
Epistemologies of the South: Conflicts, Resistances and Alternatives to Life vs. Extractivist and Financial Capitalism

September 28, 2018, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


15h- Welcome by Teresa Cunha

15h05- Roundtable between Southern Epistemologies (ESC) and Collective Capabilities (HEGOA)
Teresa Cunha & Boventura Monjane (CES - UC)
Manuel Barroso & Vasco Coelho (HEGOA – UPV)

15h35- Debate

16h15- Break

16h30- Presentation of case studies

Introduction by Jokin Alberdi - Professor of the Department of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law of the University of the Basque Country

Case of Tolima, Colombia by Miguel Espinosa - Professor at the University of Tolima

Case of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique by Alda Solomon - PhD student at Utrech University and leader of the Terra Viva Center in Mozambique

Case of Urdaibai, Basque Country by María Oianguren - Director of the Peace Research Center Gernika Gogoratuz

1730h - Debate

18h30 – Final Notes: Begoña Dorronsoro and Luísa Valle