Launch of the 5th Report of the Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives

«Como reorganizar um país vulnerável?» | Ed.: José Reis

December 15, 2020, 17h00 (GMT)

Online event > Compulsory Registrations

The presentation will be made by Sandra Monteiro, journalist, director of Le Monde Diplomatique - Portuguese edition, José Madureira Pinto, sociologist, professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, and Alexandre Abreu, economist, professor at ISEG.

This activity is carried out through the Zoom platform, with compulsory registration.ísVulnerável


«Como reorganizar um país vulnerável?» | Ed.: José Reis
Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives/Almedina | 2020

Macroeconomics and economic organisation, public policies, labour, employment and production, urban territories, environment, families, social interdependencies and inequalities. These could be the key words in this book for us to study vulnerabilities to which we cannot fail to pay attention. But we are also interested in the alternatives. And they are proposed here in all areas. The radical uncertainty that surrounds us is the strongest invitation to discuss and look at the essentials, knowing that it cannot be in the old rationalities or the old restrictions that we find the terms of the discussion. It is life that imposes itself on us as our greatest value. Both individual lives and the life that must guide our collective reorganisation, in the economy, in society, in the public and political space.