Artigos em Revistas Científicas

Valverde Contreras, Beatriz; Alexander Keese (2022), ""Living at the Margins of Repression: Everyday Life and Hidden Challenges in the Azores' Central Group, 1954-1960"", European History Quarterly, 52, 2, 221-244

Contreras, Beatriz Valverde; Keese, Alexander (2021), "The Art of Running Away: Escapes and Flight Movements During the Great Depression in São Tomé e Príncipe, 1930", International Review of Social History, 66, 3, 357-388

Valverde Contreras, Beatriz; Keese, Alexander (2021), "Between violence, racism and reform: São Tomé e Príncipe in the Great Depression Years (1930-1937)", Journal of Contemporary History, 56, 2, 243-267

Valverde Contreras, Beatriz; Keese, Alexander (2019), ""The Limits of Authoritarian Rule at the Periphery: The PIDE, the American Airbase, and Social Control on Terceira Island, Azores, 1954-1962"", Journal of Social History, 52, Issue 4, 1307-1329

Valverde Contreras, Beatriz (2014), "Cervantes como salvador de la nación: Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, crisis nacional y las políticas de identidad nacional en España, 1880-1905", Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, 34, 2, 253-269

Valverde Contreras, Beatriz (2011), "'España hará una de esas fiestas memorables que deja recuerdos perpetuos': la imagen del Imperio Hispánico en la Exposición Universal de Barcelona de 1888 y la Exposición Histórica de Madrid de 1892", Revista de Historiografía, VIII, 15/2, 160-170