Lição | Colégio de Estudos Globais

Pacific peoples' histories and contemporary activism for environment and self-determination

Katerina Teaiwa (Australian National University)

16 de novembro de 2022, 09h30 (GMT)

Evento em formato digital


Katerina Teaiwa will discuss the connections between Pacific values and identities, colonial histories, contemporary geo-political dynamics, and environmental activism in Oceania. She will highlight her own work on the ongoing effects of 20th century phosphate mining and population displacement on Banaban communities in Kiribati, Fiji and the diaspora

Nota biográfica

Katerina Teaiwa is Professor of Pacific Studies in the School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University. She was born and raised in Fiji and is of Banaban, Tabiteuean, and African American heritage. Her research extends from histories of phosphate mining in Oceania, to Pacific arts, culture, environments, regionalism, and activism. She is a practising artist touring her research-based multi-media exhibition Project Banaba, curated by Yuki Kihara. Katerina has won two national teaching excellence awards including “Australian University Teacher of the Year 2021” from Universities Australia. 


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