Emprego, Bolsas & Estágios

Research Studentship

The Centre for Social Studies (CES) - Associate Laboratory - University of Coimbra (Portugal), opens a call for applications for 1 research studentship (CES/15/2024-BI-HOUSEnomics) in the project "External demands in the Portuguese housing market: multidimensional impacts and the role of public policies [Procuras externas na habitação em Portugal: impactos multidimensionais e o papel das políticas públicas]", reference 2023.10533.S4P23, funded by the Portuguese Government, through the Centro de Competências de Planeamento, de Políticas e de Prospetiva da Administração Pública (PlanAPP), and coordinated by Ana Drago.

Candidaturas até 30 de setembro de 2024


Research Studentship - Communication and Dissemination

The Centre for Social Studies (CES) - Associate Laboratory - University of Coimbra (Portugal), calls for applications for one position for a Research Studentship with a focus on Communication and Dissemination Manager activities (CES/16/2024-BI-INSITU), within the project "IN SITU: Place-based Innovation of Cultural and Creative Industries in Non-urban Areas" (Grant Agreement 101061747), funded by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission under the framework programme Horizon Europe 2021-2027, and coordinated by the Principal Investigator (PI) Nancy Duxbury.

Candidaturas até 2 de outubro de 2024
