«Biodiversity, cultural pathways, and human health: a framework» por Clark et al.

4 de junho de 2021, 14h30 (GMT +01:00)

Evento em formato digital

Comentários: Rita Campos (CES)


Direct contact with biodiversity is culturally important in a range of contexts. Many people even join conservation organisations to protect biodiversity that they will never encounter first-hand. Despite this, we have little idea how biodiversity affects people's well-being and health through these cultural pathways. Human health is sensitive to apparently trivial psychological stimuli, negatively affected by the risk of environmental degradation, and positively affected by contact with natural spaces. This suggests that well-being and health should be affected by biodiversity change, but few studies have begun to explore these relationships. Here, we develop a framework for linking biodiversity change with human cultural values, well-being, and health. We argue that better understanding these relations might be profoundly important for biodiversity conservation and public health.

Esta oficina integra o Grupo de Leitura de Ecologia Política 2020-2021 da Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade (ECOSOC). 

[Texto disponível AQUI]


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