
Island of Mozambique 1983: incorporating the architectural research archive into UC

March 12, 2020, 10h00 (CANCELLED)

Sala de S. Pedro, University of Coimbra General Library

Programme (provisional)

10:00h Opening Table

o   Amílcar Falcão,  Rector of the University of Coimbra

o   António de Sousa  Ribeiro, Director of the Centre for Social Studies ot the University of Coimbra

o   Rui Bebiano, Director of the 25th of April Documentation Centre (CD25A)

o   José António Bandeirinha, Director of the Department of Architecture ot the University of Coimbra

o   Lars Nicolai Bock, Coordinator of Survey donated by the Aarhus School of Architecture 

o   Walter Rossa, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in Portuguese Influential Heritage (framing intervention)


11:00h Session 1: The 1983 Island of Mozambique Survey and cooperation

Moderators (to be confirmed)

o   Lars Nicolai Bock: The Aarhus School of Architecture 1983 mission  

o   Francisco Keil do Amaral: Aspects of the process as seen by a Portuguese cooperative

o   Natércia Coimbra: Integrating the estate into CD25Abril

o   Isequiel  Alcolete: The Island, the Blue Book and the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of UniLúrio

o   Jens  Houggard: Danish cooperation and the survey’s lengthy conclusion 


15:00h Session 2: impacts on the present </