COORDINATION: Hermes Augusto Costa
This PhD programme in Sociology is oriented towards graduates and master holders who have completed previous training in the same area, and also aimed at candidates from other areas of knowledge, but whose interests and academic or professional CVs are considered suitable for a 3rd cycle of studies.
The programme operates in strict compliance with the research activities developed at the Centre for Social Studies, as a host institution.
The PhD Programme in Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism began in 2008/2009 and was accredited by Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES) in 21020 for a 6-year term. The Programme opens biannually, with a new edition opening every two years.
Its main objective is to provide advanced training in the social areas directly linked to the social and employment policies, as well as to the field of social dialogue and labour-conflict resolution, and also those relating to sexual equalityy, trade Unionism and social movements. It is designed to contribute to: a) broadening the scientific knowledge within the social sciences, in areas deemed to be significant for an understanding of the ongoing social changes in the current Portuguese and global contexts; b) developing professional or association-linked qualifications and competencies by deepening the analysis and critical diagnosis centred around these themes.
It was the right choice to opt for a Ph.D. at UC in partnership with CES, because of the quality of the infrastructure and the possibility of sharing knowledge and experiences. The various thematic lines make it possible to push personal and collective boundaries in the field of knowledge.
Robson Thomaz, all but dissertation (Brazil)

"The Programme allows me to discuss central issues regarding social, labour and union issues with people of great knowledge and relevance in the academic debate. The dedication to the development of the study by the lecturers is decisive for my excellent evaluation of the course."
Vítor Godoi, all but dissertation (Brazil)