, conexões e arquitectura na Companhia de Diamantes de Angola» por Beatriz Serrazina
5 de janeiro de 2024, 14h30, Sala 2.3 do Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Estudos Feministas 
«O amor místico como relação com o Outro a partir do século XVI ao século XVIII Espanha (Teresa de Ávila), Itália (Maria Maddalena de 'Pazzi) e Portugal (soror Maria Joana)» por E.Graziani
9 de janeiro de 2024, 10h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha do Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Doctoral Exams in Democracy in the 21st Century 
«As Tecnologias Sociais e Digitais na construção de espaços de Emancipação: Contextos dos Orçamentos Participativos em Porto Alegre no Brasil e Lisboa, Portugal» by Margareth Rossal
December 21, 2023, 2:45 pm, Sala dos Atos, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
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Doctoral exams in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation 
«A rede "Farmácias Vivas" no Ceará: provisão de saúde e desenvolvimento» by Francisco Castro
December 4, 2023, 2:45 pm, Sala dos Atos, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«O papel da CEDEAO na gestão de conflitos e construção da Paz na África Ocidental: as intervenções na Serra Leoa, Guiné-Bissau e Costa do Marfim» por Mário Elisandro Gonçalves
20 de novembro de 2023, 15h00, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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POLITICS project debate notebook 
O antirracismo em disputa | Conceitos, debates públicos & projetos políticos
Editors: Luana Xavier Pinto Coelho, Marcos Antônio Batista da Silva, Silvia Rodríguez Maeso | November 2023
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Provas de Doutoramento em Governação, Conhecimento e Inovação 
«Universidade em mudança: Organizações, Finanças e Contratos» por Gonçalo Cardoso Leite Velho
16 de novembro de 2023, 14h45, Sala dos Atos, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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e-cadernos CES n.º 39 
«COVID-19 Pandemic and Health Inequalities in Southern European Countrie»
Ed. Mauro Serapioni and Pedro Hespanha
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Black people in the EU face ever more racism
October 2023 Report
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Provas de Doutoramento em Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«Secularism in troubled ‘Water’ of ‘Hindutva’: A Case study of Conflict Between Freedom of Expression and Religion in India» por Amit Singh
2 de novembro de 2023, 10h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«States in denial: Anti-Black racism, law and policy in Brazil and Peru» por Luana Xavier Pinto Coelho
23 de outubro de 2023, 14h30, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo 
«A transformação das pescas nacionais: caminhos e causas na construção do cenário atual – o caso da comunidade piscatória da Nazaré» por João Paulo Delgado
9 October 2023, 02:45pm, Sala dos Atos, Faculty of Economics, UC
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«Organização do Sistema Judicial e Jurisdição: para uma sistemática alargada da realização do direito pelo juiz» por Nuno Miguel Pereira Ribeiro Coelho
6 de outubro de 2023, 15h00, Capela do Colégio da Trindade, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
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e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
«Monstrous Genealogies: Reclaiming Queer Lives and Embodiments»
Editors: Pablo Pérez Navarro, Ana Cristina Santos, Ana Lúcia Santos, Joana Brilhante, Mara Pieri, Pedro Fidalgo | Deadline for submission: January 15, 2024
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The Fundamental Rights of Long-Term Migrants
Report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
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Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«Corporal Fascism over women’s bodies: feminist movements seeking emancipatory alternatives through the mobilization of law» by Jessica Morris
8 September, 2023, 14h30, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra
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Cadernos do Observatório #19 
Trabalho e políticas de garantia de renda no Brasil: trajetória histórica e desafios atuais
Author: Tiago Oliveira / Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas | August 2023
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Caderno do Observatório #18 
A inflação pós-pandemia: reflexões a partir da economia portuguesa
Authors: Diogo Martins e Vicente Ferreira / Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas | julho 2023
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Provas de Doutoramento em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo 
«O sindicato independente de quadros bancários e as suas estratégias de poder: um estudo de caso» por Maria Antónia Mota
14 de julho de 2023, 14h45, Sala dos Atos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Gulbenkian Scholarship 1998 - Stories of Impact 
Giuseppina Raggi
The Impact Story of a CES researcher who studied in Portugal and Brazil with a Gulbenkian scholarship, which allowed her to live a multicultural academic experience
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Setenta e Quatro 
«The democratic regime “organised the obliviousness” of Portuguese colonial violence»
In an interview, Miguel Cardina, an CES researcher, believes that a reflection on the decolonisation of public space and discourses is necessary to combat the pernicious results of a hegemonic Lusotropicalism that has been reconfiguring for decades
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Provas de Doutoramento em Território, Risco e Políticas Públicas 
«Governação, Políticas Públicas no Sector de Turismo em Brasília-DF» por Ariádne Bittencourt
12 de julho de 2023, 15h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«Anti-racism in Portugal from Past to Present: Movements and Words» por Pedro Varela
11 de julho de 2023, 14h15, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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April - June 2023
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Housing in Portugal
Under the research project «HOU$ING: Financialised housing in 21st century Portugal: Social representations, practices, and political stakes»
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Provas de Doutoramento em International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«The Israeli-Jordanian Peace Process: Ontological Security and Processes of (De)Securitization» por Ricardo Palmela de Oliveira
3 de julho de 2023, 14h15, Sala dos Atos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
3 de julho de 2023, 14h15, Sala dos Atos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
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Atlantic Social Lab
June 2023
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais n.º 130
Semithematic Issue | Includes dossier «Capitalismo (semi)periférico: crises e alternativas», Ed: José Reis, João Rodrigues & Maria Raquel Freire | June 2023
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Doctoral Programme in Feminist Studies Thesis 
«Pós-feminismo no Reino de Deus: poder feminino e feminilidade num contexto de mediatização da religião» by Monise Martinez
1 June 2023, 03:00pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Mathematic Department of the University of Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«Beyond Loss: Race, Displacement and the Political» por Ana Rita Alves
29 de maio de 2023, 15h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em História da Arte 
«Para uma Arqueologia Crítica da Arquitetura» por António Ginja
15 de maio de 2023, 10h30, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
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Doctoral Programme Thesis | International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Definindo "refugiados" e a sua proteção: da construção da categoria às suas implicações para a(s) política(s) de asilo da União Europeia» by Ana Filipa Carvalho Neves
18 April 2023, 02:45pm, Keynes Room, Faculty of Economics - University of Coimbra
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New 'working papers' available 
Oficina do CES | Issues 461 - 463
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«Child-Friendly Perspectives on Gender and Sexual Diversity. Beyond Adultcentrism»
Ed: Jose Antonio Langarita, Ana Cristina Santos, Marisela Montenegro, Mojca Urek | Routledge 2023
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Call for papers 
«Along the Margins of the 25th of April: The Futures of the Past» | Editors: Executive Editorial Board of RCCS
Deadline for contributions: July 31, 2023
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Atlantic Social Lab
February 2023
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Doctoral Thesis in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«The insular effect: LGBTQ people's experiences through the lens of geographical isolation» by Joana Brilhante
10 March 2023, 03:00pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Mathematic Department, University of Coimbra
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Especialização e Curso Internacional | e-learning 
Epistemologias do Sul | 8ª Edição (2023-2024)
Inscrições até 17 ABRIL 2023
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Applications | 1st phase 
CES-UC Doctoral Programmes
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MSCA - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 
European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
Call for Applications until May 14, 2023
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Doctoral Thesis in Law, Justice and Citizenship in the 21st Century 
«O direito humano à educação superior: a gratuidade na perspetiva do Brasil e dos Estados Membro» by Florisbela Maria Guimarães Nogueira Meyknecht
2 March 2023, 03:00pm, Colégio da Trindade Chapel, University of Coimbra
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«Bases de Dados, Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade» by Davi Campos Fontes
February 28th, 2023, 15h, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Mathematic Depart. of the University of Coimbra
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«Sexualidades Mayas Contemporáneas: El caso de los Mayas de la Península de Yucatán y Chiapas, México» by Rubén Solís
23 February 2023, 02:45pm, online
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 129
Semithematic number | Includes dossier "Trabalho e nomadismo digital. Práticas, sentidos e regulações" - Ed. Ana Paula Marques, Elísio Estanque, Esser Jorge Silva and Ricardo Colturato Festi
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«Ideias Vivas | O debate económico em Portugal». Coord: Vítor Neves
Presentation: 28 FEB 2023, 02:30pm, Keynes room-FEUC
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Applications for FCT PhD Research studentships 2023
Notice of intent to apply to CES by March 10, 2023
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Doctoral Exams in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«Data, Demand and Sanitation...» por Marcus Erridge
February 7th, 2023, 15h00, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Mathematic Depart. of the University of Coimbra
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Call for papers 
The Thought of the Black Right in Countries of Portuguese Official Language
Editor: Ramatis Jacino | Deadline for submission: May 7, 2023
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«Do princípio da igualdade dos progenitores ao princípio da inseparabilidade dos filhos...» por Hélder João Martins Nogueira Roque
10 de janeiro de 2023, 15h00, Capela do Colégio da Trindade, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
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António Sérgio Award 2022 
Project TIMES distinguished 
December 2022
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«I know it when I see it’: Human Rights, Pornography and Prostitution: Legal and Regulatory Dilemmas, Justice and Citizenship in the 21st Century» by Antónia Maria Barradas
30 November 2022, 15h00, Colégio da Trindade Chapel, Faculty of Law - University of Coimbra
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Reimagining Europe
Dynamic digital platform which integrates a database of artists and artworks that address European postcolonial memory
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e-cadernos CES | Issue 37 
Encarceramento e sociedade: do período colonial aos seus legados pós-coloniais
Editors: Diana Andringa & Júlia Garraio
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Doctoral Programme Territory, Risk and Public Policies 
«A relevância do uso do solo e da vulnerabilidade territorial para a compreensão dos impactos e dos forçadores locais de gestão do risco» by José Leandro Barros
8 November 2022, 15h00, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Depart. de Matemática at the University of Coimbra
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Doctoral Programme 'Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI' 
«Práticas de democracia participativa no parlamento» by Wladimir Rodrigues Dias
3 November 2022, 14h45, videoconference
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REVISTa Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 128 
COVID-19: novas sociabilidades, configurações sociopolíticas, dilemas e respostas
Ed. Conselho de Redação da RCCS | September 2022
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SCHEDULING | 2022/2023 School Year 
CES goes to School
Target Audience > Basic and Secondary School, Senior Universities, Detention Facilities || In-person or online sessions
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Revista do SNESup | n.º 77 
«Pandemia e Academia em casa: desigualdades, desafios e perspetivas de futuro»
Dissemination of research findings from the project 'Pandemic and Academia at Home'
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The “ILO Chair” at FEUC: talks on the future of work
Eds: Hermes A. Costa >> Presentation at FEUC, 12 October,17h00
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October - December 2022
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European Researchers' Night | 2022 
Science for All: Sustainability and Inclusion
30 September 2022 | 17h00 - 00h00 || Between Largo da Portagem and Rua da Sofia (Coimbra)
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7th Edition 2022/23 
Publishing without Perishing: Surviving the Stampede (7th edition 2022/23)
Kickoff and 1st Module | October 2022 > Registrations now open
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e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
COVID-19 Pandemic and Health Inequalities in Southern European Countries
Editors: Mauro Serapioni, Pedro Hespanha | Deadline for submission: January 2, 2023
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Gulbenkian Briefs: Estudo sobre o salário médio em Portugal 
Especialização Produtiva e Salários: Propostas para Qualificar Portugal
José Reis, Ana Drago, João Ramos de Almeida | CRISALT
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Provas de Doutoramento em Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«O transconstitucionalismo de inclusão social da OIT e o caso português» by Marina Henriques
12 september 2022, 02:45pm, online
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Doctoral Programme «Discourses: Culture, History and Society» 
«Memórias Virtuais. Representações digitais da Guerra Colonial» by Verónica Ferreira
12 September 2022, 02:45pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Depart. of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
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The narratives of the 2022 wildfires in Portugal: Critical Analysis of the Discourse 
The Risk Observatory (OSIRIS) is carrying out a critical analysis of the political narratives surrounding the wildfires of 2022 present in the main media outlets in Portugal
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Feminist Studies 
«Mortes no feminino: narrativas judiciais sobre femicídio no Brasil» by Marina Oliveira Guimarães
July 22nd, 2022, 10am, José Anastácio da Cunha Room , Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
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Feminist Studies 
«Corpos extra-ordinários no desporto: uma leitura pós-humana crítica sobre a regulação da hiperandrogenia e identidades trans» by Ana Lúcia Santos
July 22nd, 2022, 02:30, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
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CES in the exhibitions series “What is being researched at the UC?”
8-21 July, 2022 | CoimbraShopping (1st floor)
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Barómetro das Crises | Issue 26 
A Guerra na Ucrânia: que integração terão os novos refugiados?
Author: João Ramos de Almeida | 7 July 2022
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New Website 
MARGINS | People, rice and mangroves at the margins: A hybrid and contested interface in a changing world
MARGINS will seek to study in an integrated way the mangrove rice production in Guinea-Bissau, focusing on three case studies and considering its multiple social, ecological, and political dimensions.
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Doctoral Programme in Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«Juventudes nas trilhas incertas da vida e do trabalho no Brasil» by Andréa Monteiro da Costa
July 11th, 2022, 02:45pm, online
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Law, Justice & Citizenship in the XXI century 
«O Excesso na Legítima Defesa à Luz dos Fins das Penas» by Joaquim Carlos Sabino Biker Nobre Rogério
July 11th, 2022, 15h00, Colégio da Trindade Chapel, University of Coimbra
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Concerts | DJ Sets | Film Festival 
Jardim de Verão 2022
24 June - 10 July | 2022, Gulbenkian Garden, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon)
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Doctoral Thesis Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«"The land does not grow": Super-exploitation, land privatization and the human right to development in Namibia’s Eastern communal lands» by Pablo Gilolmo Lobo
27 June 2022, 3pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room (Departamento de Matemática)
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cescontexto | Debates #32 
Jovens adultos imputáveis: direito penal e resposta judicial
Ed: Patrícia Branco & Luena Marinho | May 2022
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INTIMATE and Beyond: LGBTQI+ 2014-2022
Ana Cristina Santos (ed.), Ana Lúcia Santos, Beatrice Gusmano, Luciana Moreira Silva, Mafalda Esteves, Pablo Pérez Navarro, Tatiana Motterle | CES-UC, 2022
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Doctoral Thesis in Cities and Urban Cultures 
«Cidades Líquidas: Paisagens urbanas do Mondego-Coimbra» by Bruno Franco Alves
13 June 2022, 2:45pm, online
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DecliNações: Género e nação nas literaturas e culturas africanas de língua portuguesa
Ed: Doris Wieser, Jessica Falconi | Coleção CES/Almedina / June 2022
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DOCTORAL THESIS IN DEmocracy in the Twenty-first Century 
«The role of participation in the new models of political party» by Marco Meloni
6 June 2022, 10:15am, online
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Doctoral Thesis in Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«Sindicalismo de movimento social e a organização das mulheres na CUT:  uma inspiração feminista» by Deise Aparecida Recoaro
7 June 2022, 02:15pm, online
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Doctoral Programme Thesis in Territory, Risk and Public Policies 
«Risco de cheias e inundações: Estratégias comunitárias para a gestão e redução da vulnerabilidade em Moçambique» by Ricardo Acácio Xavier
31 May 2022, 10:00am, José Anastácio da Cunha Room (Departamento de Matemática) + online
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Doctoral Programme Thesis in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«The Black Line The Last Cosmogonic Border in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta» by Edwin Rubio Medina
2 June 2022, 3pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room (Departamento de Matemática)
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Heritages of Portuguese Influence 
«O património em movimento: a circulação da arquitetura dos engenhos por territórios de influência portuguesa» by Ricardo Abdalla
27 May 2022, 03:00, José Anastácio da Cunha Room (UC Maths Department ) & videoconference
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Encontro Ciência 2022 
CES at the Science and Technology Meeting in Portugal 
May 16 to 18, 2022, Lisbon Congress Centre
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e-cadernos CES | Issue 36 
Periferias urbanas: transformações e ressignificações
Org: Alex Magalhães & Tatiana Moura | 2022
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Final Project Report 
Women and Men in time of pandemics. Work, income and living conditions
Coord: Lina Coelho | August 2020 - September 2021
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Barómetro das Crises | Isue 25 
Desemprego: que indicador estatístico reflete melhor o fenómeno?
Author: João Ramos de Almeida | 30 de março de 2022
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cescontexto | Debates, Issue #31 
Beyond Modernity: Alternative: Incursions into the Anthropocene
Editors Mariana Riquito, António Carvalho | February 2022
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March 22 to April 15, 2022, 10h00-16h00, PAVILHÃO 31 (Av.do Brasil, n.º 53, Lisbon)
> further
DOCTORAL PROGRAMME 'Heritages of Portuguese Influence' 
«Cidades de influência portuguesa: patrimonialização e gestão» by Marcela Santana
24 de março de 2022, 14h30, sala José Anastácio da Cunha (Departamento de Matemática), Universidade de Coimbra)
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Des-cobrir a Europa. Filhos de Impérios e pós-memórias europeias
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro and Fátima da Cruz Rodrigues | Edições Afrontamento / Memoirs || 2022
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Faltam Planos de Intervenção para Melhorar as Condições de Trabalho nos Tribunais 
Projeto 'QUALIS - Qualidade da Justiça em Portugal! Impacto das condições de trabalho no desempenho profissional das profissões judiciais'
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Ecos Coloniais
Eds: Ana Guardião, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Paulo Peixoto | Photos: Pedro Medeiros | Tinta-da-China, 2022
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Applications for FCT PhD Research studentships 2022
Notice of intent to apply to CES by March 22, 2022
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Call for papers for thematic dossier of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS) 
Work and Digital Nomadism. Practices, Meanings and Regulations
Ed: Ana Paula Marques, Elísio Estanque, Esser Jorge Silva, Ricardo Colturato Festi > Deadline for submission: June 12, 2022
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infroTRAUMA #10
Trauma Observatory CES-UC
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Doctoral Thesis | Heritages of Portuguese Influence 
«Modernizing Macao. Public Works and Urban Planning in the Imperial Network, 1856-1919» by Regina Campinho
14 February 2022, 02:30pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Mathematics Department, University of Coimbra & Videoconference
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Frantz Fanon Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 
Boaventura de Sousa Santos distinguished with The Frantz Fanon Award
February 2022
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> further
Newsletter MEMOIRS #147 
The End
António Pinto Ribeiro
> further
e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Beyond the Anthropocene: Climate Crisis, New Ontologies and Alternatives to the Anthropocentric Modernity
Editors: António Carvalho, Mariana Riquito | Deadline for submission: May 8, 2022
> further
CES - Host Institution 
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 5th Edition
Application until February 9th, 2022
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January - March 2022
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«Primavera Tardia»
Eliana Sousa Santos, Tiago Silva Nunes | Dafne, 2021
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Newsletter MEMOIRS / MAPS #146 
Tacking stock
António Sousa Ribeiro
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e-cadernos CES | Issue 35 
«Políticas laborais e justiça redistributiva»
Ed: Maria Paula Meneses
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centre for social studies 
Season's Greetings
> further
Newsletter MEMOIRS / MAPS #145 
"There wer no innocent eyes"
Hélia Santos
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«A Saúde Reinventada: Novas perspetivas sobre a medicalização da vida»
Eds: Tiago Pires Marques e Sílvia Portugal | Almedina, 2021
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Doctoral Programme Territory, Risk and Public Policies 
«Políticas Públicas e o risco de (In)Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional: retrato sociológico do Município de Belas – Luanda» by Sara Filipa Ferreira Portovedo
16 December 2021, 02:30pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Maths Depart. of the University of Coimbra
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Barómetro das Crises | Issue 24 
À saída da pandemia: precariedade, baixos salários e estagnação
Author: João Ramos de Almeida | 2 December 2021
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Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Security Identity and Foreign Policy changes: Brazil's relations with Argentina from 1985 to 2018» by Heloise Guarise Vieira
9 December 2021, 02:45pm, videoconference
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Ghost pools: Memory, the End
Paulo de Medeiros
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Descolonizando el constitucionalismo. Más allá de promesas falsas o imposibles
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Sara Araújo, Orlando Aragón Andrade | Akal, 2021
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Creative Tourism. Activating Cultural Resources and Engaging Creative Travellers
Editors: Nancy Duxbury, Sara Albino, Cláudia Pato de Carvalho | CABI, 2021
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Newsletter Memoirs / Maps #143 
EUROPA, je t´aime moi non plus
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro
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«A cena da pós-memória. O presente do passado na Europa pós-colonial»
António Sousa Ribeiro (eds.) | Afrontamento, 2021
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Trauma Observatory/CES Newsletter 
27 October 2021
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Literature Podcast 
Interview with Paulina Chiziane, Camões Award 2021
Interview conducted by Isabel Caldeira & Catarina Martins
> further
Series Publish, Do Not Perish: Survive the Stampede
Registration is now open
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New working papers available 
Oficina do CES | # 456 to 460
> further
Call for papers 
COVID-19: new sociabilities, sociopolitical configurations, dilemmas, and responses
Editor: Executive Editorial Board of RCCS | Deadline for submission: January 9, 2022
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Doctoral Programme Cities and Urban Cultures 
«Amor na cidade: imaginários e práticas amorosas no Rio de Janeiro» by Felipe Dias Ramos Loureiro
October 21, 2021, 02:pm, videoconference
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais n.º 125
Semithematic issue. Includes the dossier «All Hands on Deck: The Sea as an Object to Rethink Migrations». Ed: Marta Silva and Yvette Santos
> further
«O Trabalho Aqui e Agora»
Renato do Carmo, Isabel Roque, Jorge Caleiras, Rodrigo Vieira de Assis | Tinta-da-China, 2021
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Cescontexto | Debates, Issue 30 
Citizens' Commitment to Risk Governance. From Inaction to Co-Decision
Editors: José Manuel Mendes, Alexandre Tavares & Alexandra Aragão | September 2021
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To reconstruct, a not just transitive verb
Roberto Vecchi
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Doctoral Programme | Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«Reparaciones por Discriminación y Violencia en contra de las Mujeres en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos...» by Ximena Ron Erraéz
September 27th, 2021 | 02:45pm, videoconference
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Doctoral Programme | Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«‘Novas’ formas de fuga ao direito do trabalho nos relacionamentos empresariais fictícios» by Sandra Regina Ribeiro da Graça
October 4th. 2021, 02:45pm, videoconference
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Science for Climate 
European Researchers' Night | 2021
24 September 2021, 16h00-23h00, Alta & Baixa (Coimbra)
> further
Emicida at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra 
CES-UC / UPEA-CES / Parent / Kinder
> further
Newsletter Memoirs / Maps #139 
Uma terrina lascada
Paulo Faria
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Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
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e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Incarceration and Society: From the Colonial Period to Its Postcolonial Legacies
Editors: Diana Andringa, Júlia Garraio | Deadline for submission: January 2, 2022
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Eppur si muove?
António Sousa Ribeiro
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SUPERAnews #05
July 2021
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Gabriela de Freitas Figueiredo Rocha wins the 12th edition of CES Award
July 2021
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Emancipar o Mundo: Teoria Crítica e Relações Internacionais
Ed: José Manuel Pureza & Marcos Farias Ferreira | CES/Almedina, July 2021
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The colonial aphasia and the crossroads of memory
Miguel Cardina
> further
cescontexto | Debates - Issue 29 
Transformar o Capitalismo com Utopias Reais: Em torno do legado de Erik Olin Wright
Ed: Elísio Estanque & Daniel Neves Costa | July 2021
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e-cadernos CES | Issue 34 
Alerta vermelho, alerta verde: dar forma à transformação ecossocialista
Ed: Lanka Horstink, Lúcia Fernandes e Rita Campos
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Patrimónios Contestados
Eds.: Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo and Walter Rossa | Público, 2021
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The Pluriverse of Human Rights: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity
Edited by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bruno Sena Martins | Routledge, 2021
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CES at «Ciência 2021»
28, 29, 30 June, 2021, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa
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Doctoral Programme | Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship 
«¿Qué puede una ciencia?: Epidemiología, Saberes Populares y Crisis Ecosocial en el Sur de Chile» by Sebastian Medina
21 June 2021, 02h45pm, videoconference
> further
Barómetro das Crises | Issue 23 
A moratória de crédito a empresas e famílias: alívio presente, riscos financeiros futuros
Catarina Frade, Ana Cordeiro Santos, Nuno Teles | 16.06.2021
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Trauma Observatory Newsletter 
June 2021
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Exu, orixá of black memory
Fernanda Vilar
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Ghosts of the Empire
António Pinto Ribeiro | Margarida Calafate Ribeiro
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Fernando Ruivo
16/01/1951 - 24/05/2021
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais |  | Issue 124
Semithematic Issue | Includes dossier «Transformar o capitalismo com utopias reais: em torno do legado de Erik Olin Wright», ed. Elísio Estanque & Daniel Neves Costa | May 2021
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Small Scale Sport Tourism Events and Local Sustainable Development
Editors: Ricardo Melo, Claude Sobry, Derek Van Rheenen | Springer, 2021
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The Pluriverse of Human Rights: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity
Edited by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bruno Sena Martins | Routledge, 2021
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Memoirs Newsletter #129 
What is the problem
António Pinto Ribeiro
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Há Vida(s) nesta Cidade! #2 with Rui Bebiano e Pierre Marie
Inês Nascimento Rodrigues, Júlia Garraio and Vasco Martins talk with Rui Bebiano andPierre Marie about «April 25» and the Portuguese democratic transition
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Há Vida(s) nesta Cidade! #1 with Miguel Cardina
Inês Nascimento Rodrigues, Júlia Garraio and Vasco Martins talk with Miguel Cardina about the «Memories of the Colonial War» in today's country
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April - June 2021
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Presumption of innocence and related rights – Professional perspectives
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
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Survey | 2nd PHASE 
COVID-19: Stress, Adaptation and Trauma
The Trauma Observatory/CES-UC proposes to assess the strategies developed by the Portuguese population throughout this pandemic
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Inquérito a docentes e investigadoras/es 
Project «Pandemic and Academia at home - what effects on teaching, research and career?»
Envisaging the far-reaching implications of the pandemic on how research and/or teaching is carried out in higher education in Portugal
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Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«(Re)sources for Conflict and Cooperation in the Caspian – Black Sea region: the impact of energy dynamics» by Roxana Gabriela Andrei
22 March 2021, 02:45pm, videoconference
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Memoirs/Maps Newsletter #126 
This is not your war (3)
Paulo Faria
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Public defence of doctoral thesis in Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no Século XXI 
«Controle e Resistência nas Prisões de Mulheres. Uma Análise Interseccional desde Argentina» by Maria Natacha Guala
15 March 2021, 03:45pm, videoconference
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Gender Inequality
Ongoing Projects at CES
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Academic women were most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic   
Conclusions of the study promoted in the UC after the first confinement
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Memoirs Newsletter #125 
The colonial unconscious
António Sousa Ribeiro
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Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«As contribuições do ciberespaço para os processos de securitização e dessecuritização» by Tiago Pedro Vales
1 March 2021, 02:30pm, videoconference
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Applications for FCT Doctoral Grants 2021
Notice of Intent to Apply to CES by March 14, 2021
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Human Rights in Contemporary Societies | Doctoral Programme Dissertation Defense 
«Chroniqueers. Time, care and visibility in narratives from queer people with a chronic illness» by Mara Pieri
19 february 2021, 2:00pm, videoconference
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COVID-19: Effects of a Global Stressor on Marital Relations
Give your testimony to help understand what influence COVID-19 has on marital relationships
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New working papers available 
Oficina do CES | N .º 456 a 458
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Public defence of doctoral thesis in International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«O imaginário da ameaça do terrorismo transnacional e as dinâmicas da decisão política Portugal» by Carlos Morgado Braz
January 25, 2021, 14h45, videoconference
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Camões Virtual Centre e-learning courses [2nd semester] 
Subalternities in the South Atlantic/Portugal: Memories of the end of the empire
Applications until February 14, 2021
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e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Urban Peripheries: Transformations and Reframing

Editors: Alex Magalhães, Tatiana Moura | Deadline for submission: May 16, 2021
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Direitos sociais: exclusão e desigualdades no contexto luso-brasileiro
Eds: António Casimiro Ferreira, Marcos Catalan, Guilherme Wünsch | Tirant, 2020
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CES - Host Institution 
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 4th Edition
Application until February 7th, 2021
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Memoirs Newsletter #121 
Works of art and the condition of post-memory (conclusion)
António Pinto Ribeiro
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infoTRAUMA #7
Trauma Center
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 123
Semithematic Issue | Includes dossier «As novas tendências na teoria social contemporânea» - Ed: Bianca Freire Medeiros and Diogo Silva Corrêa | December 2020
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Doctoral Programme | Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship 
«Diálogos do riso. Um campo aberto para repensar a arte e a educação» by Cláudia Maisa Antunes Lins
16 December 2020, 02:45pm, videoconference
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Memoirs Newsletter #120 
This is not your war (1)
Paulo Faria
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New Doctoral Programme CES/FEUC 
Sociology of the State, Law and Justice
Coord: Boaventura de Sousa Santos, António Casimiro Ferreira, Sara Araújo | Applications: 2021
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Doctoral Programme Cities and Urban Cultures 
«Economia Verde e Resíduos Urbanos: paradoxos e adaptações na sociedade de consumo» by Maria de Fátima Espinheira
14 December 2020, 02:45pm, videoconference
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Barómetro das Crises #22 
Saúde e economia: a primeira, a segunda e a vaga de fundo
Authors: João Ramos de Almeida and José Castro Caldas | 02.12.2020
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Memoirs Newsletter #119 
Who owns...?
António Sousa Ribeiro
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Newsletter IPHinLAW #4 
«Femicídio nas relações de intimidade: da avaliação do risco à efetiva proteção da vida das mulheres»
Maria José Magalhães, Camila Iglesias, Carolina Magalhães Dias, Cátia Pontedeira | 25 de novembro de 2020
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Conocimientos nacidos en las luchas | Construyendo las Epistemologías del Sur
Ed: Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Maria Paula Meneses | Akal, 2020
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5th Annual Report of the Observatory on Crises and Alternatives 
«Como reorganizar um país vulnerável?» | Ed: José Reis
Atual | 2020
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«Trade Union Powers | Implosion or Reinvention?» 
Elísio Estanque, Hermes A. Costa, Dora Fonseca, Manuel Carvalho da Silva | Cambridge Scholars Publishing| 2020
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Session Scheduling 
CES Goes to School
3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education| 2020/2021
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SUPERAnews #03
November 2020
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«Músicas e Danças Europeias do Século XIX em Cabo Verde. Percurso de uma Apropriação» by Gláucia Nogueira
12 November 2020, 02:30pm, videoconference
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Call for papers | e-cadernos CES 
Labor Policies and Redistributive Justice
Ed: Maria Paula Meneses | Deadline for submission: February 17, 2021
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«The Tenacity of the Couple-Norm | Intimate citizenship regimes in a changing Europe»
Sasha Roseneil, Isabel Crowhurst, Tone Hellesund, Ana Cristina Santos, Mariya Stoilova | UCL, 2020
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Public Presentation 
Platform for statistical and legal information on work and employment, social protection and the social and solidarity economy in Portugal | Starting NOV 6 2020
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Summit | 2-4 November 2020 
Ciência'20 | Science and Technology Summit in Portugal
Centre for Social Studies' Participation, Venue: Centro de Congressos de Lisboa
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Newsletter Memoirs #115 
Who defines what memories fit in Europe?
Bruno Sena Martins
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October - December 2020
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Project «Out of the Box»
The Diversity of the CD25A Collections
> further
Spaces in Public
26, 27 and 28 October, 2020 | Online Events
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The resilience of resistance
Fernanda Vilar
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Cescontexto | Debates, Issue 27 
The Crisis and the Challenges of Democracy
Ed: Alfredo Ramos, Priscila Delgado de Carvalho, Leonardo Avritzer and Giovanni Allegretti
> further
Doctoral Programme Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship 
«O impacto da globalização económica contemporânea em Monapo e Palma, Moçambique» by Jafar Silvestre Jafar
16 September 2020, 02:45pm, videoconference
> further
Doctoral Programme Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«De-Orient the Arab Woman: Polarizing Geographies and Frames of Oppression in Contests and Contestations of Human Rights» by Yasmine Loza
17 September 2020, 02:30pm, videoconference
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The guit of History
Roberto Vecchi
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The Fundamental Rights Report - FRA Opinions
With the contribution from CES, available in 24 language versions
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Look, I'm not white
Fátima da Cruz Rodrigues
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«Palavras para lá da pandemia: cem lados da crise»
CES collective work, edited by José Reis | July 2020
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Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«Crises, Estudo e Precaridade Laboral: o trabalho Temporário em Portugal» by Adriano Pereira Campos
23 July 2020, 02:45pm, videoconference
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Pre-presentation of the 5th Report of the Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives 
«Como reorganizar um país vulnerável?» | Ed: José Reis
> further
MEMOIRS Newsletter #108 
Postcolonialism and Post-Holocaust: The Mbembe “Affair”
António Sousa Ribeiro
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MEMOIRS Newsletter #107 
Old papers
Yara Monteiro
> further
COMBAT project outcomes presentation booklet 
«Direito, estado e sociedade: uma análise da legislação de combate ao racismo em Portugal»
Authors: Silvia Rodríguez Maeso (ed.), Ana Rita Alves, Sara Fernandes, Inês Oliveira | June 2020
> further
Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«‘Peace without roots?’ The ethnic dimension of peace in Colombia» by Ana Isabel Rodríguez Iglesias
25 June 2020, 02:45pm, videoconference
> further
CESCONTEXTO | Debates, Issue 26 
1st Research Meeting Safeguarding in Development
Orgs: Adelino Gonçalves, Margarida Relvão, Rui Póvoas ,Teresa Ferreira | June 2020
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Windrushes (3)
Paulo de Medeiros
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Fundamental Rights Report 2020
FRA | EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
> further
Online Seminar Series 
Deconfined Talks
June, July, September, October | 2020
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New working papers available 
Oficina do CES | # 450 to 455
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Observatory for Education Policies and Professional Development (OP. Edu) 
Impact of Covid-19 on the Portuguese education system
Partial report with preliminary and partial results of a survey that began on the day schools would have resumed their activity after the Easter holidays
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«EM migração EM português: exílios, retornos, colonizações»
Eds: Elsa Lechner, Graça Capinha and Maria Clara Keating | CES/Almedina, 2020
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Post-pandemic urbanities
May 28 and June 4, 2020 > Online Event
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Law, Justice and Citizenship in the 21st Century 
«Capacidade institucional local de direitos humanos: uma análise sobre a prefeitura de São Paulo (Brasil)» by Bethânia Carvalho
May 22, 2020, 14h45, videoconference
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Public Aggregation Exams: João Paulo Providência
May 19 ro 20, 2020, 14h30,UC Great Hall of Acts
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Barómetro das Crises | # 21 
Novo desemprego: As fragilidades de uma opção produtiva nacional
Author: João Ramos de Almeida/Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives | May 8, 2020
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Memory, City and Literature
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro and Francisco Noa (Ed.) | Edições Afrontamento / Memoirs
> further
SUPERA Research Projet 
Newsletter #1
April 2020
> further
PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF DOCTORAL THESIS | Doctoral Programme Territory, Risk and Public Policies 
«Política Pública de Saúde e Gestão Territorial: um estudo de caso no Brasil» by Sueli Godoi
8 May 2020, 02:00pm, videoconference
> further
«Identities in conflict: dehumanization and peace-less reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian protracted peace process» by Joana Ricarte
28 April 2020, 02:00pm, videoconference
> further
Public presentation of Doctoral Thesis | Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship 
«Migração feminina em contextos pós-coloniais globalizados: teias entrelaçadas entre afetos e agência na rota Brasil-Suriname-Holanda», by Ana Cláudia Cardoso de Freitas
23 April 2020, 02:45pm, University of Coimbra
> further
Public presentation of Doctoral Thesis | Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Becoming eligible for peace: An analysis of the role of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture», by Maurício Vieira
24 April 2020, 02:45mp, videoconference
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 121 
Semithematic Issue
Includes the dossier «Memória, justiça e poder: desafios contemporâneos» | Ed: Rogério Ferreira de Souza
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The impacts of COVID-19 on Education
See data from OP.Edu | Observatory for Education Policies and Professional Development
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COVID-19: Effects of a Global Stressor on Conjugal Relations
Give your account to help understand the influence of COVID-19 on the relationship of couples
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April - June 2020
> further
INTERVIEW | Giovanni Allegretti 
Coronavirus: il governo portoghese decreta una sanatoria a favore dei migranti
Radio Onda D'Urto [IT] | 30.03.2020
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UC against COVID-19 
Scientific-based information platform dedicated to the theme of COVID-19
> further
Give your account regarding how Covid-19 is affecting the Portuguese education system at all levels of education
Observatory for Education Policies and Professional Development | 25.03.2020
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«Reinventar a comunidade» by Elísio Estanque
Jornal Público | 24.03.2020
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«Vírus: tudo o que é sólido se desfaz no ar» by Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Público | 03.18.2020
> further
16 March 2020
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Advanced Training Courses 
> further
Centro de Trauma | February 2020
> further
FCT PhD Scholarship Applications 2020
Apresentação de intenção de candidatura ao CES até 10 de março de 2020
> further
Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
> further
2020 Edition 
College of Global Studies
Featuring David Theo Goldberg, Oyèrónké Oyěwùmí, Jessé de Souza
> further
International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Securitization as a Nation-Bulding instrument in a weak states: the Israeli case» by Marta Sofia Silva
14 February 2020, 10:15am, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da UC
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Narrativas do Trauma: Vítimas, memória e cidadania
Ed: José Manuel Mendes, Ângela Maia, Pedro Araújo | CES/Almedina, 2019
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Knowledges Born in the Struggle. Constructing the Epistemologies of the Global South
Edited by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Maria Paula Meneses | Routledge, 2019
> further
e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Code Red, Code Green: Shaping the Ecosocialist Transformation
Ed: Lanka Horstink (ICS-UL), Lúcia Fernandes and Rita Campos (CES-UC) | Deadline for submission: May 17, 2020
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 31 
Crisis, Austerity and Health Inequalities in Southern European Countries
Ed: Mauro Serapioni e Pedro Hespanha
> further
In Memoriam 
Graça Abranches (1945-2019)
December 8th, 2019
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Anozero'19 - Coimbra Biennial of Contemporary Art - «THE THIRD BANK» 
Santa Clara-a-Nova Convent (Coimbra) | Until 29 December 2019
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Dissertation in Urban Cities and Cultures 
«Públicos de Festivais de Cinema em Portugal: um estudo comparado» by Tânia Leão
December 10, 2019, 14h30, UC Great Hall of Acts
> further
In Memoriam 
Peter Taylor
31 October 2019
> further
Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Nem guerra, nem paz: a partilha do poder pós-conflito e as suas implicações para a paz em Moçambique» by Ricardo Cardoso Raboco
4 November 2019, 14h45, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria - University of Coimbra
> further
New website 
Research Project «DeCode/M»
“(De)Coding Masculinities: Towards an enhanced understanding of media’s role in shaping perceptions of masculinities in Portugal” (DeCode/M) is the first-ever comprehensive study on Media and Masculinities in Portugal.
> further
e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Between the State and the Uma Lulik: Spaces of Identity, Power and Governance in Timor-Leste
Editor: Marisa Ramos Gonçalves | Deadline for submission: December 8, 2019
> further
Evento Público 
Planning inclusive and innovative urban regeneration of Campanhã with the public
12 October 2019, 10h00-18h00, Jardim da Corujeira (Porto)
> further
Memoirs Journal #2
27 Septembr 2019
> further
Lilian Thuram in Portugal
25 to 28 November 2019, Coimbra and Lisboa
> further
«O Pluriverso dos Direitos Humanos: a diversidade das lutas pela dignidade»
Eds: Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bruno Sena Martins | 2019
> further
Cescontexto | Debates, ISSUE 25 
Ciência, Economia e Sociedade Projetos, Estudos e Temáticas
Organisation: Hugo Pinto, Susana Costa and Filipe Santos | September 2019
> further
CES-UC Doctoral Programmes Inaugural Lecture 
Charles Bernstein (U. Pennsylvania)
«Doubletalking the Homophonic Sublime: Comedy, Appropriation, and the Sounds of One Hand Clapping», October 10, 2019, 3:00pm, Paulo Quintela Theatre, FLUC (Coimbra)
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais #119
Semithematic Issue | Includes dossier «The Economy as Substantive Reality: The First Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Political Economy» | September 2019
> further
Cescontexto | Debates - Issue 24 
CRETA - Caminhos, Ruas, Estradas, Trajetos e Atalhos 
Editors: Carlos Fortuna, Carolina Anselmo, Cláudia Pato de Carvalho & Paulo Providência | Julho 2019
> further
Inês Nascimento Rodrigues wins the 11th edition of CES Award
July 2019
> further
7th Biennial Conference Network Afroeuropeans 
Black In/Visibilities Contested
4-6 July 2019, ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon)
> further
POLITICS new website
The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles
> further
Provas de Doutoramento em Doutoramento em Línguas Modernas: Culturas, Literaturas, Tradução 
«Since Why is Difficult - The Representation of Violence and Trauma in African-American and Afro-Caribbean Literature by Women: Autobiography, Fiction, and Subjectivity Construction in the Bildungsroman» by Gonçalo Cholant
May 24, 2019, 2:30pm, Carlos Ribeiro Room, Colégio de Jesus, UC
> further
New 'working papers' available 
Oficina do CES | Issues 447, 448, 449
> further
Autotopografias - Peter Weiss em Auschwitz
May 4, 2019 | Author: António Sousa Ribeiro
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais #118
Semithematic Issue | Includes dossier «What Solidarity? Networks of Cooperation with the Liberation Movements from Portuguese Colonies»
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 30 
Museus e democracia cultural: diálogos e tensões
Editors: Lorena Sancho Querol, Daniel Reis & Elizabete de Castro Mendonça
> further
infoTRAUMA #4  
Trauma Centre | 12 dApril 2019
> further
International Conference 
CoLABOR organises «Trabalho 4.0 - Tecnologia, Trabalho e Emprego no Séc. XXI»
April 29, 2019, 09h30, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon)
> further
«Mulheres, Sexualidade, Deficiência - Os interditos da cidadania íntima»
Ana Cristina Santos, Fernando Fontes, Bruno Sena Martins, Ana Lúcia Santos (Editors) | CES/Almedina Colection; Series «Políticas Sociais», 2019
> further
Online Publication 
Dicionário ALICE
April 2019
> further
«El pluriverso de los derechos humanos | La diversidad de las luchas por la dignidad»
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Bruno Sena Martins (Edi) | Akal, 2019
> further
2019 > Registrations open
> further
e-cadernos CES | Convite à apresentação de artigos 
Endangered Citizenship: Crime, End of the World and Biopolitics in Postcolonial Literatures and Cinema
Editor: Gaia Giuliani | Deadline for submission: May 15, 2019
> further
FCT PhD Grant Applications 2019
Until March 12, 2019
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«O acesso à saúde como um direito social: estudo comparado da construção das políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil e em Portugal» by Priscilla dos Santos Gomes
11 February 2019, 14h30, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da UC
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Democracy in the Twenty-first Century 
«Seremos campeões? O desenvolvimento urbano e a Copa do Mundo FIFA em um estudo África do Sul e Brasil» by Fernando Goya Maldonado
15 February 2019, 14h30,Great Hall of Acts - UC
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«La vida y el tiempo. Apuntes para una teoria ucrónica de la vida buena a partir de la historia reciente del Ecuador» by René Alberto Ramírez Gallegos
15 February 2019, 15h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Departamento de Matemática da UC
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Law, Justice, and Citizenship in the Twenty First Century 
«Advocacias com e para comunidades negras rurais: diálogo de saberes e direito ao território no Brasil e no Equador» by Flavia Carlet
18 February 2019, 15h00,Great Hall of Acts - UC
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship 
«Travestis brasileiras no sul da europa: subalternidade e reconhecimento nas fronteiras do gênero e sexualidade» by Fernanda Branco Belizário
25 January 2019, 15h00, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Edifício da Matemática, UC
> further
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis in Heritages of Portuguese Influence 
«O Bumba-meu-boi como zona de contacto: trajetórias e resignificação do património cultural» by Maria da Conceição Salazar Cano
29 January 2019, 15h00, Sala Carlos Ribeiro, Colégio de Jesus, UC
> further
Cescontexto | Debates > N.23 
Que faremos com estas bibliotecas? Bibliotecas públicas, políticas culturais e leitura pública
Eds.: Paula Sequeiros and Nuno Medeiros | December, 2018
> further
Summer School 2019 
Epistemologies of the South V
Application until February 28, 2019
> further
Portuguese Association of Conversations in Psychology Career Award 2018 
Ana Paula Relvas distinguished with Career Award 2018
December 2018
> further
«Construindo as Epistemologias do Sul (Vols. I/II)»  by Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Several authors | CLACSO 2018 >> ONLINE EDITION IN OPEN ACCESS >>
> further
Semithematic Issue 
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | 117
December 2018 >> Includes file «Participação pública nos sistemas de saúde»
> further
Oficina do CES | Issue 445 
Sindicalismo, política e reforma da previdência no Governo Lula
Author: Sidney Jard da Silva | December 2018
> further
Barómetro das Crises | Issue 19 
Emprego e salários: pontos de interrogação
Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas | 19 November 2018
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 29 
Portugal: um retrato ainda singular? 40 anos volvidos
Commemorative issue of CES 40 years
> further
Trauma Centre of the Centre for Social Studies | November 2018
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 
2018 Special Issue | 40 years of CES
Edited by Conselho de Redação da RCCS
> further
Mário Soares Foundation Prize - EDP Foundation 2018 
Inês Rodrigues and Vasco Martins distinguished with honourable mention
November 2018
> further
Jornal Público | P2 
«A esquerda tem mostrado uma maturidade enorme para engolir sapos»

Interview with Boaventura de Sousa Santos during CES' 40th anniversary
> further
Academic Year 2018/19 
CES goes to School
Open scheduling for the 2nd and 3rd cycles of primary and secondary education
> further
October - December 2018
> further
Call for papers 
Dossier: Memórias da violência colonial: Reconhecimentos do passado e lutas pelo futuro
Editors: Bruno Sena Martins, Miguel Cardina, Skeila Khan | Deadline: 31 OCT 2018
> further
Resilience and Regional Dynamics: An International Approach to a New Research Agenda
Edited by Hugo Pinto, Teresa Noronha & Eric Vaz | September 2018
> further
Cescontexto | Debates Issue 22 
Democracia e Direitos Humanos na Era Digital
Editors: Jesús Sabariego & Ana Raquel Matos | September 2018
> further
Gayatri Spivak
«Study, Know, Learn, Hear, Listen, Do? Humanities for Social Studies», October 12, 2018, FEUC Auditorium | Coimbra
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 28 
Etnicidad, territorio y pueblos indígenas: paradojas y desafíos de las políticas neoliberales
Edited by Victoria Chenaut and Laura Valladares de la Cruz
> further
Cescontexto | Debates > Issue 21 
As casas vistas de dentro e de fora
Edited: Carlos Fortuna | July 2018
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 116 
Número semitemático
September 2018 | Includes «Entre céu e terra, a bola», edited by Carlos Nolasco & Franscisco Pinheiro
> further
PhD Public Defence in Territory, Risk and Public Policies 
«Análise Comparativa da Gestão das Politicas Públicas no Âmbito Sanitário Alimentar: O caso Brasil / Portugal» by Eurídice Alencastro
July 25, 2018, 10h30, Great Hall of Acts,UC Rectory
> further
Chamada de Comunicações 
2nd Annual Meeting of Political Economy [1/2 FEV 2018, FEUC, Coimbra]
Proposal Submissions by September 15
> further
PhD Public Defence in Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship 
«As histórias de depois: processos identitários na trajetória de moçambicanos “brancos” em Maputo e Tete após a independência de Moçambique» by Fabrício Dias da Rocha
July 17, 2018, 15h00, Carlos Ribeiro Hall, College of Jesus, UC
> further
Press Release 
CES prepares evaluation of pilot projects for social innovation in the Atlantic Area
Debate was held in Rennes under the Atlantic Social Lab project partnership
> further
Public Policy Portuguese Journal | Vol. 3, Issue 1 
Special Issue: Smart Specialisation, Territorial Innovation and Policy Change
Paulo Neto, Maria Manuel Serrano e Hugo Pinto (editors) | 2018
> further
Doctoral Programme Human Rights in Contemporary Societies 
«The role of participatory budgeting in promoting urban development» by Saide Jamal
11 JUly 2018, 10:30am, Sala Carlos Ribeiro, Colégio de Jesus, UC
> further
PhD Public Defence in Heritages of Portuguese Influence 
«Arquitetura Vernacular de Goa. A casa: contexto e tipos» by Vitor Mestre
July 10, 2018, 10h30, Great Hall of Acts, UC Rectory
> further
July - September 2018
> further
ARTÉRIA Network Show 
Sofia, Meu Amor!
June 30 (18h00) and July 1 (15h00 e 18h30), 2018, Rua da Sofia (Coimbra)
> further
Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal 
CES at Science Meeting 2018
July 4, 2018, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa
> further
Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Vale Quanto Pesa? A emergência de novos espaços de governação em megaprojetos de mineração no Brasil, Canadá e Moçambique» by Isabella Alves Lamas
30 May 2018, 10:30am, Capelos Room, University of Coimbra
> further
Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution 
«Reconciliation in Mozambique revisited» by Natália da Costa Pereira Bueno Schenoni
28 May 2018, 3:00pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, University of Coimbra
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 115 
Número semitemático
May 2018 | Includes «Portuguese Colonialism in Goa: Nineteenth-Cetury Perspectives» file
> further
Oficina do CES | Issue 442 
Desigualdades, tecnologia e revolução
Author: Elísio Estanque | May 2018
> further
Cescontexto | Debates - Issue 20 
Escalas e Espaços | IX Edição do Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos – Volume III
Editor: Tiago Castela | April 2018
> further
Centro de Trauma Newsletter 
infoTRAUMA #2
April 2018
> further
April - June 2018
> further
Oficina do CES | Issue 440 
«O governo dos sem‑abrigo pela mentira»
Author: João Aldeia | March 2018
> further
Doctoral Programmes Grants 
Doctoral Programmes Grants' Applications FCT 2018
Until 14 March 2018
> further
Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
> further
Doctoral Programme Heritages of Portuguese Influence 
«Urbanistic culture and heritage of Portuguese influence in Asia, 1503-1663» by Vera Mónica Gaspar Domingues
28 February 2018, 10:30am, Sala Carlos Ribeiro, Colégio de Jesus, UC
> further
Doctoral Programme Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism 
«Social practices against unemployment: a study on the creation of own employment» by Joana Gomes de Almeida
26 February 2018, 03:00pm, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da UC
> further
Memo Trans Politics
Project INTIMATE (European Research Council)


> further
Queering Friendship [16-18 October 2018, Lisbon]
Deadline: 5 April 2018
> further
Doctoral Programme Democracy in the Twenty-first Century 
«Participation as a method of government? Potentials and limits in the institutionalization of transcultural experiences of social participation ... »by Igor Ferraz da Fonseca
29 January 2018, 03:00pm, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha Departamento de Matemática da UC
> further
Tip of the Tongue | Stories, Memories and Innovation in Emigration
Narratives and life histories of Portuguese emigrants, through the collection and analysis of texts, oral and performative testimonies.
> further
Doctoral Programme Cities and Urban Cultures 
«Avaliação nas Organizações do Terceiro Setor: Contextos, Discursos e Práticas» by Mónica Lopes
25 January 2018, 15h00, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria UC
> further
Demodiversity | Imagining New Democratic Possibilities
Editors: Boaventura de Sousa Santos and José Manuel Mendes | Edições 70, 2017



> further
Advanced Training 
Publish Do Not Perish: Flourish in your research writing (2nd Module)
February 2018 >> Inscrições abertas
> further
Oficina do CES | Issue 440 
«Ta-Nehisi Coates and the insecurity of the black body»
Author: Gonçalo Cholant | January 2018
> further
Doctoral Programme «Languages and Heterodoxies: History, Poetics and Social Practices» 
«A Porta da Prisão: Uma história dos meios de segurança e coerção penal na perspetiva dos guardas prisionais portugueses (1974-2014)» por Ana Pereira Roseira
10 January 2018, 14h30, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da UC
> further
Barómetro das Crises | Issue 18 
Retoma económica: o lastro chamado precariedade
Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas | 5 January 2018
> further
January - March 2018
> further
CLACSO/CES Specialisation and International Course 
Epistemologies of the South
3rd Edition - 2018-2019 || Registration until 18 March 2018
> further
Doctoral Programme «Democracy in the Twenty-first Century» 
«Mobilising Nature Between Democracy and Fascism - And environmental history of the Spanish Civil War and the legacies of the Francoist autarky» by Santiago Gorostiza
21 December 2017, 02:45pm, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da UC
> further
Press Release 
December 2017
> further
Oficina do CES | Issue 439 
«Geração Ritalina» e a otimização da atenção: notas preliminares
Authors: Luciana Vieira Caliman e Nathalia Domitrovic | December 2017
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 27 
«Intervenções. Vozes privadas em espaços públicos»
Edited by Isabel Caldeira and Maria José Canelo
> further
Victor de Sá Award for Contemporary History 2017 
José Pedro Monteiro distinguished with Honorable Mention
November 2017
> further
Barómetro das Crises | Issue 17 
The double face of recovery: rising employment, stagnating productivity
Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas | 29 November 2017
> further
Fundação Mário Soares Award 
José Pedro Monteiro distinguished with Honorable Mention
November 2017
> further
e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Museums and Cultural Democracy: Dialogues and Tensions
Editors: Lorena Sancho Querol, Daniel Reis, Elizabete Mendonça || Deadline for submission: 28 February 2018
> further
CES Summer School 
Epistemologies of the South IV - The end of a cognitive empire: what comes next
21-29 JUNE 2018, Curia >> Applications until 15 February 2018
> further
CES Summer School | INTIMATE 
The Good, the Bad and theMonster. Queers, Crips and (Other) Misfits off the edge of the map
14-18 May 2018, Coimbra >> Applications until 20 January 2018
> further
«Corpos na Trouxa | Histórias-artísticas-de-vida de mulheres palestinianas no exílio» by Shahd Wadi
CES/Almedina | Serie «Identidades e Interculturalidades» 2017



> further
The Cultural Leadership Award 
Creative City Network of Canada awards Nancy Duxbury
October 2017
> further
Book presentation 
«A Revolução Russa - 100 Anos Depois»
Speakers: Rui Bebiano & António Louçã | 24 OUT, 09:30pm, Teatro da Cerca de S. Bernardo (Coimbra)
> further
Cescontexto | Debates - Issue 19 
Direitos, Justiça, Cidadania: O Direito na Constituição da Política
Editors: António Casimiro Ferreira, Maria João Leote de Carvalho, Pierre Guibentif, Sílvia Gomes, Vera Duarte, Andreia Santos e Paula Casaleiro | October 2017
> further
O CES vai à Escola
Registration open
> further
Book presentation 
«Tony Judt – Historiador e Intelectual Público» by Rui Bebiano
10 OUT, 6:00pm, Lisbon || 17 OUT, 6:00pm, Coimbra
> further
October - December 2017
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 
«Portuguese Colonialism and the Indian Ocean: Reviewing the nineteenth century»
Call for Papers until 15 December 2017


> further
2nd Call for Creative Tourism Projects
Until 15 November 2017
> further
Oficina do CES No.438 
Um estudo sobre a formação do Conselho Municipal LGBT em Florianópolis
Douglas Francisco Kovaleski and Zeno Carlos Tesser Júnior | September, 2017
> further
Cescontexto | Debates - Issue 18 
O Drama dos/as Refugiados/as na Europa
Editors: Carlos Nolasco & Elsa Lechner | September 2017
> further
Call for papers 
Gender Workshop Series VIII (2017/2018)
Until 26 September, 2017
> further
Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
> further
Call for papers 
Water and other knowledges: making the plurilegality of the right to water visible
Editors: Lieselotte Viaene (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) e Denisse Roca Servat (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia)
> further
CES Award for Young Portuguese-Speaking Social Scientists 
Alexandre Marcussi wins the 10th edition of CES Award
July 2017
> further
«Show Utópico» by Pedro Neves
Screenplay by Pedro Neves, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Sara Araújo | July 2017
> further
July - September 2017
> further
Barómetro das Crises | no. 16 
Novo emprego. Que emprego?
Author: João Ramos de Almeida | 9 june 2017
> further
Cescontexto | Debates Issue 17 
«"Diferentes formas de dizer não". Expressões de conflitos ambientais de mineração e petróleo em Portugal e na América do Sul
Editors: Adriana Bravin and Lúcia Fernandes | May, 2017
> further
e-cadernos CES | Call for papers 
Ethnicity, Territory and Indigenous Peoples: The Paradoxes and Challenges of Neoliberal Policies
Editors: Victoria Chenaut and Laura Valladares de la Cruz | Deadline: June 28, 2017
> further
CASPIAN/PIRC Summer School 
Engaging with the outside: from theory to practice and back
PHOTOGRAPHS & TESTIMONIES | 26-28 April 2017, CES | Alta
> further
«As Bifurcações da Ordem»
Boaventura de Sousa Santos | Almedina, 2017
> further
Applications for CES scientific hosting 
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) - Individual Fellowships
Deadline: 10 July 2017
> further
Order of Timor-Leste 
Timor-Leste distinguishes Teresa Cunha
April 2017
> further
infoTRAUMA #1
Publication by Centro de Trauma/CES
> further
Cescontexto | Debates Issue 16 
Trabalho, Produção e Lutas Sociais no Século XXI
March 2017
> further
April - June 2017
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 26 
Ler na fronteira. As literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa em perspetiva comparada
Editors: Fabrice Schurmans & Margarida Calafate Ribeiro
> further
Cadernos do Observatório #10 
O Labirinto das Políticas de Emprego
Authors: Pedro Hespanha & Jorge Caleiras | March 2017
> further
Advanced Training 
CES Summer Schools 2017
Registrations open
> further
e-cadernos CES | Call for Papers 
«Interventions. Private Voices in Public Spaces»
Editors: Isabel Caldeira and Maria José Canelo | Deadline: 28 April 2017



> further
The Philosophical Salon:  Speculations, Reflections, Interventions
Editors: Michael Marder and Patricia Vieira | Open Humanities Press
> further
CESemCENA n.º 38
January 2017
> further
For creative tourism 
Call for cultural/Creative projects
Deadline for submissions: 15th January 2017
> further
CES Summer Schools 2017
Applications/Registration open
> further
Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
> further
CESemCENA n.º 37
October 2016
> further
«Pessoas com deficiência em Portugal» by Fernando Fontes
Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation | August 2016

Book release > September 30, 19h00, at Folio - Festival Literário Internacional de Óbidos

> further
Barómetro das Crises | # 14
November 6, 2015
> further
CESemCENA | Issue 36
July 2016
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 109 
Culturas musicais contemporâneas
Edited by Paula Guerra and Paula Abreu | May 2016
> further
Applications for FCT 2016 Postdoctoral and PhD Fellowships
Apply to the Centre for Social Studies as the host institution until July 3
> further
Applications for FCT 2016 PhD Fellowships
Apply to the Centre for Social Studies as the host institution until July 3
> further
Cescontexto | Debates Issue 15 
Ways of seeing, ways of making seen. Visual representations in urban landscapes
Editors: Carlos Nolasco, Ana Raquel Matos and Olga Solovova | May 2016
> further
2nd International Colloquium of MA and PhD students and in Feminist Studies / Gender Studies / Women's Studies 
"We must all be feminists": Feminism takes up space [21 OCT 2016, FLUC-Coimbra]
Call for Papers | Deadline July 15, 2016
> further
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Individual Fellowships
Applications for CES’ scientific hosting | Deadline: July 31, 2016
> further
Provas de Doutoramento em Governação, Conhecimento e Inovação 
"The high cost of cost-efficiency: A critique of carbon trading" by Ricardo Sequeiros Coelho
28 de abril de 2016, 15h00, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da UC
> further
Final Doctoral Examination in Law, Justice, and Citizenship in the Twenty First Century 
"Tutela jurisdicional efetiva no direito da União Europeia. Dimensões teóricas e práticas" by Carlos Carranho Proença
April 14, 2016, 15h00, Great Hall of Acts of the University of Coimbra
> further
CESemCena | Issue 35
April 2016
> further
Cadernos do Observatório #7 
Narrativas da crise no jornalismo económico
Authors: José Castro Caldas and João Ramos de Almeida | March 2016
> further
e-cadernos CES | Issue 24 
"As mulheres nas profissões jurídicas: experiências e representações"
Edited by Madalena Duarte | 2015
> further
Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
> further
CES Summer Schools
June - September 2016
> further
Doctoral Programme "Cultural Heritages of Portuguese Influence" 
"Portugueses de Torna-Viagem. A Representação da Emigração na Literatura Portuguesa" by Martina Matozzi
February 4, 2016, 10:00am, Great Hall of Acts of the University of Coimbra
> further
Final Doctoral Examination in Law, Justice, and Citizenship in the Twenty First Century 
"O que a Lei não vê e o trabalhador sente. O modelo de reparação dos acidentes de trabalho em Portugal" by Teresa Maria Maneca Lima
February 23 2016, 15h00, Great Hall of Acts of the University of Coimbra
> further
Cabo dos Trabalhos, # 11 | 2015
Doctoral Programme | 'Labour Relations, Social Inequality and Trade Unionism'
> further
CESemCENA | Issue 34
January 2016
> further
Oficina do CES | Issue 428 
Women, the Economy and the State in Portugal: A Critical Look
Author: Lina Coelho | September 2015
> further
Cescontexto | Debates > # 12 
Paisagens Socioculturais Contemporâneas
Coordinator: Carlos Fortuna | November 2015
> further
Applications for 8 internships now open 
Integration into Research Internships
Until November 30, 2015
> further
CES-UC Doctoral Programmes | Inaugural lecture video 
"Democratising the Eurozone" by Yanis Varoufakis (U. de Atenas)
October 17, 2015 | Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra Auditorium
> further
New web site online 
Research Project "LGE - Local Gender Equality: Mainstreaming de Género nas Comunidades Locais"
Researchers: Rosa Monteiro, Sandra Palma Saleiro and Virgínia Ferreira (coord)
> further
New Advanced Training Courses 
e-UNIFOJ | E-learning for Legal and Judicial Training 
'Cybercrime and Digital Proof '| 'Corruption: Enforcement and Application of Prevention Mechanisms, Investigation and Trials' | 'Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and Collaboration Duties' > Registrations now open
> further
CES goes to school
2015/2016 Edition
> further
October 2015
> further
Annual Report of the Observatory for Education Policies and Professional Development (Op.Edu) 
"Menos Estado Social, uma Escola mais Desigual" | Coord: Ana Benavente, Paulo Peixoto
Setembro de 2015
> further
Research project 
Culture and Urban Development Initiative
August 1 - October 31, 2015
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 107 
As lutas pela Amazónia no início do milénio
Org: Pedro Hespanha and Luis E. Aragón | September 2015
> further
Proceedings of the International Colloquium 
Epistemologies of the South-South, South-North and North-South global learnings
Boaventura de Sousa Santos e Teresa Cunha (eds)
> further
Open Applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
Until September 15, 2015
> further
Vagas Atlânticas
Orgs. João Peixoto, Beatriz Padilla, José Carlos Marques and Pedro Góis | Julho 2015
> further
Cescontexto # 11 | Debates 
Olhares sobre o século XX português – VIII e IX Ciclos Anuais de Jovens Cientistas Sociais
Org: Susana Costa and Miguel Cardina | July 2015
> further
9th Edition Of The CES Award for Young Portuguese-Speaking Social Scientists 
Élida Lauris and Sílvia Roque joint winners of the 9th edition of CES Award
July 2015
> further
Cadernos do Observatório - #4 | #5 | #6
Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives |June 2015
> further
Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry 
Editores: Nancy Duxbury, W.F. Garrett-Petts, and David MacLennan | Routledge 2015
> further
Hyperrhiz, no. 12 | Mapping Culture Multimodally 
Editors:Craig Saper and Nancy Duxbury | Special Issue - Summer 2015


> further
Applications now open 
Live Science Internships 2015
July 13–17 2015 | CES-Coimbra
> further
e-cadernos CES # 22 
Reflections on Palestinian women and cinema
Organisers: Shahd Wadi and Júlia Garraio
> further
Oficina do CES n.º 423 
Latin American Volksgeist: notes the  Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich relationship
Author: Gildemarks Costa e Silva | April 2015
> further
Two Research Fellow Positions in Social Sciences and Humanities
Deadline for applications: May 31, 2015.
> further
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 
Religion, Gender, and Sexual Citizenship
Call for papers | Deadline for submission: July 17, 2015
> further
Open Sessions EEA | FEUC 
FEUC/CES Doctoral Programme Presentations | 2015/2016
May 8, 2015, 14h00, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | 106 
Memórias de violências: Que futuro para o passado?
Editor: Maria Paula Meneses | May 2015
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"Para lá dos números | As consequências pessoais do desemprego" by  Jorge Caleiras
CES/Almedina Book Series – Série Trabalho e Sociedade | 2015
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 
Contemporary Musical Cultures
Call for submission of articles | Deadline: July 21, 2015
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Marie Curie Fellowships
Applications with CES as host institution | Deadline: August 15, 2015
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CESemCENA ' 31
April 2015
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Barómetro das Crises | # 12
January 27, 2015
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Doctoral Examination Public Defence in Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship 
"A Mediação na resolução de conflitos - O caso de Bambadinca"  [Mediation in conflict resolution - The case of Bambadinca] - by Fodé Abulai Mané
March 20, 2015, 10h30,Great Hall of Acts of the University of Coimbra
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Revista de Cultura Arquitectónica 
JOELHO #05_Digital Alberti: Tradition and Innovation
Coordination: Mário Krüger, José P. Duarte e Gonçalo Canto Moniz | EDARQ 2014
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e-cadernos ces #21 
Dez anos da Convenção do Património Imaterial: ressonâncias Norte e Sul
Organisers: Regina Abreu and Paulo Peixoto
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CES Summer Schools | 2015
Information & registrations
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Issue #3 Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives 
Proteção Social e Terceiro Setor: Que modelo queremos para Portugal?
Cláudia Joaquim | Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives, February, 2015
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CES awarded with 2 to more ERC Consolidator Grants, in the amount of 4 million euros 
Research projects coordinated by Helena Machado and Margarida Calafate Ribeiro
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Call for Participation 
2nd International EDiSo Symposium (June 18-20, 2015 | Coimbra)
Deadline: March 15, 2015
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Call for original papers 
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais
Until March 31, 2015
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e-cadernos CES > 03 | 2009: «O imaginário europeu a partir da controvérsia dos "cartoons"»
Orgs: Marta Araújo, Marisa Matias, Hélia Santos e Bruno Sena Martins
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January 2015
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In Memoriam 
António Gama Mendes
30.12.1948 – 31.12.2014
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First Call for Coordinators 
The II EDiSo Internacional Simposium [18‐20 June, 2015] invites participants to coordinate work sessions
Until December 31, 2014


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New issue online 
RCCS Annual Review #6
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3rd round for applications 
Doctoral Programme "Cultural Heritages of Portuguese Influence"
Deadline: December 20, 2014
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Happy Holidays Campaign 
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS)
75% off on the cover value
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Tender for professor/researcher of Brazil 
Chair in Social Sciences and Humanities
Applications until March 1, 2015
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Call for papers 
V International Colloquium of Doctoral Students of the Centre for Social Studies [March 20-21, 2015]]
Deadline for paper proposals: January 31, 2015, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
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CESemCENA | 29
October 2014
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Policredos | Newsletter 2
April-September 2014
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue 104 
Consolidação da paz em Timor-Leste
Edited by Maria Raquel Freire and Paula Duarte Lopes | September 2014
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Call for papers 
IV Colóquio de Teologias Feministas
Deadline: September 30, 2014
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Newsletter P@x | Issue 26 
Minorias durante e após conflitos violentos
July 2014
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Cadernos do observatório #2 
Finança e habitação
Authors: Ana Cordeiro Santos, Nuno Teles e Nuno Serra | July 2014
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Doctoral Programme Presentation on "Governance, Knowledge, and Innovation" 
'The Governance of Emergent Technologies in the Semi-peripheral Context: The Cases of Nanotechnology in Brazil and Portugal' by  Paulo Fonseca
July 21, 2014, 2:30pm, Capelos Room at the Universidade de Coimbra
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Doctoral Programme Presentation on "Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship" 
‘Sonhos de Abril. A Luta pela Terra e a Reforma Agrária no Brasil e em Portugal – os casos de Eldorado dos Carajás e Baleizão’ por Caetano de Carli
July 30, 2014, 15h00, Capelos Room at the University of Coimbra
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Training courses 
Ciência Viva 2014
July 14-18, 2014, CES-Coimbra
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Research project 
"Cultura, Emprego e Cidadania"
Research project coordinated by Carlos Fortuna within ‘Cultura 2020’
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Newsleter | Issue 28 
July 2014
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Cescontexto: Debates nº 6 | "Monastic architecture and the city"
Org.: | Catarina Almeida Marado | June 2014
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Marie Curie Fellowships
Applications with CES as host institution | Deadline August 25, 2014
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais | Issue103
Orgs.: Elísio Estanque e Hermes Augusto Costa | May 2014
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Portuguese Political Science Association Award (2014) 
Teresa Almeida Cravo and Ramon Blanco distinguished
April, 2014
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e-cadernos ces | Issue 18 
Epistemologias feministas: ao encontro da crítica radical
Edited by: Lennita Oliveira Ruggi e Rose Barboza
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"Tecnologias que Incriminam" by Helena Machado e Barbara Prainsack
CES/Almedina | Serie 'Conhecimento e Instituições' | 2014
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POLICREDOS | Newsletter Issue # 1
January-March 2014
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Iniciativas comemorativas do quadragésimo aniversário do 25 de Abril de 1974 
25 de Abril – 40 anos de futuro
Janeiro a Dezembro de 2014
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS) | Issue 101 
Perspetivas interdisciplinares sobre consumo e crédito
Orgs: Ana Cordeiro Santos, Catarina Frade & Miguel Oliveira
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E-learning courses 
Platform E-LOCAL: Electronically Learning Other Cultures and Languages
Finlandês, húngaro, italiano, neerlandês, polaco ou português.
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Call for Nominations 
IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award 2014
Deadline for submission: February 3, 2014.
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e-cadernos ces | Issue 17 
Environmental Inequalities: Conflicts, Discourses, Mobilizations
Editors: Lúcia Fernandes e Stefania Barca
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Provas de Doutoramento em Política Internacional e Resolução de Conflitos 
"O Direito pela Paz: Contributo para a Superação da «Síndrome das duas Culturas» entre as Relações Internacionais e o Direito Internacional" de Mateus Kowalski
December 11, 2013, 3:00pm, Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Edifício das Matemáticas, University of Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo 
"Os Dilemas da CUT no início do século XXI: rumo a uma nova institucionalização sindical?" de Fernanda Forte de Carvalho
19 de dezembro de 2013, 10h30, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Democracia no Século XXI 
"The civil servants in the participatory processes of Local Administrations: hypotheses on the changing cultural/organisational patterns of Back Office" de Roberto Falanga
December 27, 2013, 10:30 am, Sala dos Capelos, Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra
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Provas de Doutoramento em Sociologia 
"Fintar Fronteiras: Migrações Internacionais no Futebol Português" de Carlos Nolasco
December 23, 2013, 3:00pm, José Anastácio da Cunha Room, Edifício das Matemáticas, University of Coimbra
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Oficina do CES | Issue 404 
Emilia Pardo Bazán e o feminismo como tema na viragem do século XIX
Author: Luciana Moreira Silva
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New issue online 
RCCS Annual Review #5
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e-cadernos ces | Call for Papers 
"Women in Legal Professions: Experiences and Representations" | Editor: Madalena Duarte
The deadline for submission is February 2, 2014
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Deficiência e Emancipação Social: Para uma crise da normalidade [Disability and Social Emancipation: Towards a crisis of normality]
Directed by Bruno Sena Martins, Fernando Fontes, Pedro Hespanha and Aleksandra Berg
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e-cadernos ces | Call for papers 
"New approaches to the post-Soviet space" | Editor: Licínia Simão
The deadline for submission is January 19, 2014
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS) 100 (2013) 
Crise ecológica e novos desafios para a democracia
Orgs: Giovanni Allegretti, Stefania Barca and Laura Centemeri
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October 2013
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Cescontexto | Debates nº 3 
Systems of History: George Kubler’s Portuguese Plain Architecture
Organization: Eliana Sousa Santos | September 2013
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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais |Issue 99 
"Em torno da cidade criativa"
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Bolsas Marie Curie
Applications with CES as host institution | Deadline July 1, 2013
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Mário Augusto Medeiros da Silva and Miguel Cardina joint winners of the 8th edition of CES Award
July 2013
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Call for Papers  
Feminist Epistemologies: Encountering Radical Criticism
Guest Editors: Lennita Oliveira Ruggi , Rosimeire Barboza Silva
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Open applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
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Call for Nominations  
IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award 2013
Until February 1st, 2013
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Journal of Public Deliberation (Vol 8, Issue 2 - 2012)  
The Spread of Participatory Budgeting Across the Globe: Adoption, Adaptation, and Impacts
December 2012
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Book Launch 
"Social Movements and Sexual Citizenship in Southern Europe" by Ana Cristina Santos
17 January 2013, 7pm, at Gay’s The Word Bookshop 66 Marchmont Street | London
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Programme for the Internationalisation of Social Sciences in Portugal - 2012 
Mathias Thaler distinguished for a paper
December, 2012
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Estágios de Integração na Investigação (12 vagas)
Para estudantes de licenciaturas. Candidaturas até 14 de dezembro.
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Call for contributions for a special issue of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 
“Ecological Crisis and the New Challenges for Democracy”
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Top 3% of UC Students Award 
University of Coimbra awards Luciana Silva
September, 2012
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Applications from 1 to 31 October. 
Grant 'A month at CES'
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Marie Curie Fellowships
Applications with CES as host institution | Until July 15th, 2012
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FCT Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Grants
Applications with CES as host institution CES | Until 15 June, 2012
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CES – Host Institution 
"FCT Investigator" program
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A Routledge Publication (New York | April 2012) 
Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics
José Castro Caldas/Vítor Neves (Editors)
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Special Issue: Beyond the Creative City 
Journal Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais  no. 99
Call for Papers (Submission deadline: 31 March 2012)
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Call for Submissions until March 30th 
Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry
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Open Applications 
CES Doctoral Programmes
1 March to 15 June, 2012
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André Rubião and Tatiana Moura joint winners of the 7th edition of CES Award
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Symposium Animation of Public Space through the Arts: Innovation and Sustainability 
Call for contributions
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José Manuel Viegas Neves winner of the 6th edition of CES Award
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Clara Santos and Susana de Noronha joint winners of the 5th edition of CES Award
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Bruno Sena Martins winner of the 4th edition of CES Award
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3rd edition of the CES Award for Young Scientists 
Helena Singer winner of the 3rd edition of CES Award
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Círculo Teixeira Gomes Essay Award 
Círculo Teixeira Gomes distinguishes book by Fernando Ruivo
March, 2002
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2nd edition of the CES Award for Young Scientists 
André de Brito Correia winner of the 2nd edition of CES Award
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