CES Summer School

The protection of fundamental rights in the EU and its practices

21 - 23 September 2017

CES | Lisbon


Thematic area(s) of the course (list up to four keywords that synthesize the course content):
Fundamental rights / judicial cooperation / European citizenship

Scientific Coordination:  José Manuel Pureza (jmp@ces.uc.pt).
Coordination: Conceição Gomes (cgomes@ces.uc.pt) and Marina Henriques (marina@ces.uc.pt)

Abstract: Since the decade 1950, the evolution of the European protection of fundamental rights framework has been highly influenced by the action of the several institutions, particularly the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Council of Europe. Recently, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union reinforced that framework. However, its implementation and application is still confronted with different tools, judicial cultures and practices.

This Summer Course will cover, from a normative perspective, the process on the development of the protection of fundamental rights in the European Union, focused on the knowledge about the Charter, and its contents. Although a specific focus on European law and systems will be made, the main international human rights protection legal instruments will also be debated. This course aims to contribute to overcome the difficulties related to the lack of knowledge in this field in order to reinforce mobilization of fundamental rights within EU space and to promote interactions between professionals aiming at facilitating the exchange of best practices.


Unit 1 (September, 21: 9h30m- 12h30m)
General overview of the human rights protection: the international and the European system

Unit 2 (September, 21: 14h30m- 17h30m)
Framework of the European Union system of fundamental rights protection

Unit 3 (September, 22: 9h30m- 12h30m)
The EU Charter of fundamental rights: scope of application, fundamental rights and principles

Unit 4 (September, 22: 14h30m- 17h30m)
Enforcement of the EU Charter: when and how

Unit 5 (September, 23: 9h30m- 12h30m)
Relevant case law discussion: asylum, immigration, economic and social rights

Unit 6 (September, 23: 14h30m- 17h30m)
Conference and debate: Social, political and legal challenges to the EU Charter implementation

Target participants: Judges, Public Prosecutors, lawyers, academics, leaders of judicial institutions, journalists, judicial officers and students.

Fees to be charged: € 150,00
1st registration period - until 15 July (discount 20%): € 120,00
2nd registration period – 15 July to 15 september: € 150,00
Last day lunch (not included): + € 20,00

* Members of the Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses, the Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público, the Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses students also have a 10% discount, with the following registration fees:

1st registration period - until 15 July: € 108,00
2nd registration period – 15 July to 15 September:  € 135,00

Minimum and maximum number of participants: 15 - 30 participants

This Summer School will use portuguese and english as work languages