
Arts and Resistances

Cecília Boal

Geo Britto

Julian Boal

Sérgio de Carvalho

June 19, 2017, 15h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


In the scope of the research line 'Epistemologies of the South', Arts and the Resistances is a seminar that, in a conversation circle format, intends to be a practical exercise of 'ecology of knowledges'. It is a matter of thinking, with the whole body, about languages and artistic creations as modes of political and social resistance; but it is also a question of bringing different experiences of resistance and putting them into dialogue.

With Julian Boal and Cecília Boal (Directors of the Augusto Boal Institute in Rio de Janeiro), Sérgio de Carvalho (Professor of USP and Director of Political Theater Company 'Companhia do Latão') and Geo Britto (Director of the Theater of the Oppressed of Rio de Janeiro) we will cross techniques of the Theater of the Oppressed with narratives and other ways of thinking the resistances.