Open Class

«The Voice-Cracker»: Humour and Politics

Nuno Amaral Jerónimo (Universidade da Beira Interior)

December 13, 2018, 14h00

Keynes Hall, Faculty of Economics - UC


In a world lavishly torn by the multiplicity of media narratives, humour in public discourse emerges as an apparent rhetorical need to capture the attention of the listener, receiver, and voter.

In this open class, we discuss the intersubjective understanding of humour speech, the simultaneously subversive and normative role of humour, the political dimension of comedy and the comic dimension of politics.

As a guiding thread, one thinks of the story that brought us from the medieval jesters to the contemporary jesters.

Bio note

Nuno Amaral Jerónimo - Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology of the University of Beira Interior since 2015. Guest Lecturer in the same Department between 1998 and 2015.
PhD in Sociology from the University of Beira Interior, with the thesis titled "Humour in Contemporary Society".
Chair of the disciplines of Sociology of Culture and Communication, Sociology of Consumption and Fashion, Theories of Culture, and Creative Writing Workshop.
Director of communication and editor of the collaborative creative project "New Hand Lab" in Covilhã.
Author of Como Ficar Estupidamente Culto em Apenas 10 Minutos.
Contributor of Inimigo Público, between 2004 and 2008.
Weekly columnist for the newspaper O Interior, between 2000 and 2015.

Activity under the Transdisciplinary Doctoral Programme "Speeches: History, Culture and Society" (FLUC/ FEUC/CES)