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In the Name of Innovation: Industry controls billions in EU research funding and de-prioritises the public interest 

Global Health Advocay / Corporate Europe Observatory Report


This report from two non-governmental organisations analyses public-private partnerships involving the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and industrial interest groups, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI). It demonstrates the influence of business interests, especially the pharmaceutical industry, by using public-private partnerships to prioritise investments with greater commercial interest and more profit, and the effects of the bio-economy industries on the destruction of the environment and biodiversity. This has reduced investment in long-term preparedness for health emergencies such as those we are experiencing, as well as for priority health problems related to HIV/AIDS and tropical diseases and affecting populations living in poverty and precariousness.  The document demonstrates once again the need to affirm and guarantee the priority of public interest in European initiatives and policies on research and innovation prioritisation and public funding.