Encontro Ciência 2022

CES at the Science and Technology Meeting in Portugal 

May 16 to 18, 2022, Lisbon Congress Centre

“Building the Future with Science” is the motto for the presentation of the main research themes that are at the core of the R&D Units in Portugal and that reflect the central themes in world science today. These days also function as a platform to stimulate interaction and dialogue between participants, and to enhance new interdisciplinary interactions. The guest country is Egypt, which participates actively in the meeting in terms of representation of official entities and scientific institutions.

As in previous years, the Science Meeting 2022 is organised in different types of sessions, from plenary to thematic, including communications, demonstrations and online posters.

Science 2022 is promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology in collaboration with Ciência Viva and the Parliamentary Committee for Education and Science, having also the institutional support of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
[Detailed information about the Science Meeting 2022]

Interventions of CES researchers in the Science Meeting 2022
May 16th
Roundtable Art, Culture and Heritage II | Room B - 14h00-15h30
Portuguese architecture as a narrative, before and now - Jorge Figueira and Bruno Gil

May 18th
Roundtable Gender Equality | Room A - 15h30-17h00
Gender Inequalities in pandemic times - Lina Coelho, Virgínia Ferreira

May 18th
Participation of António Sousa Ribeiro in the roundtable Main challenges of Science and ALs until 2030 | Auditorium 2 - 2:00pm-3:30pm